Nvidia Said to Take On Intel in Tablet Computer Chips

  • Thread starter Thread starter Yousuf Khan
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The car you drive probably has close to a dozen PowerPC chips in it.
MOT is a $20 billion a year electronics company, and most of those
chips have PowerPC hidden in them.

The semiconductor business of MOT was transferred to Freescale
Semiconductor in 2004, which is a 3.5B company.
PowerPC dominates because of AltiVec and the bitfield extract and
other cool useful instructions that give good performance and good
inner loop code density.

I would say PowerPC is big in the embedded market due to the
good spectrum of different chips that have rich set of peripherials.
The processor itself is not that critical, all the support logic around
is (memory controllers,i2c, ethernet, accelerators, flash, usb etc.).
This is where Intel for example has problems with their Atom.

Programmers LIKE PowerPC, whereas MIPS and ARM are tolerated.
(This is a major reason PowerPC dominates, pity the fool manager
that picks MIPS and cant find good programmers to work for him.)

Always good to have insightful advice about programming from a
programmer in a hardware forum.

The original context, which you destroyed by your cross-post, has been
completely lost.

Have you heard of comp.arch.embedded?

I would say PowerPC is big in the embedded market due to the
good spectrum of different chips that have rich set of peripherials.
The processor itself is not that critical, all the support logic around
is (memory controllers,i2c, ethernet, accelerators, flash, usb etc.).
This is where Intel for example has problems with their Atom.

Perhaps. It's not my area. What I do know is that it was taken up
by the embedded market long before Aptivec was invented, so the
claim that it was taken up because of Aptivec is more than a little

Nick Maclaren.
In comp.arch Brett Davis said:
ARMH is a far distant second in sales at ~$600 million a year.

That is completely misleading as that is only the license fees and
royalties that ARM see in revenue. The actual total revenue that
partners see from shipping SoCs containing ARM cores is much much
larger than that.

There are over 1 billion ARM cores across all architecture profiles
shipped per quarter.

There are over 1 billion ARM cores across all architecture profiles
shipped per quarter.

I suspect that if you include mobile devices in the "embedded" world,
Power and/or PowerPC don't even make the top 10 core-units.

I suspect that if you include mobile devices in the "embedded" world,
Power and/or PowerPC don't even make the top 10 core-units.

Well, if mobile devices doesn't include cars! Certainly I associate PowrPC
with automotive. I don't think PowerPC has anything equivalent to low-end
ARM cores such as Cortex-M0, -M3 or ARM7.

By core count the world is mostly full of 8051 variants almost more numerous
than sand.

Brett said:
If PowerPC was just another RISC chip this could not have happened.
Being late to the market with a me-too product would not have worked.
PowerPC dominates because of AltiVec and the bitfield extract and
other cool useful instructions that give good performance and good
inner loop code density.

Programmers LIKE PowerPC, whereas MIPS and ARM are tolerated.
(This is a major reason PowerPC dominates, pity the fool manager
that picks MIPS and cant find good programmers to work for him.)

ISA does matter, just not the way you think it does.

Brett - Actually working on ARM code right now. ;)

My general observation of talking to PowerPC developers has been:
1. IBM couldn't have made a more impenetrable assembly language. Seriously
guys, never heard of register prefixes? Apple's variation was so much

2. Why are the bits numbered back to front? Way to confuse the hell out of

On the other hand, ARM development has been a rather pleasant experience; to
each his own ;)

- Owen

(Not to say that any ISA is perfect; god knows ARM has its foibles, just
like any other. They're just not as pervasive.)
Robert said:
On Aug 19, 4:45 am, Sebastian Kaliszewski
The names of the people who have actually been responsible for the
entire design (or enough of it to speak with authority) of a modern,
full-featured processor could probably be written on one sheet of a
yellow legal pad. The rest of us are observers, no matter what
classes you have taken at university.

Dictated is such a strong word that I suspect this statement to be
false. From the discussions that take place from those who know much,
much more than I do or ever could, I conclude that details of memory
ordering are somewhat arbitrary and aren't even fully specified by the
ISA. As you would say, it doesn't matter until it does, and, when it
does, as in concurrency, I don't think anyone completely understands
what is guaranteed to work and what isn't.

Stuff like memory ordering, retirement ordering is part of the ISA
wether it is somewhere explicitly specified or just impluied by existing

Then there is stuff like availability of certain ISA features like
predication/conditional operations, fused operations (like FMAC), etc...

Then there are statistical properties like localised vs non localised
memory accesses, localised memory vs architectureal registers accessed,
etc. For example x86 requires more memory access resources than other
architectures to get equvalet perofrmance on average.

