|Bill, you need to do a reassessment. I haven't been "enforcing" very
|much lately because I just don't have the time.
And people are glad you don't have the time. ACF has been a pleasure to
read without you.
Indeed, snip.
Anything said by a sock puppet using troll is irrelevant.
You just never learn, do you, John-Boy?
As an ex-ACF troll with less time for such amusements nowadays, I
still view the group with affection and occasionally stop by to read a
few posts.
My impression was that, although it took you many years to learn what
anyone with a normally developed ego would have learned in a week,
you'd nonetheless acquired a minimal amount of self-control and no
longer posted prime troll-bait on such a regular basis.
But what do I see here today?
The post title:
"Ongoing Amazement. *SOCK PUPPET TROLL ALERT*"
with your name beside it.
Still the same old Drama Queen, eh, John?
Now, as I said, my trolling days are over. But I have to admit that
the sight of such an irresistible title with your name beside it sent
the blood coursing through my veins as of old!
For a moment I wanted nothing more than to run a stick along the bars
of your cage, just for the pleasure of seeing you spring up yapping
and snarling as in the good old days.
And if I - a reformed troll, remember - felt such an uncontrollable
urge, how many practising trolls must have been galvanised by your
unmistakeable battle-cry?
You know the old saying, John-Boy - A leopard can't change its spots?
I'm thinking that perhaps there's some truth in the old cliché.
I see that without the slightest shred of evidence you even accused
"Foust" (does he mean "Faust", I wonder?) of being Mavis Chillum in
your usual paranoid fashion.
He/she isn't. I am, or rather, was.
I must admit that I'm *very* disappointed in you John-Boy. And just
when I though you'd acquired a modicum of wisdom and maturity!
Here we are, back to square one, with you posting prime troll-bait and
backing it up with false and completely unfounded accusations, just in
case the trolls failed to bite.
It would seem that you're still every bit as desperate for attention
as you were in your old John-The-Spam-Killer incarnation!
Of course, the entire:
(O.T.) Ongoing amazement
thread that you started was, of itself, a most accomplished piece of
troll-baiting. But the:
refinement was the touch of a true Master!
As was the false and utterly unfounded accusation that this "Foust"
clown who doesn't know Goethe from Garbo was really the sublime Mavis
Well, you'll see that I couldn't let that pass, John-Boy.
I just had to say something.
I hope this word to the not-so-wise will have the desired effect, or
further steps may be necessary.
In any event, I shall be keeping a close eye on you, John-Boy.
A very close eye indeed.
Ethel Mooner