methylenedioxy said:
I think you are missing the point here mate. If *big IF* Half Life 2 has
been delayed due to the Nvidia crisis then it is a sign of things to come,
Nvidia still being the highest grossing chip maker then game developers will
continue to put up with this and rewrite code for optimisations for Nvidia.
It isn't about the money. This is serious shit. We could have major problems
with game releases due to this and Nvidia won't bring out another card until
they have sold enough of the fx series......Meantime consumers suffer with
perhaps poor performing cards which have been scaled down to cope with
shaders etc and then they have to wait for games that are delayed too......
This is a scandal going on here *possibly*.........
I agree with you partly, but to me it looks like those optimisations aren't
actually worth it unless you have a 5900Ultra or above.
Therefore, the developers are more likely to drop the FX optimisations
Think about it, even with optimisations, the nVidia mass market (5600/5700)
still won't be able to run DX9 HL2.
Those people will end up turning down their settings to DX8.
If I was a developer, why would I bother to optimise for just the high end
of the nVidia market?
The high end of the market are mostly those who have done their reseach and
are *expecting* good DX9. And those people are now very likely to stop
buying nVidia, or sell any existing kit.
If I had a 5900Ultra right now, it would be on eBay, safe in the knowledge
that I could afford a 9800Pro with the sale proceeds.
At the end of it, anyone who has bought an nVidia card will just be those
users who don't know that they can get much better DX9 from ATi. They'll
play the new games in DX8, and maybe find out that next time they should
insist on ATi.
It's always been the case that the developers bring out the software, and
the consumer has to make the right choice if he/she wants the eye candy. It
has always been the case that you need to do your research first, and those
that do not, will not be complaining, as they will be able to run the game
in DX8 anyway.
The choice that the informed consumer will be forced to make in the future
will be ATi.
Current projects like HL2 have had to do the optimisations to ensure they
get the product out to as wide a consumer base as possible, which includes
the high end FX owners.
I just don't see any developers bothering in the future, since everyone will
be able to play, but only the *ATi* mass market will get the good DX9.