new hdd


Dedicated Cruncher
Jan 3, 2006
Reaction score
I have a new 40Gb HD and want to fit it to my old pc (AMD k-6 367MHz). I also bought a round cable with three plugs. I understand that it is easier to keep the old 4.2MB, with XP, as the boot disk and use the new one as slave. But is it better to just use the new one?
Thanks in anticipation,
Your actually better with the one 40G >as the other contains the OS leave it there, unless you want to do a new install of the OS.;)
In your case you are defeting the object of getting a new HD ... I would take the old one out, put the 40 in and clean install.

That 4.2 GB drive is a very old one and I am afraid has almost reached its life capacity, although it may continue to function for sometime if you are lucky. The posiibility of bad sectors and its complete failure cannot be completely ruled out. While everything is working, have your data transfered to the new one after you install the operating system.

I am simply suggesting above as precaution. ;)
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Thanks for your replies.
I will clean install on the new one as advised. I only have the os and a poker game on the old one.
peahouse05 said:
Thanks for your replies.
I will clean install on the new one as advised. I only have the os and a poker game on the old one.
whoa whoa now hang on a mo' ... are you winning or loosing on the poker game ...'cos if u is winning you better get your money out first, you won't get it after a re-install.

OK! :thumb:

It's ok muckshifter - my profile shows I am far too tight to play for real money.
I play against computer-generated opponents in a Wilson software package. I watched 'Maverick' in the 60s and never knew how the game worked. You are probably bored senseless by now, but we have my reason for networking (on another thread). I use my daughter's laptop, when allowed, so the pathetic old pc only needs to support the poker software and internet access.
peahouse ... if you stay here long enough, you will, I hope, realise that mucks has a very strange sence of humour ... I got it off me Dad. ;)

It is ... dry, not very whitty, boarders on sarcasum, but I won't change it for the world ... If you were betting for 'real' money you would not be messing with your PC. :D

Have fun ... or open another bottle. :thumb:
Dear muckshifter
I do realise this, I did read the 'twins' and the 'semen-swallowing' undergraduate. However I value your advice (and that of other members) but I do recommend the Wilson free trial poker download - but don't be tempted to play for real money!
peahouse05:D :cool:
oh no ... this Scot don't bet on a dead cert ... it's bound to be a no starter. :D

Ask itsme ... I don't even have 50p each-way on a lotto ticket.

Go for it Muckshifter!
I only lost a mythical $46 tonight and there is a free trial download of Wilson poker!
Seriously, chelseafc2005 has kindly sent me CDs of UBUNTU. I can run it from the CD drive or create a partition on the HDD - see I am learning, but not quite yet! How do I create a partition , or is this a different thread?
peahouse05 said:
Seriously, chelseafc2005 has kindly sent me CDs of UBUNTU. I can run it from the CD drive or create a partition on the HDD - see I am learning, but not quite yet! How do I create a partition , or is this a different thread?
No, this thread will do ...

Use your XP CD to install to your new 40gig HD ... when installing you will be given the option of how to set-up any partitions ... do it then and set 10gig fr Linux, that should be enough for Linux.

Install XP first then Linux, just tell Linux to use the 10gig unpartitioned space, and it will do the rest.

Thanks Muckshifter,
Which ubuntu os do I use, ntel x86 or Power PC?

peahouse05 said:
Thanks Muckshifter,
Which ubuntu os do I use, ntel x86 or Power PC?

err, well, you ain't got no "power" PC ... :D

So try the the other one ... and before we go too far with the questions, I have never tried Ubuntu so take it as it comes.

Linux is not Windows, it took me seveal weeks to get some "simple" tasks done so don't go expecting everything to work first go.

Thanks, I do expect to have to work on it. Everything about computers has been hard work for me over 36 years since punched cards, but I love it!

New 40GB was only autodetected when jumpers set to 32GB so it works. Unfortunately it will not boot from the XP installation cd. Have I missed a step here?
peahouse05:confused: :thumb:
peahouse05 said:
New 40GB was only autodetected when jumpers set to 32GB so it works. Unfortunately it will not boot from the XP installation cd. Have I missed a step here?
peahouse05:confused: :thumb:

Enter BIOS select 1st boot device too CD/DVD and disable the others ALL of them when set up then 1st boot from HDD;)
Sounds like you are also hitting a BIOS 32gig limitation ... bugger ... you may need to find a BIOS update, and that may be a problem.

Will need to know who made the MB.

Try itsme's suggestion though.

Thanks both,
I'll try it out. Not too concerned about the 32GB limit at the moment and that MB is like a murder victim with all the labels cut from their clothes.!
peahouse05:) :thumb:
peahouse05 said:
Thanks both,
I'll try it out. Not too concerned about the 32GB limit at the moment and that MB is like a murder victim with all the labels cut from their clothes.!
peahouse05:) :thumb:

Can you not see anything to indicate the MOBO make/model?:confused: