New Stats just in ...

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Got it running on the media centre (XP 2000 1.6GHz) and its on 60% with 112 hits!!!!! cant wait for that one to finish...

Imrie - so what - surely you can get a hold of some more computers to put it on?
I have two computers here Postill.

Amd Mobile 2GHz Laptop.

P4 3.3GHz PC.

That's it folks :)
Just got it on a webserver :p

AMD Athlon 64Bit 2800+
1GB Ram

Tis a pretty nifty machine and it's a backup server for a company i work for, so i've gone ahead and installed it as it's just sitting there doing nothing.

I just run it on the pc in my sig, 24/7 :)

We are now at #166, with 205909 points!! :thumb:
Just got it on another server, this time an empty Dual Xeon 2.8GHz with the same company i work for.

Anyone up for an image :p

It really is thrashing this server to bits.

Dual Xeon 2.8GHz
6GB Ram



  • thrashing2.webp
    70.2 KB · Views: 165
Hehe half way to overtaking Shifter of Muck himself!!

I got like 10k points overnight - sweet!
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Hehe half way to overtaking Shifter of Much himself!!
With 4 machines Chris, I would anticipate an overtake ... :thumb:

Keep on Crunchin' ... 24/7
I need more pc's!! :p
We're climbing pretty quickly now :D Top 100 in no time ;)
According to the overtake charts on the stats page, we should be in 150th place in just 10 days if we carry on the way we is going!! :thumb:
I'm running eight instances now as im using a Quad processor machine and its got long jobs in the queue so it's taking ages to complete them.

I just checked the inventory and found them sitting empty so i thought i'd help the team and kick them into action.

Give it a day or so and the extra crunching power will be noticed :D

Chris, just set "THINK" to Auto, it will do the rest.
It is set to auto.

But it's still running 8 instances because it's got eight physical processors.

So not much change.

It running fine though, except damn Power Cuts at home today, had three so far, so it keeps knocking me off the PC & with no PC i can't monitor the FAD on the server.

Take it easy mate, start it up then leave it... go about your normal everyday tasks... dont spy on it constantly ;-) its shy and wont perform as much with you breathing over its shoulder ever few seconds...

then sit back and be happy when the results come in!
WOW :eek:, with that thing crunching we'll fly up the table :thumb:

To be honest, i am NOT impressed at this Xeon, it's giving me a LOT of jobs but im not budging on the stats.

I moved one place if that today which is disappointing.

I'm going to check the inventory and see if i can find anymore idle servers to install this on.

Im running it on 5 Machines, 2 of which are personal machines here, and the other 3 are servers.

I think you'll be climbing pretty rapidly after a few days with running it on all those machines!

I've got the urge, the urge to THINK. Need more machines :p

Yeah seriously though, i like doing my part for charity, and if we've got spare servers kicking around, all the more beneficial for the team & research purposes.

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