New PC Build Now Finished! *Pics*

wow V_R that looks amazing

thanks for the pictures that looks wonderful and is sure to set you up for a good few years.

How are you finding the SSD drive?
Ye the SSD is great, loading times are awesome. :)

How much? Ummmm, enough. ;)
Which reminds me, I'll do an ATTO benchmark with the two 10,000rpm Velicoraptors in RAID 0 and see how they compare to the SSD drive.

I have a feeling that bag o chips will put these mechanical devices to shame.

Soon come, on bedroom machine at mo.

And on a different tack, my current main machine is three years old in a few weeks and I really am still very pleased with it's performance.

That's the longest I've ever gone without upgrading the whole thing. Before that, Socket A Machine for 30 months.

I'm not sure if spending the money involved would justify the performance increase but reading this thread - and having built a similar machine for me mate - I sure am tempted :)
floppybootstomp said:
I'm not sure if spending the money involved would justify the performance increase but reading this thread - and having built a similar machine for me mate - I sure am tempted :)

Do it do it!!
V_R said:
Maybe, You could work it out if you really wanted to. ;)

lol nah not enough time to do that.
your system looks about as clean as my one was when I upgraded about a year ago

looking at mine today it is full of dust
amazing how much dust a case can gather
Then clean it and go beyond your plateaus of dust. ;)
Ok, just carried out ATTO benchmark on my pair of Velicoraptors in RAID 0, system as in sig, 114Gb space left so far on 280Gb main disk so fairly well populated (ATTO benchies work better with fresh install, no apps installed).

Here's mine:


And here's V_R's SSD:


tbh, I'm a little surprised. Looks like Mucks was right about the write speeds.


  • atto_test_001.webp
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  • atto_ssd.webp
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not me, per say, but the tech people I read, I just tried to report the facts as I see them

oh, and samsung have some nice "std" drives out the can hold there own, and beat, the Velicoraptors

muckshifter said:
oh, and samsung have some nice "std" drives out the can hold there own, and beat, the Velicoraptors


We want links! :D

I found this: RAID 0 which would seem to suggest the RAID controller is more influential than the disks used.

The majority of my disks are Samsung, maybe I could benchmark one of those.

I also have a pair of Hitachi drives cos I figured if people are still scared to buy them after the IBM Deathstar fiasco, then Hitachi are going to try just that little bit harder to make their drives reliable, and they've been great so far, about 18 months down the line.

But, all probably irrelevant as my next major upgrade will feature a single or pair of SSD's.

And if I'm going off topic V_R, my apologies ;)
Interesting results, the write times are marginly better, but the suttained write is still slower.

Would like to see RAID SSD's. :)
'Suttained write'? Still Better?

Please explain to this numbskull here :)

To me it looks as though the raptors are quicker to write to whereas the SSD drive is quicker to read from.

I think maybe you mean 'Sustained write' but even so, how do you arrive at this conclusion and what exactly do you mean?

Please excuse me if I appear daft :)

And I'm not trying to score points, btw, I'd actually like the SSD's to trounce the mechanical devices, but facts is facts.
Ye sorry for the crap typing i was doing ten things at once... :)

By that i mean the green bars at the lower part of the benchmark.
I swear there's been an edit here...

The original post read: 'Still better' not 'still slower'

Ok, I'm pulling out of this discussion if we're shifting goalposts.
Ah hold on, i did/do mean sustained read not write, the green bars.