John Corliss
It continues to amaze me that doing something as innocuous as posting
F.A.Q. links generates such huge threads. In other groups, F.A.Q. link
posts usually get no response and we are by no means the only group
with an F.A.Q.
To those who object to simply *having* F.A.Q.s, I say try reading
them before you flippantly object to them as being "netkopping". They
are designed to provide helpful information to new people. If you're
an advanced enough user that you don't need anything in one of our
F.A.Q.s, fine. However, that doesn't mean that somebody else won't
find the information in them of any use.
F.A.Q. links generates such huge threads. In other groups, F.A.Q. link
posts usually get no response and we are by no means the only group
with an F.A.Q.
To those who object to simply *having* F.A.Q.s, I say try reading
them before you flippantly object to them as being "netkopping". They
are designed to provide helpful information to new people. If you're
an advanced enough user that you don't need anything in one of our
F.A.Q.s, fine. However, that doesn't mean that somebody else won't
find the information in them of any use.