New to WFP

  • Thread starter Thread starter Gordon Padwick
  • Start date Start date
I think that Silverlight (WPF for browsers) has a chance of being
around longterm. It was used during the Olympics--people had to
download a plugin to view Olympics online--wasn't a problem to anyone
that I know. Silverlight is duking it out with Flash and Adobe Air,
of course, but Microsoft is unlikely (in my opinion) to abandon it.
The Framework can be seen as the container under which you will write your
application, and one of the big difference is that you won't use the Win32
API, directly, as you would, under VBA, or at least, not as much as you
could do with VBA.

About WPF, if your application presents massive amount of data to the front
end user, like Access, last time I checked, it was not WPF strong point,
and you may give a look at WinForms, instead. And if you still have to work
with databases, LINQ is probably the easiest way to go get data out of the
db, but even if you would probably use some tools that will accelerate your
job, knowing the basic of ADONet has advantages.

Vanderghast, Access MVP
The Framework can be seen as the container under which you will write your
application, and one of the big difference is that you won't use the Win32
API, directly, as you would, under VBA, or at least, not as much as you
could do with VBA.

About WPF, if your application presents massive amount of data to the front
end user, like Access, last time I checked, it was not WPF strong point,
and you may give a look at WinForms, instead. And if you still have to work
with databases, LINQ is probably the easiest way to go get data out of the
db, but even if you would probably use some tools that will accelerate your
job, knowing the basic of ADONet has advantages.

Vanderghast, Access MVP
Peter said:
As a longtime programmer with lots of experience with VBA in Access, I
thought it was time to come up to date by becoming competent with WPF.
So, I purchased Visual Studio 2008 and several books thar seemed to
deal with C# and WPF.

I'm running into lots of problems.

The books seem to preach to the converted. The books use lots of terms
without explaining what those terms mean. For example, one book in its
first sentenece says "WFP is a completely new framework..." My
question is: what is a framework?. I haven't come up with that word in
my previous experience. I need to know what the word means in order to
understand what the author is talking about'

The same book and other books use many terms without defiining what
those terms mean. [...]

For what it's worth, I'm not sure that when you're reading about a
component of the .NET Framework, that the author should be expected to
have to define the word "framework".

That said, sure...I'll bet there are lots of bad books out there that
presume too much. Unfortunately, I don't have any specific information
about good beginner's books for WPF, but I'd guess if you can find one,
it would define the terms that you really wouldn't be expected to know.


I'm newbie in WPF, although been programming in C# and C++ for a time now.

Currently I'm reading Apress' "Pro WPF in C# 2008" by Matthew MacDonald.
The book is certainly awsome. It clearly explains concepts and ideas.
Currently I'm reading chapter six (about dependency properties and
routed events), and I'm catching the concepts pretty quick. So far, I
would recommend this book to a newbie.

That said, the book expects some knowledge on C# and .NET Framework, of
course. Wouldn't be much of a help to the OP if he doesn't learn the
basis first, I guess.
