Newsgroup question

  • Thread starter Thread starter RustyM
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Jim Macklin said:
If Bush continues to be successful, war is less likely. But
I agree in general with your comments about cross-posting
and CAPS.

The problem with agreeing with UNP is UNP doesn't know what a cross-post is.
UNP thinks multi-posting is the same as cross-posting.

Michael Stevens MS-MVP XP Shell
(e-mail address removed)
If a question is likely to be appropriately answered from
several groups, you can and should crosspost it (I would
direct all answers to the most appropriate groups and note
in the text so people would know where to look.

Multiposting is like spam and I would think it is posting
the same question on several threads and repeating the post
every few minutes.

Have I got that right?

The people think the Constitution protects their rights;
But government sees it as an obstacle to be overcome.

in message |
in message
| | > If Bush continues to be successful, war is less likely.
| > I agree in general with your comments about
| > and CAPS.
| >
| >
| > --
| > The people think the Constitution protects their rights;
| > But government sees it as an obstacle to be overcome.
| >
| >
| The problem with agreeing with UNP is UNP doesn't know
what a cross-post is.
| UNP thinks multi-posting is the same as cross-posting.
| Michael Stevens MS-MVP XP Shell
| (e-mail address removed)
| >
| > | What pisses me off lots more than cross posting is an
| > inane answer like yours Candy. I have been answering
| > NGs for months and quite frankly who gives a damn about
| > cross posting? Get a life and a thick skin. The same
| > for those offended by CAPITALS. Quite frankly war and
| > like Bush piss me off much more. Take a pill and chill,
| > is entirely to short to be so anal. {:~)
| >
| >
And the biggest difference there is that with a cross-post most news readers
not only mark the one your reading as read but also the cross posted posts
in the other NG's.
Multi posting whether it be posting over and over in a NG without giving
time for an answer or typing the same question in again in a different NG is
far more annoying because it doesn't mark them all as read and you end up
reading the same question again and again.
Right on.

The people think the Constitution protects their rights;
But government sees it as an obstacle to be overcome.

| And the biggest difference there is that with a cross-post
most news readers
| not only mark the one your reading as read but also the
cross posted posts
| in the other NG's.
| Multi posting whether it be posting over and over in a NG
without giving
| time for an answer or typing the same question in again in
a different NG is
| far more annoying because it doesn't mark them all as read
and you end up
| reading the same question again and again.
in message
| | > If a question is likely to be appropriately answered
| > several groups, you can and should crosspost it (I would
| > direct all answers to the most appropriate groups and
| > in the text so people would know where to look.
| >
| > Multiposting is like spam and I would think it is
| > the same question on several threads and repeating the
| > every few minutes.
| >
| > Have I got that right?
| >
| >
| > --
| > The people think the Constitution protects their rights;
| > But government sees it as an obstacle to be overcome.
| >
| >
| > "Michael Stevens" <[email protected]>
| > in message
| > |
| > | "Jim Macklin" <p51mustang[threeX12]@xxxhotmail.calm>
| > in message
| > | | > | > If Bush continues to be successful, war is less
| > But
| > | > I agree in general with your comments about
| > cross-posting
| > | > and CAPS.
| > | >
| > | >
| > | > --
| > | > The people think the Constitution protects their
| > | > But government sees it as an obstacle to be
| > | >
| > | >
| > |
| > | The problem with agreeing with UNP is UNP doesn't know
| > what a cross-post is.
| > | UNP thinks multi-posting is the same as cross-posting.
| > |
| > | Michael Stevens MS-MVP XP Shell
| > | (e-mail address removed)
| > |
| > |
| > | >
| >
| > | > | What pisses me off lots more than cross posting is
| > | > inane answer like yours Candy. I have been answering
| > these
| > | > NGs for months and quite frankly who gives a damn
| > | > cross posting? Get a life and a thick skin. The same
| > goes
| > | > for those offended by CAPITALS. Quite frankly war
| > people
| > | > like Bush piss me off much more. Take a pill and
| > life
| > | > is entirely to short to be so anal. {:~)
| > | >
| > | >
| > |
| > |
| >
| >
I prefer cross-posting (when the number of newsgroups is low, like half
a dozen or less) because I can see the replies from others and not waste
my time offering a duplicated message. If I'm wasting time duplicating
a reply then that is time I am not spending on someone else's problem.

I have a question about the FollowUp-To header. If the sender
cross-posts but also uses the FollowUp-To header to ensure all replies
go into a particular newsgroup (so they can just go to that one
newsgroup to see all replies):

- Do all replies that get sent to that newsgroup also get referenced in
the other newsgroups where the message was cross-posted?

- Or does using the FollowUp-To header effectively disconnect the
replies from the threads in the other newsgroups and they only show up
in the FollowUp-To newsgroup(s)? If this is true, the FollowUp-To
header would effectively undo the cross-posting advantage.
Followup is a f*ckin dumb idea. I always remove followups. Suppliciants can be so demanding.
"David Candy" ([email protected]) said in
Followup is a f*ckin dumb idea. I always remove followups.
Suppliciants can be so demanding.

