brevity snip
Halo. I have cable. Rig is a P4-2.66/533, 1 gig DDR400 (@333 for now),
FX5900-128 first and now Radeon 9800 Pro 128. XP Pro SP1, Forceware
53.03 for FX and Cat 4.5 for 9800. I run in 1280x1024-32bits period if
its available. *MY* gameplay is very smooth with full quality graphics.
The textures tend to be more detailed in Halo, and in Halo CE PS2.0 is
used and bump mapping looks very good. The normal field of view in Halo
is a bit narrower than in UT2004, depth of field approaches normal for
the eye. In UT2004 everything looks a little bit farther away than it
is, until it's right up on you. UT2004 MP is jerky, everyone moves
faster than 'normal' SP gameplay. That's a dead turn off for me. With
Halo, at least on my server and apparent to me, everyone moves at what
seems to be right speed. I play with 8 players max. Any more than
that things go crap when everything gets busy in one spot
often, other players in my server complain about the lag. None do whose
ping is 150 or less. Some of the folks try to play with a 400+ ping,
and that just doesn't work. That's almost a half second of lag.
Two different games, two very different engines. Two different systems
and two different people playing them. Our mileage has varied. That is
Oh yeah. I have everything Unreal
. Unreal, UT, Unreal 2, Ut2003 & 4,
all the official dl's, lots of player models and skins, maps.
Unreal 2 is a DX8.1 game. The graphics are better in UT2K4 and Halo for
the pixel shaders and bump mapping, lighting. The graphics are more
varied in U2 than in Halo.
True. The entire gameplay experience makes the game. Look how long we
played Quake and Quake2 online! Gee! Quake3 couldn't hold a candle to
the first two! Quake3 was a beautiful game, but it lost something
important in gameplay.
UT2004 gained something in gameplay over all the earlier Unreal games.
Looks like Halo is a one of a kind, one map freak. I don't enjoy any
other map in Halo except occasionally Death Island. Blood Gulch is the
only one I truly enjoy fully. They screwed up by developing it to be so
difficult to create mods and maps and models for. Halo PC will fall by
the wayside. In this sense, I agree with you. Far too little to DO
with the game. If I had the way to do it, I would create more levels a
lot like Blood Gulch
It is the only map with a goodly amount of open
space that has dirt and grass, not frozen over. Though in the campaign,
there are a number of maps that would be GREAT for MP, but aren't
Now, Far Cry, wow!
Tomorrow I pick up my P4 3.0E (Prescott) 800 fsb 1 meg L2 cache (.09u
process). When I put this into my GA8-848P-L mobo, my DDR400 will be
running at 400 mHz instead of 333. I'll see if that boost helps my gig
of ram and 9800 Pro smooth out Far Cry some more. I run it in
1280x768-32 bits, EVERYthing on and full up with system selected as Very
High. I think I should see some increase in performance
Halo. I have cable. Rig is a P4-2.66/533, 1 gig DDR400 (@333 for now),
FX5900-128 first and now Radeon 9800 Pro 128. XP Pro SP1, Forceware
53.03 for FX and Cat 4.5 for 9800. I run in 1280x1024-32bits period if
its available. *MY* gameplay is very smooth with full quality graphics.
The textures tend to be more detailed in Halo, and in Halo CE PS2.0 is
used and bump mapping looks very good. The normal field of view in Halo
is a bit narrower than in UT2004, depth of field approaches normal for
the eye. In UT2004 everything looks a little bit farther away than it
is, until it's right up on you. UT2004 MP is jerky, everyone moves
faster than 'normal' SP gameplay. That's a dead turn off for me. With
Halo, at least on my server and apparent to me, everyone moves at what
seems to be right speed. I play with 8 players max. Any more than
that things go crap when everything gets busy in one spot

often, other players in my server complain about the lag. None do whose
ping is 150 or less. Some of the folks try to play with a 400+ ping,
and that just doesn't work. That's almost a half second of lag.
Two different games, two very different engines. Two different systems
and two different people playing them. Our mileage has varied. That is

