Nintendo says next console may be ready at E3

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conker OWNS mario said:
it really is, and its going to bomb like the matrix revolution

OMFG LOLOLOLOLOL0rz j00 are TEH 0WN3r of teh j00!!!!111!!!one!!!eins!!!!

Thick twat.

Nekofrog said:
No one will ever reach the hype that the PS2 received, except for Sony
with the PS3.

"The PS2 will be able to read your mind and the AI will act

"The PS2 will be fully sex-capable.."

Then again, Sony are aiming squarely at the "home from the pub, pissed, time
for some footy" brigade who (generally) don't know any better.

Leave em to swallow the hype - There'll Always Be Something Better (tm)

cj's place said:
Yes, the same place *you* do.

It's a bit misleading really. Ol' Conker's head's so far up his own arse
it's where his head should be.

nice try, but playstation 2 is a complete success

No, it's not. I but (on average) 6 or 7 games per month. In the past 6
months, I've bought 1 PS2 game. Not much of a success.

It will suck even more than the Gaypube.

i think the people at the brig will love u. I know I do.

just pay your tab and u will be okay. Speaking of not paying his