Don't know, I'm using a much older version of Forte but it
hasn't done anything like that... are you clearing out old
messages after awhile? It seems mine has been able to hold
a few thousand per box but I don't have any idea what the
max it's had was. Naturally there is some troubleshooting
you can do like backing up your current instance of Agent
and making a testbed install of it.
Im using the new Agent 3.3. You know theyve had some problems with the
new version 3 series. They really changed it and updated it
dramatically since it was so basic and old. It worked great in its old
form but the other newsreaders were way ahead of Forte Agent in
features. It been bit buggy the new versions.
One of the big problems frankly is one of the new features of Agent is
that it can handle tons of headers and many of the services have
continually expanded the amount they retain which is now reaching
incredible volume. It takes forever now to search , get headers etc.
Does any one else have this problem? You do a search and the PC
freezes. This isnt what Im talking about when I complain about
freezing and lockups. This freezing etc has been "normal" for a while.
In fact one of the reasons Ive wanted to upgrade to dual core and
faster CPUs etc is strangely enough --- besides gaming etc is basic
file functions will take forever and freeze the system. Try dumping
tons of small trivial files in a subdirectory like over 5000.
In WINXP the max file number seems to range somewhere around 4000-6000
, around there or higher if you delete or change the contents of the
directory with say File Explorer the PC just sits and freezes for a
while. Its really annoying. You would think things like file
management would be a snap nowadays. Cutting edge graphics sure , but
just updating the files content in a directory? My solution is to
keep clip art and other little files I have stored in subdirectories
no larger than 1000-2000 max. Ive always had problems in this area
with Win and its been getting better with faster processors and new
Wins but its annoying.
Theres the same kind of effect with various functions in Agent now as
if the sheer number of headers is causing a problem. Searching a large
group will cause the entiire program to freeze for annoyingly long
periods of time.
Anwyay thats a different problem which just may be normal.
But it may or may not be related as if Agent is struggling to handle
the huge volume of headers and gets corrupted. I may be totally wrong
about that though and it might be a PC problem.
I forgot to mention the obvious ----- everyone has claimed the Nvidia
IDE drivers cause problems ever since the nforce2. I keep instaling
them and then taking them out since many others swear they are OK and
they are being unfairly blamed. I should take them all off and see if
that has any effect as theres a recent post in this group blaming the
nvidia drivers for problems and at another site too.
Who doesn't? I don't very often but it seems related to
badly written websites' errors, as using sites that had
never crashed IE, don't ever either. Look into what the
sites are using, try to isolate that. Maybe a browser
pluging, I'd had versions of Acrobat that were buggy but now
I have it set to open windows external to IE, I find I like
the extra real-estate in Acrobat more than the
(convenience?) opening in the same IE window.
The funny thing is I NEVER got errors before unless something was
wrong with my PC etc. And I never got them with my ATI 800XL which is
ironic cause there are some ATI bashers who say ATI makes lousy
Don't know, I don't have a 7800GT but the majority of my
cards are nVidia's and I don't recall any problem related to
their drivers, though I tend to use either the 7x.xx series
or the 2nd newest driver at the time (letting those who want
to, be beta-testers for whatever is the current driver..
Yeah my old cards all were rock solid ---- I mean the 400mx series.
I used to use that a lot on budget systems. Never had a problem at
all. So I was thinking since its a relatively newer card though they
have the 7900 series now , maybe theres some kind of problem.
You know that brings up another thing ---- Power Supply.
However everytime I start swapping PSes its never been the cure.
Well you could just do without SATA if the drives keep
getting corrupted. I wouldn't like that solution either but
it beats losing data... or just put it all on a fully burned
in central server and run little but windows on your main
Yeah Im suspecting that. The Hitachi is OK on my dual core , Agent is
actually on a PATA seagate I have hooked up --- 5 drives to my main
My nforce3 uses a cheap small sata WD that came with the Compaq system
I bought prebuilt but trashed and rebuilt.
The strange thing is I tried repair , reinstalls the win xp files and
it hangs about 3/4 through the process.