Office 2003 User Interface is horrible. What is the matter with yo

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sean said:
but again, you've missed my entire point here and that is for
Microsoft to build a better product and listen to those of us who use
it or support it daily for input...

It is because Microsoft has listened to its customers that Outlook behaves
as it does.
This is absolutely nuts. I have the same question with regard to the text of
the reading pane that Outlook Express handles with a simple click.

I've now been searching for an hour, have had the infamous Cab commenting
and still no answer to the simplest of questions. How the hell do you set
the font in the ready pane and have it $#%^$%& stay that way???

What is the damn problem?
I agree that you should be able to force a perferred format for all outgoing
email, period. However, I would prefer to be able to set a perferred format
for each customer with the option to ask me when my perferred format does not
match my customer's preferred format.
I to have just changed from 2002 to 2003, although change is good i have had
no end of trouble finding how to change the settings back to the 2002 look.
could you please make a easy to find (on the products command line) on how to
make changes back to the previous version.
Studies have been done that people especially males don't like change, so a
easy way to change back would make a lot of people happy. as it is it has
taken me 5 days to find this part of MS, and searching has driven me to feel
like Gary does.
U NINSTALL - Isn't new supposed to be better? i had to replace 2002 as it
disappeard (stolen) and MS can only supply 2003.
It's time slike this that make me wonder if it isn't just easier to use
pirated copys, i do everything legaly and this is what i get, i even registar
all my legal stuff and MS still required me to produce 3 thats 3 forms of
proof that i brought it.
Please tell me that MS can do better than UNINSTALL the new version, Gary
hit the nail on the head when he said
was obviously created by lonely programmers with no clue about users and
honed to a fine lump by focus groups"
HI, the reason no one uses it (customise) is because it takes 6 weeks to work
out how to, the help / assistance is so user un freindly that i cry when i
need to use it. example all i wanted to do was remove the divider so my inbox
looked like the 2002 version ie today, yesterday, last week ect removed and
all emails stacked up.
BY GOD! the assistance help gave me answers on how to do everything but
that, all i ask is that new versions have a how to make the new look like the
not like ben m above wrote UNINSTALL.
Aloha What now!,

Like my grandfather once said to me "We can't all like the same things otherwise
everybody'd be after your grandma."

Somebody stole software off your computer? I'm not sure how they would do
that, exactly, but if you really like 2002 you can still buy it. I just
did a Froogle search ( and found lots of places willing
to sell Microsoft Office XP - retail packaging, license, CDs and all.

Maybe MS can do better than "uninstall the new version" but I'm not MS.
Seems to me that you don't like the new version and you do like the old version.
So...go back to the old version if that's what you like. What's wrong with
that? I didn't think that Office XP was much better than Office 2000 so
most of my users never upgraded to it. Virtually all of them have upgraded
to Office 2003 however, and the vast majority like it.

I happen to like Office 2003 a lot better than Office XP (and Office 2007
even more than 2003). You don't like Office 2003 and that's o.k. You don't
have to use it if you don't want to. It's unrealistic, however, to think
that Microsoft is going to revert the entire UI to an old version when the
overwhelming majority like the new version better.

Ben M. Schorr, MVP
Roland Schorr & Tower
Microsoft OneNote FAQ:
Aloha What now!,
need to use it. example all i wanted to do was remove the divider so
my inbox
looked like the 2002 version ie today, yesterday, last week ect
removed and
all emails stacked up.

If that's all you wanted then you could have just asked. Right-click the
header where it says "Arrange By" and uncheck the "Show in Groups" item.

Ben M. Schorr, MVP
Roland Schorr & Tower
Microsoft OneNote FAQ:
Have you had problems with Outlook 2003 in sending email attachments? My
secretary works from home. She takes dictation then sends resulting letters
back to me as email attachments. I only get perhaps two thirds of them. The
others she sends she either has to send again, or they never arrive. Any
ideas of a patch for this?
Are you both using outlook? does the message size indicate the attachment is
present? if only she uses outlook, she should use plain text format for the
I appologize for not reading the rest of this post, however, I wanted to
chime in on the subject of people not customizing.

1) you're absolutely right...most people don't ever bother, and therefore
it's hard to justify spending time, money, and brain cells to implement it.

2) while most people never customize anything, those of us that DO tweak
every last inch of OUR machines, to make them OUR machines are extremely
passionate about what why and how we do things.

3) In almost any program, there are features that 99.9% of the population
never use, and most of those people never know they exist at all, but that
..01% of us that are POWER USERS are the ones people tourn to for support when
they "break" their computers. If nothing else, that fact alone should earn
us the right ot have the ability to customize darn-near anything we
want...shouldn't it?
Since this seems to be a thread with a lot of MS and MVP participation,
wanted to bring your attention to some of us who have asked on various
threads about the glitch with the font size changing in certain places after
sending out e-mails. I've never seen it happen with the standard default
font, but for those of us who like to used other fonts it certainly is
bizarre to see what happens occasionally. Can anyone help with this?
"1.", below does not remove the Favorites Pane. It makes your Folder list
disappear, including the Favorites Pane. This is not a trivial distinction.

this thread is pretty old now but I agree wholeheartedly with your comments:
I am a constant tweeker and love to customize so it is really mine. (so
different to my husband who does the bare minimum and life is then so serious
for him...)
my issue with Office 2003 is as many have mentioned - it is not intuitive:
and help is certainly not an aid. persistence pays off, albeit in a small
I found this thread very interesting and had a few ROFLs. my point is to
stress - please retain the customisation ability. too many areas of our
lives are controlled - give us a chance to mess things up or just play
around. a big thank you to the programmers who still listen to the minority.
and thank you to the guys who really let off steam.
I'm a 61yo grandma from downunder and I've used computers since the days of
the old commodore (that's so long ago now I'm not even sure if I'm thinking
of a computer or a car).
yeah - I like Vista, too: another minority group :)

COULDN'T AGREE WITH YOUR COMMENTS! I been using Windows since 3.0 came out
and feel like an unpaid Beta tester that's due some $$ back. Many, many of
the people that institute/write the code/review the results have never wrote
a letter in Word, made/given a Powerpoint presentation, or made an excel
spreadsheet/Access database that had to actually be useful. going from
Office 03 to Office '07 has been a big disappointment - I've gotten used that
stupid ribbon but now there many times I want to change a shape/text box, you
must open something & do part of your changes, then go back to the ribbon
select another item/dropdown list to finish the changes that in previous
versions you could do from one menu item choice in half the clicks/time!
This is not progress.

As to the person in your string that says Microsoft listens to the user
comments and makes improvements/upgrades based on the comments -- pure crap!
In Access '07 there is one little (to some like Microsoft) annoying negative
change - in a form you can no longer move quickly back and forth through the
form by holding down the mouse button on either the forward or backward
arrows -- you gotta click you butt off! want to see a record 30 records
before the one your looking at - you gotta click 30 times - this an '07
"improvement" that many people have complained to MS about -- the response?
NOTHING! Too many MS program people could not get a job outside the IT
world. I appreciate very much the positive replies/solutions I've received
over the years from newsgroup participants but it seems too many of the
participants don't use the product in real live, need to get a live an/or
give you a solution you have to pay for or go to a third party web site (some
free/others go from not worth the $ to a pure hoax)

So many good souls that have helped me out with instructions, work arounds,
code, etc -- all I can do is thank them profusely as I just spent a $ wad on
the latest upgrade and have spent so much of my professional & personal time.
MS should pay these folks for doing their work!

Was thinking of making a Mac my next notebook ... until I bought an
iPhone... wonderfull device with some incredible short comings ... and the
Apple attitude is same is Microsoft - like Henry Ford when asked about the
revolutinary Model T and possible add ons - his honest reply was "You can buy
it in any color you want .... as long as it's black"

Google and its adroid seems to pushing the two software robber barons ... at
best, they show a slight sign of waking up.

PS - to those touting Windows 7 - the only people I've heard it are IT folks
- one of my workmates just bought it for home use and so far all he says is
that maybe I should have stuck XP as the big improvements are hard to see as
the GUI is so confusing