NTFS become RAW

  • Thread starter Thread starter Andrew
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Chemical weapons are fairly useless unless you can use tons of them. Even then their military utility is more forcing the enemy to decontaminate and slow down rather than hurting anyone.

They managed to fight WW1 with chemical weapons without protection for a lengthly period.
They had to fire hundreds of thousands of shells to make it somewhat useful.

If you want to be scared be scared of biological weapons, not chemical. But then it was ol Reagan and his military who used to plan Saddam's chemical attacks on Iranian forces.

And lies by bush about Iraq gassing their own people are lies. The people concerned were gassed during a battle between Iraq and Iran with chemicals used by Iran not with chemicals used by Iraq (though they developed the same type later). Best guess is that noone was trying to gas them but the wind shifted.

The Germans were further encouraged to use gas shells by the results of an attack staged on the night of 22-23 June 1916. About 110,000 shells containing the lung irritant Green Cross fell on French forces near the fortress of Verdun. German batteries adjacent to this sector added thousands of rounds of a lachrymatory gas. The gas attack, according to French sources, had its greatest effect on French artillerymen and reserves in the rear areas, causing over 1,600 casualties. German staff officers, impressed with the results, talked of creating "special gas batteries" controlled by special gas staffs. In the interest of flexibility, however, the high command decided that all artillery units should fire gas shells. By the war's end, gas shells comprised 50 percent of a German artillery battery's basic.9

From Chapter 2 Chemical Warfare in World War I:The American Experience, 1917 - 1918

Jim Macklin said:
The only allies we didn't have "on-board" were the French
and Germans, their leaders were in the pocket of Iraq for
millions of personal dollars, they still want their stolen

One rule of street fighting or warfare, if you wait until
you have perfect knowledge, you're dead.

Rocket motors are on the list of banned weapons and are part
of the WMD system. The Sarin gas shell was of a type not
listed with the UN before the inspectors were kicked out of
Iraq. You don't make just one artillery shell. 20,000
liters of chemicals can kill millions of people and be
hidden in two or three trucks in a cave. Or it could be
dispersed and hidden in sewers, parks, private homes.

Anyway, in three weeks Iraq will have their fate back in
their own hands, let's see how it plays out. I have the
expectation it will be fine.

The people think the Constitution protects their rights;
But government sees it as an obstacle to be overcome.

