I am interested in getting views on a proposed office network. I have taken
some advice from a boffin but have no way of checking whether that advice is
good or bad. I am hoping that the collective brains trust in these groups
might shed some light on the subject. Please bear in mind that I am not far
advanced from computer illiterate. If these questions are incomprehensible
then that might be the explanation.
We have 4 staff, each with their own stand alone computers. I am going to
acquire four new computers. Those in my office tell me that I need to change
the current arrangement to an office network.
The use will be e-mail, web searching and small accounting system.
The questions I would like to answer for the new office network are
1. is a server as well as the 4 desk tops a good idea. ie what would a
server add? Is it just the ability to view/access others files? What are the
relative advantages and disadvantages of adding a server eg accessibility
and cost effectiveness?
2. Is Celeron or AMD preferable vis-a-vis pentium 4.
3. Are there any issues bout these being accessible and cost effective?
Thank you.
some advice from a boffin but have no way of checking whether that advice is
good or bad. I am hoping that the collective brains trust in these groups
might shed some light on the subject. Please bear in mind that I am not far
advanced from computer illiterate. If these questions are incomprehensible
then that might be the explanation.
We have 4 staff, each with their own stand alone computers. I am going to
acquire four new computers. Those in my office tell me that I need to change
the current arrangement to an office network.
The use will be e-mail, web searching and small accounting system.
The questions I would like to answer for the new office network are
1. is a server as well as the 4 desk tops a good idea. ie what would a
server add? Is it just the ability to view/access others files? What are the
relative advantages and disadvantages of adding a server eg accessibility
and cost effectiveness?
2. Is Celeron or AMD preferable vis-a-vis pentium 4.
3. Are there any issues bout these being accessible and cost effective?
Thank you.