Thanks to Brian, Armin, and Codemonkey for all the
comments. Yes, I had tried userpaint=true after your
comments, and yes it's clearly going to be a real pain to
get this thing to work the way I want by inheriting from
textbox (although an interesting intellectual exercise,
I'm afraid even if I get it working there'll always
be "one more" weird thing it doesn't do the way it
should). Yes too that because textbox is a "native"
Windows control it appears to be playing by some
different rules. All in all, in the end I think I'll
start with usercontrol and roll something myself (Brian,
you're right again
comments. Yes, I had tried userpaint=true after your
comments, and yes it's clearly going to be a real pain to
get this thing to work the way I want by inheriting from
textbox (although an interesting intellectual exercise,
I'm afraid even if I get it working there'll always
be "one more" weird thing it doesn't do the way it
should). Yes too that because textbox is a "native"
Windows control it appears to be playing by some
different rules. All in all, in the end I think I'll
start with usercontrol and roll something myself (Brian,
you're right again