"Michael Solomon (MS-MVP Windows Shell/User)"
| I heard about the rocket motors, still no WMDs but they
found out Saddam was
| pushing his staff to purchase WMDs and couldn't understand
why they didn't
| have them given all the money he had to offer. That would
indicate he
| didn't have them.
| However, it justifies my support of the war as I thought
if he didn't have
| them he was trying to get them. I don't have to justify
it though, I'm not
| the president and I didn't tell the nation he had them nor
would I have done
| so without proof. Further, I and many others who
supported this, also
| suggested we get our allies on board before going in
because we'd need them
| when the war was over and now we do.
| It's not a question of needing permission to defend
ourselves, we don't but
| if you want the help of the world down the road, you can't
start out by
| ignoring your allies. It was a diplomatic blunder and we
could be paying
| for it for years.
| --
| Michael Solomon
in message
| | > You should listen to the news about the rocket motors
| > in Syria and other places.
| >
| >
| > "Michael Solomon (MS-MVP Windows Shell/User)"
| > | > | Hmm, you may need to find a different news source,
| > At President Bush's
| > | news conference yesterday or today, when asked
| > about weapons of
| > | mass destruction his response was, "We know he had the
| > means to produce
| > | them."
| > |
| > | --
| > | Michael Solomon
| > |
| > | "Jim Macklin" <p51mustang[threeX12]@xxxhotmail.calm>
| > in message
| > | | > | > Gee, if you listen to the news, you'll hear about
| > | > weapons they are finding.
| > | >
| > | > You must not live anywhere near where I do, within
| > mile
| > | > there are people of just about all nationalities and
| > races.
| > | > I live in an area of 4-plexs and apartments, my
| > neighbors
| > | > are black, Asian, Hispanic black, Hispanic white and
| > | > Hispanic Indian.
| > | >
| > | > Only in America can an immigrant become a native.
| > have
| > | > a jaded view of the world put forth by the
| > | > propagandists.
| > | >
| > | >
| > | > "Ted" <&&&&&&&&&&&> wrote in message
| > | >
| >
| > | > |
| > | > | "Jim Macklin"
| > wrote
| > | > in message
| > | > | | > | > | > I have a lot more faith in the moral position of
| > | > USA.
| > | > | > The Nazi submarines were sent out in teams they
| > called
| > | > wolf
| > | > | > packs for exactly the reason stated.
| > | > | >
| > | > | > You will recall that the World Trade Center was
| > attacked
| > | > | > before Iraq was liberated. Poor political and
| > military
| > | > | > actions in VN and later in Somalia have led some
| > | > think
| > | > | > the USA is an easy target. Do I think we are
| > the
| > | > job
| > | > | > as I would do it were I President, No! Just
| > and
| > | > | > understand my sig...
| > | > | >
| > | > | > --
| > | > | > The people think the Constitution protects their
| > rights;
| > | > | > But government sees it as an obstacle to be
| > overcome.
| > | > | >
| > | > | > I think there are many targets in the USA that
| > be
| > | > | > attacked and would do great harm to the nation.
| > have
| > | > told
| > | > | > my Congressman and the FBI what I see as
targets. I
| > | > also
| > | > | > think that the bureaucrats are using "the war on
| > | > terrorism"
| > | > | > as a lever to expand government. The TSA has
| > very
| > | > slow
| > | > | > in compliance with the law requiring that
| > pilots
| > | > be
| > | > | > armed.
| > | > | >
| > | > | > Your trying to claim that the current USA is a
| > | > | > operation is offensive and wrong headed in my
| > opinion.
| > | > | >
| > | > | > Since you seem to think that the defeat of the
| > would
| > | > be
| > | > | > a "good thing" and that the fact that 25 years
| > the
| > | > | > communists controlled most of Asia, much of
| > | > Africa
| > | > | > and South/Central America and today, due mostly
| > the
| > | > USA
| > | > | > and Ronald Reagan's policies (with some
| > | > resurgence
| > | > | > due to the pervert named Clinton) most of the
| > world's
| > | > | > people live in freedom from communism, even
| > may
| > | > become
| > | > | > free within 20 years if we don't get the end of
| > | > world
| > | > | > they keep talking about in 2012 on Coast 2 Coast
| > (Art
| > | > Bell,
| > | > | > the same guy who wrote that comedy THE DAY AFTER
| > | > TOMORROW.
| > | > | >
| > | > | >
| > | > | > "Ted" <&&&&&&&&&&&> wrote in message
| > | > | >
| > | >
| >
| > | > | > |
| > | > | > | "Jim Macklin"
| > <p51mustang[threeX12]@xxxhotmail.calm>
| > | > wrote
| > | > | > in message
| > | > | > |
| > | > | > | > The best way to have peace is to be strong
| > enough to
| > | > win
| > | > | > any
| > | > | > | > war and known to be willing to win the war.
| > the
| > | > Fonz
| > | > | > | > said to Ritchie, (slightly paraphrased) You
| > to
| > | > have
| > | > | > hit
| > | > | > | > somebody before and repeat as needed. Or
| > | > Franklin,
| > | > | > "The
| > | > | > | > tree of liberty must be refreshed with the
| > of
| > | > | > | > patriots."
| > | > | > | >
| > | > | > | > Weakness encourages attack, just watch a
pack of
| > | > wolves
| > | > | > | > after the caribou.
| > | > | > | >
| > | > | > |
| > | > | > | That is a poor anaolgy, unless you're
| > that
| > | > this
| > | > | > current Reich
| > | > | > | acts on the same instinctive biological
| > to
| > | > that
| > | > | > of wolfpacks (also
| > | > | > | a nom de plume given to certain nazi fighting
| > | > groups!). If
| > | > | > so, then I can
| > | > | > | accept that, since the power of reasoning is
| > | > inherent
| > | > | > particular to
| > | > | > | humans more so than instinct, with the former
| > | > easily
| > | > | > exhibited from the
| > | > | > | current ameriKKKan Reichstag.
| > | > | > |
| > | > | > |
| > | > | > |
| > | > |
| > | > | You put words in my mouth, as I didn't hint that a
| > defeat
| > | > of the USA would
| > | > | be a good thing. This how poor arguments ensue, by
| > making
| > | > cases that don't
| > | > | exist to favor your position. The USA doesn't look
| > for
| > | > the democracies
| > | > | of other countries, let alone their own. they
| > represent
| > | > how a real democracy
| > | > | shouldn't work.
| > | > |
| > | > | In one example, they dismount the Taliban regime
| > | > Afghanistan, which is OK
| > | > | by me, because the rest of the world was behind
| > and
| > | > gave support; they
| > | > | didn't do this in Iraq. They lied about WMD, now
| > | > admit it, but use the
| > | > | reasoning that they removed a tyrant, OK!
| > | > |
| > | > | If they are for creating democracies by removing
| > tyrants
| > | > (though Bush in his
| > | > | last campaign stated that he isn't in the business
| > | > nation building), then
| > | > | why doesn't he go after the other brutal
| > in
| > | > the world, if that
| > | > | is the new reasoning. Also, this administration
| > the
| > | > bases in former
| > | > | Soviet republics to perform their activities in
| > | > Afghanistan that is as
| > | > | brutal as was the Taliban.
| > | > |
| > | > | Good thinking and consistent for promoting what
| > USA
| > | > thinks is right for
| > | > | other nations. Use the military installations of
| > | > countries that commit
| > | > | crimes against their own people, to remove a
| > that
| > | > committed crimes
| > | > | against its own people, in return for economic and
| > | > military aid! Where's the
| > | > | democracy in this? Where looking out for "all"
| > | > |
| > | > | Why is it when you go to most other democracies in
| > | > world, all people in
| > | > | those countries live among each other, yet in the
| > | > they have distinct,
| > | > | and relatively poor minority areas that have
| > | > Hispanics, etals other
| > | > | than whites, living in areas of their own. They
| > | > typically poor, and
| > | > | their is still rampant discrimination there, where
| > the
| > | > democracy, where
| > | > | is the unity?
| > | > |
| > | > | The USA should not try to democratize other
| > (they
| > | > should try their
| > | > | own first) that may not want their style of
| > and
| > | > why they are the
| > | > | only one nation that does this, should be
testament to
| > why
| > | > they shouldn't.
| > | > |
| > | > |
| > | >
| > | >
| > |
| > |
| >
| >