I can't even imagine how an ISA would dictate retirement logic. What
a computer must do, no matter if it's System/360 or x86, is to make it
appear that instructions have been executed in order.

But what "in order" means? It can have and does have varius meainng --
there are in fact at least 3 possible ones:
1 in order issue + in order retirement (eg. x86)
2 in order issue + out of order retirement (eg. Alpha)
3 out of order issue + in order retirement (strange but theoretically

For example Alpha spec explicitly allowed that instructions retire in
different order they were issued while it reqiered that they're issued
in order. For exaple 21164 being an in order processor used the feature.

Now add to that memory ordering rules (which migh be still different
from instruction ordering) -- for example it has bit Oracle when their
DB software started mibehaving when transitioned from 21064 or 21164 to
21264 machines (which actually exploited weak memory ordering of the ISA)

Neither Intel nor IBM, implementing different ISA's, can dictate all
details, regardless of the ISA. Important c code has to work across
across different processor lines.

That part belongs to compilers.
Then, for the dicey stuff, you are
into whether the behavior of c is well-defined, and the answer appears
to be that it isn't.

Of course it isn't. C standard even explicitly dictates when the
behaviour is outringht undefined or wether it's just implementation

The disconnect between what the processor appears to be on the outside
and what it is actually doing is so profound that I don't even know
how to discuss this kind of thing.

Well, you missed many important factors to begin with...
An architect has to make sure that
the architectural registers in the ISA appear actually to be there.
Behind every architectural register, there are now many, many
invisible registers that are dictated by the internal workings of the
processor and not by the ISA. Once again, even x86 is emulating

An implementation must be effective enough. And that effectiveness can't
be obtained without adjusting to a particular ISA features. Adjuting
well, very well. Chips which were not adjusted well performed poorly.
Case example: AMD SSA5 (early K5) which, despite being 4-way OoO core
based on Am29000, performed worse clock for clock than 2-way in-order
Pentium, and it clocked worse as well... And Pentium had smaller
cache... As AMD optimised the thing it's performance improved
significantly (first to be eqal clock for clock, then even faster) -- it
still had problems with clocking -- Pentium classic went to 200MHz while
K5 was practically struck at 117MHz (some 133MHz parts while oficlally
released, were virtually unavailable)

ARM is very different from x86. NVidia bought rights to produce core not
designed for x86 emulation. Unless NVidia performs a miracle, expect
*absymal* performance.

Summary: there are plenty enough details to get wrong that
daytripper's advice seems sound to me, but most of them really aren't
dictated by the ISA but by an installed code base.

Daytripper's advice is sound because emulation above microcode level
works poorly, and it even works poorly at microcode level, if the
excution backend is not carefully tuned to a particular ISA (case
example: IA64 and it's 'native' x86 execution).

Robert Myers wrote:

Stuff like memory ordering, retirement ordering is part of the ISA
wether it is somewhere explicitly specified or just impluied by existing

Your pretentiousness is stupefying. The memory ordering models of
x86, if nothing else, come up regularly and are discussed publicly by
people who know what they are talking about, just not in this forum.

Since *you* are not one of those people, nor have you ever tried to
stake a claim to standing in such a community by addressing such
people directly, I have (a) no interest in what you think about memory
ordering as it is actually implemented by processor manufacturers and
(b) even less interest in what you do or do not wish to consider as
being included in the ISA. AMD and Intel, implementing the same ISA,
apparently do *not* always do the same things.

If you want to prove how smart you are about the issues on which you
claim such extensive knowledge, don't waste your time with me or with
this forum. Go to comp.arch, act as you do here, and watch as your
knees are cut out from under you--or (far less likely) gain the
standing to speak as you do.

Robert said:
Your pretentiousness is stupefying.

Oh, I see. What I wrote was simply too complicated for Mr Myers...

[poor attemts at insult snipped]

Oh, Mr Myers has no arguments, so reverses to insults.
Insults will not cover your cluelessness, Mr Myers. :)

Your pretentiousness is stupefying.

Oh, I see. What I wrote was simply too complicated for Mr Myers...

[poor attemts at insult snipped]

Oh, Mr Myers has no arguments, so reverses to insults.
Insults will not cover your cluelessness, Mr Myers. :)

Stop wasting your time with me. You're obviously way too smart, too
educated, and too sophisticated for me. Time for you to move up to
the big leagues.

Robert said:
Robert said:
On Aug 31, 12:12 pm, Sebastian Kaliszewski
Robert Myers wrote:
Dictated is such a strong word that I suspect this statement to be
false. From the discussions that take place from those who know much,
much more than I do or ever could, I conclude that details of memory
ordering are somewhat arbitrary and aren't even fully specified by the
ISA. As you would say, it doesn't matter until it does, and, when it
does, as in concurrency, I don't think anyone completely understands
what is guaranteed to work and what isn't.
Stuff like memory ordering, retirement ordering is part of the ISA
wether it is somewhere explicitly specified or just impluied by existing
Your pretentiousness is stupefying.
Oh, I see. What I wrote was simply too complicated for Mr Myers...

