My goal is to have one compleet -except for the os- freeware system. And it
works fairly well...
I have tried the commercial version of agent (of course) but even the full
agent made me only luke-warm enthausiatic. Sometimes you just have something
in your mind about how a piece of software should work. Though having a lot
of options, I find the User interface quite messy. Somehow this bothers me
big time in a newsreader. Mightbe because my mind works more visual instead
of visual. infact, if only subscribed newsgoups could be grouped by subject,
I wouldn't mind Outlook Express. of course ther are other things I also want
in a news reader, but the interface somehow is very important for me in this
case (Mind you, my mind has a mind of it own

) I've tried other
newsgroup reader who can group newsgroups, but they also made a mess out of
the userinterface.
Guess it is time to grab a copy of delphi 6 PE somewhere an build one myself
(after I refrsh my pascal knowledge

Thanks anyway for your sugestion. think for most fanatic Newsgroup users,
Forte Agent full would be an ideal solution (especialy if it was free
