As I mentioned, in the past I have defragmented and it's always
defragmented without issue or errors so I was surprised to see that
today. Not sure what the ImageDB.dff file is. I will try your
suggestions and report back.
I am not sure if I have the latest Adobe Photoshop updates or not.
I will look into that as well.
I don't leave the computer on 24/7 per say. When not in use, I
usually have it in Hibernate mode. I do reboot it about once a week
or when updates require it or when I feel it necessary. Is putting
it in hibernate a bad thing. Would it be better to turn it off or
just leave it on instead?
I would say ACDsee is the most used photo progam on my pc. It's
what I use to view any and all pictures and I frequently do so.
I'll report back tomorrow with more details.
Thanks again for your assistance.
There seems to be only one obvious problem arising out of the
information you have provided. ImageDB.ddf is a colossal file and
is multi-fragmented. You need to defragment it. The sheer size is
most likely the problem but to make sure that the file is not in
use I would run Disk Defragmenter in Safe Mode. Running the
programme more than once, perhaps as many as three times to get a
result. However, before running Disk Defragmenter you should clean
up the drive.
It is likely that an allocation of 12% has been made to System
Restore on your C partition which is over generous. I would reduce
it to 700 mb. Right click your My Computer icon on the Desktop and
select System Restore. Place the cursor on your C drive select
Settings but this time find the slider and drag it to the left
until it reads 700 mb and exit. When you get to the Settings
screen click on Apply and OK and exit.
Select Start, All Programs, Accessories, System Tools, Disk CleanUp
to Empty your Recycle Bin and Remove Temporary Internet Files. Also
select Start, All Programs, accessories, System Tools, Disk
CleanUp, More Options, System Restore and remove all but the
latest System Restore point. Run Disk Defragmenter.
Does ImageDB.ddf still appear in the Most fragmented files list?
I looked at the system requirements fpr ACDSee 4 and Adobe
7. They do seem to be quite modest. Adobe Photoshop 7 has been
updated a number of times. Do you have the latest update?
Do you leave the computer on 24/7?
Try Ctrl+Alt+Delete to select Task Manager and click the
Performance Tab. Under Commit Charge what is the Total, the Limit
and the Peak? Can you provide figures immediately after starting
your computer anlso after you have started your favourite
photographic program and doing what ever you do with program.
Hope this helps.
Stourport, England
Enquire, plan and execute
Curious1975 wrote:
HD Tune: IC35L030AVV207-0 Information
Firmware version : V21OA66A
Serial number : VNVA02G1C2A5AG
Capacity : 27.9 GB (~30.0 GB)
Buffer size : 1865216 bytes
Standard : ATA/ATAPI-0
Supported mode : UDMA Mode 5 (Ultra ATA/100)
Current mode : UDMA Mode 5 (Ultra ATA/100)
S.M.A.R.T : yes
48-bit Address : yes
Read Look-Ahead : yes
Write Cache : yes
Host Protected Area : yes
Device Configuration Overlay : yes
Automatic Acoustic Management: yes
Power Management : yes
Advanced Power Management : yes
Power-up in Standby : yes
Security Mode : yes
Firmware Upgradable : no
Partition : 1
Drive letter :
Label :
Capacity : 31 MB
Usage : 0.00%
Type : unknown (DEh)
Bootable : No
Partition : 2
Drive letter : C:\
Label :
Capacity : 28576 MB
Usage : 63.58%
Type : NTFS
Bootable : Yes
HD Tune: IC35L030AVV207-0 Health
ID Current Worst ThresholdData
(01) Raw Read Error Rate 100 100 60 0
(02) Throughput Performance 100 100 50 0
(03) Spin Up Time 97 97 24
10813614 Ok
(04) Start/Stop Count 98 98 0 8406
(05) Reallocated Sector Count 100 100 5 0
(07) Seek Error Rate 100 100 67 0
(08) Seek Time Performance 100 100 20 0
(09) Power On Hours Count 99 99 0 7337
(0A) Spin Retry Count 100 100 60 0
(0C) Power Cycle Count 98 98 0 8399
(C0) Power Off Retract Count 93 93 50 8406
(C1) Load Cycle Count 93 93 50 8406
(C2) Temperature 183 183 0 917534
(C4) Reallocated Event Count 100 100 0 0
(C5) Current Pending Sector 100 100 0 0
(C6) Offline Uncorrectable 100 100 0 0
(C7) Ultra DMA CRC Error Count 200 200 0 0
Power On Time : 7337
Health Status : Ok
HD Tune: IC35L030AVV207-0 Error Scan
Scanned data : 28598 MB
Damaged Blocks : 0.0 %
Elapsed Time : 27:10
Disk Defrag:
Volume (C

Volume size = 27.91 GB
Cluster size = 4 KB
Used space = 17.69 GB
Free space = 10.21 GB
Percent free space = 36 %
Volume fragmentation
Total fragmentation = 14 %
File fragmentation = 27 %
Free space fragmentation = 1 %
File fragmentation
Total files = 91,857
Average file size = 382 KB
Total fragmented files = 4,867
Total excess fragments = 20,322
Average fragments per file = 1.22
Pagefile fragmentation
Pagefile size = 1.13 GB
Total fragments = 5
Folder fragmentation
Total folders = 6,667
Fragmented folders = 114
Excess folder fragments = 337
Master File Table (MFT) fragmentation
Total MFT size = 182 MB
MFT record count = 98,832
Percent MFT in use = 52 %
Total MFT fragments = 3
Fragments File Size Most fragmented files
1,442 1.29 GB \Documents and
Settings\Amy\Application Data\ACD Systems\ACDSee\ImageDB.ddf
386 25 MB \Documents and
Settings\NetworkService\Local Settings\Temporary Internet
Files\Content.IE5\0S7HMEX3\QuickTime[1].msi 351 49 MB
\Documents and Settings\Amy\My Documents\New Folder (2)\Doc
4\Friends\Video & Audio\2006_6_V V on Ryan S.WAV 343
24 MB \Documents and Settings\NetworkService\Local
Settings\Temporary Internet
Files\Content.IE5\0XQN096B\iTunes[1].msi 332 42 MB
\System Volume Information\catalog.wci\ 276
17 MB \System Volume
267 17 MB \System Volume
256 16 MB \System Volume
197 13 MB
186 12 MB
183 12 MB \Documents and
Settings\NetworkService\Local Settings\Temporary Internet
Files\Content.IE5\NK6YQWZJ\AppleMobileDeviceSupport[1].msi 169
11 MB \Documents and Settings\Amy\Local
Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Media Player\wmdbexport.xml
160 10 MB
146 23 MB \Documents and Settings\Amy\Local
Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Wallpaper1.bmp 116
8 MB \Documents and Settings\Amy\Local
Settings\Application Data\Apple
91 6 MB \System Volume
89 354 KB
\Documents and Settings\Amy\Local Settings\Application
Data\Microsoft\Media Player\CurrentDatabase_219.wmdb 79
5 MB
79 5 MB \Program Files\Common
Files\Symantec Shared\SymcData\ids-diskless\BinHub\sigs.dat 77
5 MB
77 5 MB \Program Files\Common
Files\Symantec Shared\VirusDefs\tmp194.tmp\ESRDEF.BIN 76
9 MB \Documents and Settings\Amy\Application
Data\Adobe\Photoshop\7.0\Adobe Photoshop 7.0 Settings\Brushes.psp
61 458 KB \Documents and Settings\Amy\My Documents\New