[poor attemts at insult snipped]

Oh, Mr Myers has no arguments, so reverses to insults.
Insults will not cover your cluelessness, Mr Myers. :)

Stop wasting your time with me. You're obviously way too smart, too
educated, and too sophisticated for me. Time for you to move up to
the big leagues.

No, Mr Myers. You'd be too happy to get rid of someone calling bullshit
on the nonsense you like to write. Wether you write about software
design process, hardware design or even business practices.

This time, you didn't even attempt to grasp what you're discussing. You
pulled some out of context general statement by one smart & knowledgable
guy and based your argument on that. If you'd care to get basic info
like for example K7 (and later cores) general microarchitecture (for
example FPU design), get to know that instruction ordering and memory
ordering are different things, get to know what exception ordering is,
etc. then you'd get to know what you're talking about and would get to
know the limitations of and fine print acompanying general statements
like "ISA does not matter". When presented with actual information you
reverse to personal insults.

You choose to stay clueless, so be it, that's your right -- but the
right of others (me included) is to call BS on what you write. You can
try throwing insults and stuff, but that neither would buy you a clue
nor would stop others correcting false things you write.

Robert Myers wrote:

No, Mr Myers. You'd be too happy to get rid of someone calling bullshit
on the nonsense you like to write. Wether you write about software
design process, hardware design or even business practices.

This time, you didn't even attempt to grasp what you're discussing. You
pulled some out of context general statement by one smart & knowledgable
guy and based your argument on that. If you'd care to get basic info
like for example K7 (and later cores) general microarchitecture (for
example FPU design), get to know that instruction ordering and memory
ordering are different things, get to know what exception ordering is,
etc. then you'd get to know what you're talking about and would get to
know the limitations of and fine print acompanying general statements
like "ISA does not matter". When presented with actual information you
reverse to personal insults.

The personal insults here, sir, are entirely yours.

When people talk about memory semantics, I pay close attention. I

NO ONE is really sure of anything. People do what works. If there
is a problem, they find out when something breaks. It doesn't
matter whether people are talking about locks, ISA's, or coherence
mechanisms. People try things out, cross their fingers, and hope for
the best. That's the state of the art. When I specifically ask
people who really should know if I am missing something and that
somewhere there is someone who can really tell for sure ahead of time
what will work and what won't, I am assured repeatedly that I haven't
missed anything.

You can spend the rest of your life thinking otherwise if you care
to. You might as well have been standing on the steps of 77 Mass Ave
with your genitals hanging out and a sign saying "I am an idiot" when
you claimed working for the financial industry as proof that you
understand risk management. Better yet, you should have stood in
front of the Dewey Library. Maybe someone would have been handing out
Nobel Prizes when you happened to be standing there. You might have
better luck up the river. They have lots more pull, but I know less
about the campus map.

Here's something else that counts: NO ONE is going to ask EITHER ONE
of us for the last word on the subject. I claim to understand enough
about the subject to see clearly what a hopeless mess it is. Like
lots of people, you have some version of reality that you think is
absolute and that anyone who thinks otherwise must be wrong. Feel
free to continue thinking that way.

You're clearly out of my league in all kinds of ways, but the one that
really counts is self-certainty. No need to try to convince me
further. I already know how sure of yourself you are and, as I just
tried to explain, I decided a long time ago how much credit I should
give to that self-certainty.

Robert Myers
Robert Myers wrote:
[rambling, attempts at twising the subject and another load of poor
attempts at personal insluts snipped]

You're only demonstrating that you not only like to talk about things
you understand little about but you also work hard to not undesratnd of
what others speak to you. Wheter you discuss software & risk & banks or
chips & ISA & microarchitecture you are making primiarily false
overgeneralisations of both objective reality as well as what others
have spoken.

You're right that I'm not your lague. We all know you're in a league of
your own, the league actively separated from reality. So be it.

Robert Myers wrote:

[rambling, attempts at twising the subject and another load of poor
attempts at personal insluts snipped]

You're only demonstrating that you not only like to talk about things
you understand little about but you also work hard to not undesratnd of
what others speak to you. Wheter you discuss software & risk & banks or
chips & ISA & microarchitecture you are making primiarily false
overgeneralisations of both objective reality as well as what others
have spoken.

You're right that I'm not your lague. We all know you're in a league of
your own, the league actively separated from reality. So be it.

Spell checker not working?