I also remove the FollowUp-To header only because I'm not sure my reply
will show up in the other newsgroups. I also NEVER send my reply via
e-mail because the OP wanted it via e-mail. If they have the time to
post in newsgroups then they have the time to return to check for
replies. They share or they get ignored.

You never did answer MY question. You only offered your opinion on its
use. Reread my post IF you actually know what will happen to replies
sent with the FollowUp-To header included.

Also, go use a dictionary to determine the real definition of
"supplicant". According to you, everyone who asks a question is a
supplicant. Welcome to the supplicants club, David.
Goes to one newsgroups. Which means the person expect you to subscribe to that newsgroup to follow up one's own answer. Of course if the followup isn't in the MS heirachy we (that is you and I) can't answer anyway.

I like non hysterical people, preferably technical (ie a peer). Since the destruction wrought here by CDO I tend to skip the less technical people cause my library of reg files, programs, and script files are useless. And to help I have to talk technical to a moron.

Now you'll say what is a moron. Well similar to a cretin. But we aren't allowed to use these terms anymore. [just in case you don't know they are old terms refering to the degree of developmental disability]. At uni one of our electives imposed on us was DD. I organised the year and led a rebellion against having to study spasos.

But here a moron is someone who feels so disempowered by computers they can't think rationally. Once I was sympathetic. But MS with it's virtualisation and abstraction of basic OS concepts prevents people forming accurate mental models of their computers.

Windows is supposed to be a discoverable operating system. A user should be able to work in windows just by using it (yeah right). The heart of an OS is it's storage system (why DOS is Disk Operating System). Without understanding the physical I don't believe it's possible to really master a computer (a file in C:\ is a file in C:\). My mental model goes to to individual transistors though that a bit extreme but I spent my youth doing flip flops and shift registers (before computers).

Your computer is decendant from an integrated calculator chip called the 4004 - the first chip the the calculator manufacturers could use in more than one calculator because it was programmable. Before one had to design the electronics to multiply (using shift registers et al). Want to add a percent function then one had to add electriconic components. With the 4004 just change the code in ROM.

While Dos isn't that different to XP in concept (it had hardware abstraction, was object orientated, etc) the user interface was almost 1 to 1 with the physical and people understood. Now they get confused by Person's Documents, "%userprofile%\My Documents", and My Documents.
*Vanguard* said:
"The Unknown P" said in

A web interface to newsgroups is much more functional than using an NNTP
compliant client? Okay, here's some easy questions for ya:

How do you watch a thread using the web interface to newgroups? You

How do you automatically color those messages posted by you or by any
particular sender so they are easily identified? Or, alternatively, how
do you automatically flag all your own posts to identify in which
threads you have participated?

If you decide you don't want to see any posts from a troll, how do you
block them (so you never see their crapola)? If you should take offense
at my post, how are you going to block me?

The world of computers and the Internet is not Microsoft. How do you
use a web interface to OTHER news servers that do not provide a web
interface? In other words, for Internet-standard news servers that use
the NNTP (Network News Transfer Protocol), there is no web interface.
Don't be saying Google Groups is the answer which has its own set of
problems (no attachments, having to use an e-mail address to validate an
account signup and then use it to post, taking 4 hours before your post
shows up, constantly having to click a "more" link to read the rest of a
message which then removes you from the frame view showing the thread
and instead get stuck into a single-post view, and so on). Also, there
are "private" news servers that do NOT sync up their newsgroups across
the world with other news servers, so Google Groups will never have
those newsgroups. Some private news servers have private access, like
within your company for company-only communications. Some private news
servers have public access, like

How do you filter the posts so you view only those that are dated within
the last 5 or 10 days? Do you really need to read all those old posts,
or are you really interested in those that appeared today, or maybe
within the last few days? By filtering out posts outside a 5-day limit
then you not only delete old message that you won't read anyway but you
also delete those future-dated messages from users that can't figure out
how to set their computer's clock.

When looking for a particular post, and with only a single input textbox
available in which to specify your search criteria when using a web
interface, how do you differentiate your search to find those posts from
sender "King" from those posts where the message content talked about
"Martin Luther King"? You have no way to specify in which portion of
the posts to do the search.

If you are a dial-up user (I'm not but used to be a long time ago), how
do you store an offline copy of all the messages or, at least, their
headers so you can later review them while offline? You can't. The web
interface requires that you be online to look. There is no history or
store of messages available to look at them offline.

What if there are offensive messages in the newsgroup. How do you
delete them so you won't see them when revisiting that newsgroup? Some
a-hole posts porn, spam, or other unrelated and undesirable message.
Why bother having to see even its header everyday until it eventually
expires off the server when, in OE, you could just hit the Del key to
remove it from your local store and because its message ID already got
downloaded then that message won't reappear in the message list anymore.
You have no way of trimming out messages from newsgroup. Hell, you
don't even have a way to define a view to dictate what messages you can
see. You have to see them all.

So a web interface to newsgroups is more powerful, huh? NOT!

Could not have stated it better. The UnP has no clue about posting to
newsgroups. Anyone that makes the statement " A web interface to newsgroups
is much more functional than using an NNTP compliant client" is not a viable
source for information on the use of newsgroups.

Michael Stevens MS-MVP XP Shell
(e-mail address removed)