John Donson said:
: : >
: > Have you perchance got the Norton protected recycle bin turned on? That
: will eat disk space if you've been adding and removing things. btw, the
: > best resource on the net is:
: >
: >
: > and
: >
: >
: > assuming you are smart enough to frame the right question.
: Heh......if he was smart...he wouldn't be using Norton.

Why not? What is wrong with it? Why is it worse than other anti-virus
application, in your opinion?
It is very heavy on resources in most instances, does not play well with all
systems. I have no particular argument with it's abilities to catch a virus
or not, it's primarily the impact on the system.
But, it's like anything else, some love it, others don't. Some like Fords,
some don't. I've had Norton, I got 5 viruses, and endless problems. I had
McAfee for over 3 years, and got 7 viruses and it was also hard on
resources. I use AVG6 Free because it is not heavy on resources nor
bloated. I've used it for about 2 years and I've never had a virus, it works
well with my system, and I like the UI. It works for me. Simple. But, I
don't depend totally on any AV alone for virus protection. And I use F-Prot
as an on-demand backup AV as well.
If you read through this newsgroup, you'll see that it is full of pros and
cons on every known AV on the market, as are other AV groups. There's no one
prefect AV that fits everyone's needs, experience, UI preference, or
systems. Although there are those that will passionately defend their
favorite as the only one that really works. But, it's really a users call.