On recommendation from this grpoup I have duly downloaded this server
and went to subscribe to this greoup. Answer = 480 authentication
Please explain.
My present server (BT) can't hold anything fo rmore that a couple of
hours so I am desparate.
and went to subscribe to this greoup. Answer = 480 authentication
Please explain.
My present server (BT) can't hold anything fo rmore that a couple of
hours so I am desparate.
JanC said:Been using this free newsserver for years, today I get a 502-you are not
on my access list error.
I just finally got back in and the newsgroups (except this one oddly)
are howing no messages available.
Anyone else having a problem with this?
news.cis.dfn.de is now news.individual.net or news.individual.de
They had a server crash:
Subject: [Individual] Crash on December 29th
As you might have already learned: The news server News.Individual.NET
crashed on December 29th at about 5:15pm CET (4:15pm UTC, 11:15am EST) and
was not available for the following 80 minutes.
Some articles got lost due to the crash. We did some clean-up and will
re-feed missing articles within the next hours.
Some newsreaders might report duplicate articles. This is an annoying
side-effect of the crash and what we did afterwards but repairing this
would take too much time.
Apologies for the inconvenience,
that and they have changed to www.individual.net so this is the domain
you should be polling news.individual.net same username / password.
Works fine for me.