Sounds like your power supply has cables that are certainly long enough.
It was actually a bit of a squeeze with the CPU fan and video cards
mounted, , but I was able to get the job done without pulling the cable
too tight.
Had I been paying more attention and connected the P4 connector before
installing everything else, it wouldn't have been a problem.
Two questions, please:
1. Are you pleased with your 180 case?
Love it, wish I could justify two more for my home servers. Alas, it's
not like my servers' cases will suddenly "die"

2. What power supply are you using? Size?
Off hand I believe it's an Antec Earthwatts 500w, although I'm not
actually able to find the receipt (which is odd, since I'm obsessive
about scanning receipts), and it's about a 20 minute job to pull my
system out.
I previously had an Antec NeoPower PSU, the P4 connector wasn't a
problem with that one either.