Damien said:
spodosaurus committed to the eternal aether...:
It would have been along the lines of what I responded to Andy's with.
I don't think the OP indicated any ignorance about his business, only about
computers. For all we know, he's briefed the 'boffin' about what his needs
are, the boffin has proposed a solution and OP is soliciting some feedback
from this petshop.
Andy wrote "You need to analyse your business before you ask questions".
Presumptuous at minimum.
How so? He needs to determine if an upgrade is necessary. If so, then he
needs to analyse what aspects of his business will possibly improve from
an upgrade. Then you can start looking at other options. For all we
know, the current computers are perfectly adequate and upgrading those
is not necessary, but perhaps adding a server would improve interoffice
cooperation and communication. Maybe a router behind a broadband
connection is all that's needed to improve productivity.
BTW, I don't necessarily disagree with the advice, it's just worded in a
smart-arse disingenuous way.
I didn't get that at all. :-/
spammage trappage: remove the underscores to reply
I'm going to die rather sooner than I'd like. I tried to protect my
neighbours from crime, and became the victim of it. Complications in
hospital following this resulted in a serious illness. I now need a bone
marrow transplant. Many people around the world are waiting for a marrow
transplant, too. Please volunteer to be a marrow donor: