Have to agree Michael I administered two Sun Servers and supported a few Sun
workstations (and a disc less workstation). Must say it is a powerful
system, beyond bullet proof, also nuclear explosion proof. Couldn't use it
as desktop for all users as the work force has become accustom to Windows.
The only downside is if you require support from Sun here in Australia, it's
all $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$, and sum more. One, amongst many upsides
though, neither the network nor the servers ever crashed. Just once when a
dunder-clumpton of a human being decided to turn it off while walking past
it one his way home one day, it just didn't come back up like it should of,
hence the support.
Thanks for the link, I'll follow up on it.
Thanks Michael.
- Twista
: There's been a lot of debate in this group about
: Windows vs Linux. I have messed around with
: Linux flavors for years, I'm not moved enough to
: make that transition permanent. However, I most
: certainly wish the best for Linux and hope that they
: continue making progress, and eventually inroads
: with users. Competition is a good thing, don't ever
: doubt that. Where would we be if Intel didn't have AMD
: as a competitor? Think about it.
: If you want to try a powerful OS, and then make your
: own comparisons, try Solaris 10. It is Unix based.
: Don't be intimidated by that, Solaris 10 is a work of art.
: It isn't a download, they will mail you the disks.
: This is a free offer for a fully functional Solaris 10 OS-
: *limited* time offer.
: Solaris 10 OS
: For a limited time, Sun is offering a free DVD media kit which includes
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: Operating System for both SPARC and x86 platforms as well as Sun Studio 11
: Take this opportunity to get familiar with the most advanced operating
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