OK, now what?

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Stupid question of the day...

I downloaded the RC1 ISO file on to a computer already running Beta 2. The
download went fine. But when I tried to locate the ISO file so I could burn
it to a DVD disk, I couldn't find it. And a search didn't locate it either.

Any idea where the Download Manager would have put it?
Have you done a file search for files ending with the extension of iso? If
you used the Download Manager from Microsoft, the file is in a folder in a
directory you specified when you downloaded it.
The default seems to be your documents folder.

Richard G. Harper said:
Where-ever you told it to put it when you started the download?

Richard G. Harper [MVP Shell/User] (e-mail address removed)
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Frank Teltsch said:
Stupid question of the day...

I downloaded the RC1 ISO file on to a computer already running Beta 2.
download went fine. But when I tried to locate the ISO file so I could
it to a DVD disk, I couldn't find it. And a search didn't locate it

Any idea where the Download Manager would have put it?
When using Pre-RC1, my download ended up in the following location...

C:\Users\YourUserNameHere\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet
When using Pre-RC1, my download ended up in the following location...

C:\Users\YourUserNameHere\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet
Really obvious place to look that is.

Could they have found somewhere more obscure?


Gary Mount said:
When using Pre-RC1, my download ended up in the following location...

C:\Users\YourUserNameHere\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet
Thanks for all the suggestions. But I already had tried all of these, and
none of them did any good. That's why I posted my question.

Since a search for .iso files came up empty, my only thought is that the RC1
file somehow failed to save at all, and I'll need to download it again.
Go to the address Gary gave. It appears you must type the Virtualized part,
because even an Administrator can't see the folder without help. Open the
address toolbar and copy and past the address, making necessary changes.
You might stop at the Virtualized part and see what comes after that. Your
file may be in a slightly different location.

You could just run the directory window to the Temporary Internet Files part
and then type "\Virtualized" in the path. I think it must be some type of
bug when you download files, but can't get to them. Perhaps it is a problem
with the download manager.

It is redirection. Nothing from the internet zone is trusted and therefore
it is redirected to a sandbox location. This is by design.
I can't wait until Vista ships....can you imagine all the hassle these
'disappearing downloads' are going to cause? I do hope there will be some
documentation available to explain to users how they can retrieve the
programs that they have downloaded. At the moment, there seems to be no
official explanation as to why these files get sandboxed or how to retrieve

I went into Internet Options, Advanced, and unchecked the box "Check for
signatures on downloaded programs" before even starting IE7 for the first
time. Haven't had a download disappear into the sandbox yet ;-)
That is the best tip I've seen for this problem for the future, does'nt help
a bit for allready hidden dl's
If this is by design, it is a bad design.

I don't think it is by design, but if the download dialog panel tells you
that it is in My Received Document, then it should be in My Received
Document. Not some obscure temporary directory that even searching the
entire drive cannot find.

What if the car manufacturers by design hide the start ignition of your car
so that you cannot find it, as a precaution to preventing car theft.
I think this is a bug.

Jane C said:
I can't wait until Vista ships....can you imagine all the hassle these
'disappearing downloads' are going to cause? I do hope there will be some
documentation available to explain to users how they can retrieve the
programs that they have downloaded. At the moment, there seems to be no
official explanation as to why these files get sandboxed or how to retrieve

I went into Internet Options, Advanced, and unchecked the box "Check for
signatures on downloaded programs" before even starting IE7 for the first
time. Haven't had a download disappear into the sandbox yet ;-)
I agree. I've seen the confusion here because of this.
Just wait until this is released to the masses- lawd have mercy.

It's working but I think you have to look in the virtualized folder. I just
haven't dealt with the issue because I download to the desktop when I
download in Vista and I use an XP Pro x64 machine as a helper in downloading
and burning iso's.
Except, of course, that the release version won't be a download. It will be
a pair of dvd's in box.
The official explanation of the sandboxing is straightforward. Security,
security, security. In Vista, nothing from the internet zone is trusted and
you cannot change it to trusted. If you try, Vista will just ignore you.