Smooth & Graphics? Play on a TI4200 or ATI 9600Pro card and higher...
Halo is bland... studders a lot... and can't handle the load of a real
MP game engine... try playing 32 people on HALO? FInding 16players
in UT2004 is easy... but in HALO, going past 4 players gets harder and
harder as the lag tends to get worse. UT2004 has more VECs and
weapons... The wheeled VECS in UT2004 have STUPID controls (HALO's
is much better) which I have addressed with the developer and on their
message boards... hopefully they will PATCH those up to be more fun.
But hey, unlike HALO - the HUMAN element is that you can blow off body
parts... with weapons or VECs...
Also the JET and hover bike in UT2004 totally SMOKE's HALO's gay
purple thingies. They move alot faster and more manuverable...
espeically the bike... The "GHOST" is pure crap! COmpared to the
Manta's abilities (besides that 2 more TEAM players can JUMP on and
fire while hangine on). The Jet is UT 2004 totall rocks... Also... I
put bombs on the VECS (mine) - so if I lose them or an enemy STEALS
them, I push the little red button! LOL!! That shock on those
people's faces when they take off in a jet and them POW!!! (I even
put the gernade bombs on their OWN vecs)... hilaous!!
NOthing like that in HALO... (but its a different game, thank god)
Its one map... it gets borning... but yes, I spend over a hunderd
hours playing that map online... When UT2004 came out, HALO was
quickly retired. But being the SERVER/HOST - you are also getting
the good end of the stick... try from the other side. Being the HOST,
your kill abilities are a LOT better... the developer stupidly screwed
this up and so your'er cheating in a sense. This is a known design
bug in HALO.
HALO is too slow for me... Even with UT2004, I pump up the action a
bit more. With UT2004, you can easily ADJUST the game speed and the
FOV... so your excuse is? Just check the user settings... Its VAST
and easy to use, unlike HALOs.
And its still just a NEW game... Do you have the full version?
Oh yeah. I have everything Unreal

all the official dl's, lots of player models and skins, maps.
I like HALO in its own way... I am a FAIR person... HALO doesn't
suck... it has issues, as does UT2004. Compare the slightly earlier
released game, Unreal2 - which has FAR better graphics than HALO...
Unreal 2 is a DX8.1 game. The graphics are better in UT2K4 and Halo for
the pixel shaders and bump mapping, lighting. The graphics are more
varied in U2 than in Halo.
Both are very much the same type of game even, but HALO has better
music and voice actors and the story and "world" is done a lot better
than Unreal 2.
Graphics do NOT always make a game.
True. The entire gameplay experience makes the game. Look how long we
played Quake and Quake2 online! Gee! Quake3 couldn't hold a candle to
the first two! Quake3 was a beautiful game, but it lost something
important in gameplay.
UT2004 gained something in gameplay over all the earlier Unreal games.
Looks like Halo is a one of a kind, one map freak. I don't enjoy any
other map in Halo except occasionally Death Island. Blood Gulch is the
only one I truly enjoy fully. They screwed up by developing it to be so
difficult to create mods and maps and models for. Halo PC will fall by
the wayside. In this sense, I agree with you. Far too little to DO
with the game. If I had the way to do it, I would create more levels a
lot like Blood Gulch

space that has dirt and grass, not frozen over. Though in the campaign,
there are a number of maps that would be GREAT for MP, but aren't
Now, Far Cry, wow!
Tomorrow I pick up my P4 3.0E (Prescott) 800 fsb 1 meg L2 cache (.09u
process). When I put this into my GA8-848P-L mobo, my DDR400 will be
running at 400 mHz instead of 333. I'll see if that boost helps my gig
of ram and 9800 Pro smooth out Far Cry some more. I run it in
1280x768-32 bits, EVERYthing on and full up with system selected as Very
High. I think I should see some increase in performance