As one who struggled and is still struggling with his position on this
topic, your points are well taken. You and I do have some cultural
differences that would play into some of our differences on this issue and
any stated reasons I have for having arrived at this decision.

I take very seriously and don't take lightly the issue of sending other
people's children into harm's way not to mention the potential for civilian
causalities in any such conflict. Having struggled with my decision,
suffice it to say, I am still deeply conflicted about this.

This discussion is not proper in this newsgroup, at least it is not proper
for me to be involved in it in this forum and I apologize to all for having
involved myself.

I respect your position, David and I will have to leave it at that. There
is one point of which we would be at great disagreement, I don't think
everyone should have nukes.

Michael Solomon

But why do countries want them? To deter other countries, like the USA,
Israel, and Iran, from nuking them.

The NPT was a contract. The 5 nuclear powers promised
a/ to never nuke a non nuclear power (The US ignores this with it's refusal
to say)
b/ to disarm (All nuclear powers ignore this)
c/ to assist in the non nuclear powers in non military nuclear technology

The non nuclear powers promise not to develop nuclear weapons.

I think everyone should have nukes.

Saddam had no thought of the US. He's worried about Israel or Iran nuking

Michael Solomon (MS-MVP Windows Shell/User) said:
I heard about the rocket motors, still no WMDs but they found out Saddam
pushing his staff to purchase WMDs and couldn't understand why they didn't
have them given all the money he had to offer. That would indicate he
didn't have them.

However, it justifies my support of the war as I thought if he didn't have
them he was trying to get them. I don't have to justify it though, I'm
the president and I didn't tell the nation he had them nor would I have
so without proof. Further, I and many others who supported this, also
suggested we get our allies on board before going in because we'd need
when the war was over and now we do.

It's not a question of needing permission to defend ourselves, we don't
if you want the help of the world down the road, you can't start out by
ignoring your allies. It was a diplomatic blunder and we could be paying
for it for years.

Michael Solomon

Jim Macklin said:
You should listen to the news about the rocket motors found
in Syria and other places.

