Gabriele Neukam said:On that special day, Axel Pettinger, ([email protected]) said...
Overwrites the first 64k of the defective dll, or of the hard disk?
My guess is that it grabs nearby data in RAM to write to disk
(defective dll) It makes an API call and uses the return data in
some sort of algorthm to "ramdomize" its choosing of which
sector to write to. It is a "version dependency" because the
API call it uses in the randomizer routine yields no return in
some version(s) of a DLL and the randomizer always causes
the first sector to be the result. Like a call to a 'tick count' that
in some version(s) is not supported so each time the call is
made the retun is the same (either an error code or a 'nothing'
each time.