Haven't see that. I sometimes just hangs, sometimes on startup,
sometimes not. That and some very erratic behavior.
I don't get many hangs with Seamonkey - seen a couple... one last week to
some guy
http://www.monkeyfood.com/blog/ who is coding his own Quicktime
components, i.e. plugins to a plugin, and testing them out on visitors
(Google picked up on one keyword at that site and I fell in the hole). IE6
gave the 'plugin missing' msg so it could be Quicktime 7 to blame - just
checked and it still hangs after updating to Quicktime 7.1. Sometimes I
wish they'd all quit "enhancing" software that works right.<sigh>
BTW you're not trying to run Firefox and Seamonkey at the same time?...
that's a no-no... though they can both be installed on the same system
without interfering with each other... or so it is said. said:
My main
complaint with FF was that it *often* crashes when printing. Since
I print my on-line order forms to PDFs, this is very annoying.
Paperless umm, home - huh?

As I glance at all the dead trees around me
here... good idea. What are you using as a PDF writer? Is that a Firefox
"extension" - apparently that's one of the worst things about Firefox:
extensions get broken with new versions... which, with the auto-update
doodad really pisses people off.
I must say I've had lots of problems like that recently, with printing Web
content - one a couple of weeks ago where Firefox (at the office) just died
-- no send report or anything -- when I tried to print a page of PDF
content to a Lexmark network printer. Upgrading Adobe Reader to 7.07 fixed
that... gawd, I am heartily sick of Adobe Reader. It's now so bloated we
need a "Speed Launch".<puke>