"Michael Solomon (MS-MVP Windows Shell/User)"
| Hmm, you may need to find a different news source, Jim.
At President Bush's
| news conference yesterday or today, when asked directly
about weapons of
| mass destruction his response was, "We know he had the
means to produce
| them."
| --
| Michael Solomon
in message
| | > Gee, if you listen to the news, you'll hear about the
| > weapons they are finding.
| >
| > You must not live anywhere near where I do, within 1/4
| > there are people of just about all nationalities and
| > I live in an area of 4-plexs and apartments, my
| > are black, Asian, Hispanic black, Hispanic white and
| > Hispanic Indian.
| >
| > Only in America can an immigrant become a native. You
| > a jaded view of the world put forth by the anti-American
| > propagandists.
| >
| >
| > "Ted" <&&&&&&&&&&&> wrote in message
| >
| > |
| > | "Jim Macklin" <p51mustang[threeX12]@xxxhotmail.calm>
| > in message
| > | | > | > I have a lot more faith in the moral position of the
| > USA.
| > | > The Nazi submarines were sent out in teams they
| > wolf
| > | > packs for exactly the reason stated.
| > | >
| > | > You will recall that the World Trade Center was
| > | > before Iraq was liberated. Poor political and
| > | > actions in VN and later in Somalia have led some to
| > think
| > | > the USA is an easy target. Do I think we are doing
| > job
| > | > as I would do it were I President, No! Just read
| > | > understand my sig...
| > | >
| > | > --
| > | > The people think the Constitution protects their
| > | > But government sees it as an obstacle to be
| > | >
| > | > I think there are many targets in the USA that could
| > | > attacked and would do great harm to the nation. I
| > told
| > | > my Congressman and the FBI what I see as targets. I
| > also
| > | > think that the bureaucrats are using "the war on
| > terrorism"
| > | > as a lever to expand government. The TSA has been
| > slow
| > | > in compliance with the law requiring that airline
| > be
| > | > armed.
| > | >
| > | > Your trying to claim that the current USA is a Nazi
| > | > operation is offensive and wrong headed in my
| > | >
| > | > Since you seem to think that the defeat of the USA
| > be
| > | > a "good thing" and that the fact that 25 years ago
| > | > communists controlled most of Asia, much of Europe,
| > Africa
| > | > and South/Central America and today, due mostly to
| > USA
| > | > and Ronald Reagan's policies (with some communist
| > resurgence
| > | > due to the pervert named Clinton) most of the
| > | > people live in freedom from communism, even China
| > become
| > | > free within 20 years if we don't get the end of the
| > world
| > | > they keep talking about in 2012 on Coast 2 Coast
| > Bell,
| > | > the same guy who wrote that comedy THE DAY AFTER
| > | >
| > | >
| > | > "Ted" <&&&&&&&&&&&> wrote in message
| > | >
| >
| > | > |
| > | > | "Jim Macklin"
| > wrote
| > | > in message
| > | > | | > | > | > The best way to have peace is to be strong
enough to
| > win
| > | > any
| > | > | > war and known to be willing to win the war. As
| > Fonz
| > | > | > said to Ritchie, (slightly paraphrased) You have
| > have
| > | > hit
| > | > | > somebody before and repeat as needed. Or Ben
| > Franklin,
| > | > "The
| > | > | > tree of liberty must be refreshed with the blood
| > | > | > patriots."
| > | > | >
| > | > | > Weakness encourages attack, just watch a pack of
| > wolves
| > | > | > after the caribou.
| > | > | >
| > | > |
| > | > | That is a poor anaolgy, unless you're suggesting
| > this
| > | > current Reich
| > | > | acts on the same instinctive biological functions
| > that
| > | > of wolfpacks (also
| > | > | a nom de plume given to certain nazi fighting
| > groups!). If
| > | > so, then I can
| > | > | accept that, since the power of reasoning is an
| > inherent
| > | > particular to
| > | > | humans more so than instinct, with the former not
| > easily
| > | > exhibited from the
| > | > | current ameriKKKan Reichstag.
| > | > |
| > | > |
| > | > |
| > |
| > | You put words in my mouth, as I didn't hint that a
| > of the USA would
| > | be a good thing. This how poor arguments ensue, by
| > cases that don't
| > | exist to favor your position. The USA doesn't look out
| > the democracies
| > | of other countries, let alone their own. they
| > how a real democracy
| > | shouldn't work.
| > |
| > | In one example, they dismount the Taliban regime in
| > Afghanistan, which is OK
| > | by me, because the rest of the world was behind this,
| > gave support; they
| > | didn't do this in Iraq. They lied about WMD, now they
| > admit it, but use the
| > | reasoning that they removed a tyrant, OK!
| > |
| > | If they are for creating democracies by removing
| > (though Bush in his
| > | last campaign stated that he isn't in the business of
| > nation building), then
| > | why doesn't he go after the other brutal governments
| > the world, if that
| > | is the new reasoning. Also, this administration uses
| > bases in former
| > | Soviet republics to perform their activities in
| > Afghanistan that is as
| > | brutal as was the Taliban.
| > |
| > | Good thinking and consistent for promoting what the
| > thinks is right for
| > | other nations. Use the military installations of those
| > countries that commit
| > | crimes against their own people, to remove a regime
| > committed crimes
| > | against its own people, in return for economic and
| > military aid! Where's the
| > | democracy in this? Where looking out for "all" people?
| > |
| > | Why is it when you go to most other democracies in the
| > world, all people in
| > | those countries live among each other, yet in the USA,
| > they have distinct,
| > | and relatively poor minority areas that have blacks,
| > Hispanics, etals other
| > | than whites, living in areas of their own. They are
| > typically poor, and
| > | their is still rampant discrimination there, where is
| > democracy, where
| > | is the unity?
| > |
| > | The USA should not try to democratize other nations
| > should try their
| > | own first) that may not want their style of democracy,
| > why they are the
| > | only one nation that does this, should be testament to
| > they shouldn't.
| > |
| > |
| >
| >