Over 100 million people in this world use IE with no problems.
Exactly how was this poll done? How did it acheive a zero margin of
Over 100 million people in this world use IE with no problems.
"Wintendo" (that's what a FreeBSD hacker I know calls Windows ;-)
Exactly how was this poll done? How did it acheive a zero margin of
It's the "Zero margin of error" bunch that make all the childish remarks
about (insert product name here)
You see, children do not understand that nothing in this world is perfect or
has zero margin of error. Adults can quickly factor in normal margins of
error, and a "stuff happens" factor.
You will grow up some day and understand. You will learn tolerance, lest
people lose their tolerance for you.
Tolerance of buggy, vulnerable, and insecure internet apps when there
are far better ones available is just plain stupid .... and has
nothing to do with "growing up".
And did it take account of the massive amount of people who willExactly how was this poll done? How did it acheive a zero margin of
Here we go again, speaking in absolutes.
I agree with you in principal. I have little tolerance of bug-ridden
software myself. However, any software that has 10,000 teen aged boys
hacking on it all night will reveal vulnerabilities. We need to understand
If (insert browser or OS here) had 90% of the market, it would be the prime
target, and hacks would become plentiful.
Remember, with enough effort, anything that can be created can be destroyed.
Anything that can be locked can be unlocked. Anything that can be secured
can be unsecured.
I never use IE unless it's absolutely necessary. But I regularly do
/all/ the security updates.
But I had to use it the other day to sign up to an ISP. And guess what,
despite using a firewall I was infected! Can U believe it?!! The first
time I used IE in over a month I was infected within five minutes. Some
achievement, that, even for M$. Read about it here:
However, Micro$oft puts out OS and apps which are _absurdly_ and
quite obviously unsafe to put on the internet. Dangerous services and
features too numerous to mention are enabled by default. Gnubies and
non-techies don't stand a chance. They take hits of all kinds ...
if we make good choices, companies like Microsoft
are driven to release better products. Simple economics in the end.
I am not even close to being a techie, and I have no security issues with IE
or Windows XP.
I think that's generally true, as I have many friends that
have no problems with it.
In my experience, only the n00b's and the extremely careless have
problems with it.
Sure, there are vulnerabilities. Most of these vulnerabilities could not
possibly have been anticipated by MS or anyone else years ago when the
code was first developed.
Nobody could have even conceived of "Internet
Worms" back then.
Don't believe the detractors when they say that MS has no regard for
security. Believe me, MS absolutely hates Windows getting hacked. It
costs them millions annually, and causes untold bad will. If there were
a magic bullet, they would have long since fired it.
the rest of the windows code base. Or as someone with a better sense ofany< price as it's coding is so deeply flawed and so intermingled with
Windows XP SP2 has
been delayed for months, largely because they are trying to improve
It goes without saying that Longhorn being delayed largely to
improve security. It's not an easy task. Many here speak as though MS
could flip a switch and make IE secure. In the real world, things don't
work that way.
Every vulnerability that's closed usually affects
existing software in some way. MS is damned if they do, damned if they
Yes, it really does happen in the real world. Net BSD, Free BSD, DEC VMS,
Solaris, OS X, AIX, HP-UX.
See comments above re deeply flawed code base.
So Gordon, if you're an X user, why are you so upset? Go use your
X and enjoy the perfect functionality, invulnerability, jillions
of free programs, and excellent hardware compatibility and let me
suffer alone in Windows Hell.![]()
Gordon, I know you don't like vulnerabilities. Why do you act as
though I enjoy them? I bet I hate them just as much as you do.
Instead of running around like screaming like my hair is on fire,
I simply use AV, Spyware, and Firewall programs. I keep my OS
patched with the critical security updates. Takes 2 minutes a
month. <shrug>
If Windows is so friggin' bad, why are over 80% of the REAL
experts using WinXP? By "experts" I mean tweaking and overclocking
hobbyists that use and appreciate excellent hardware.
Bob Adkins said:In my experience, only the n00b's and the extremely careless have
problems with it.
H-Man said:IE is insecure, this is a fact, and so is Windows, also a fact.
And said:If Windows is so friggin' bad, why are over 80% of the REAL
experts using WinXP? By "experts" I mean tweaking and
overclocking hobbyists that use and appreciate excellent
experts using WinXP?
By "experts" I mean tweaking and
overclocking hobbyists that use and appreciate excellent hardware.
Bob said:Over 100 million people in this world use IE with no problems. What's
the matter with you? Learning disability?
derek said:Experts don't use XP
I would not call a overclocker an expert
So Gordon, if you're an X user, why are you so upset? Go use your X and
enjoy the perfect functionality, invulnerability, jillions of free programs,
and excellent hardware compatibility and let me suffer alone in Windows
Gordon, I know you don't like vulnerabilities. Why do you act as though I
enjoy them? I bet I hate them just as much as you do. Instead of running
around like screaming like my hair is on fire, I simply use AV, Spyware, and
Firewall programs. I keep my OS patched with the critical security updates.
Takes 2 minutes a month. <shrug>
If Windows is so friggin' bad, why are over 80% of the REAL experts using
WinXP? By "experts" I mean tweaking and overclocking hobbyists that use and
appreciate excellent hardware. If they detect an iota of instability, they
bail out and find something more stable. Immediately!