We're all entitled to our own opinions Darthy, so here's mine about
these two games:
Yes, we are... sometimes
I like HALO in its own way, okay? But the game is nowhere is "great"
as its hyped up to be. There are some FACTS with the problems with
1 - Graphics - substandard for a 2003 release game, it looks vey bland
even compared to COD. The graphics are simple... not even 1/4 the
detail in games like UT2004.
2 - Gaming Engine - very slow. The game requires far more horse power
than the output we get. In any Videocard group, people are bitching
about its game play.
3 - MP, lacking a lot of required tools and options that are found in
OLD games like UT-classic (2000). No skins, even though if the
developer had SKILLZ, they could have made the dozen or so NPCs into
playable characters for MP. Thats weak and stupid having everyone
looks the same. Also, it took many patches before they fixed the
problem with the TKers being punished, rather than the victim... of
course, to bad for those playing the "demo" where 1-2 Tkers can
totally ruin a GOOD server with people trying to KILL the TKers...
STUPID STUPID STUPID. The game was never worth the $50.
PS: UT2004 has about 7 RACE classes with about 8 skins types per
class. (Robots, aliens, humans, etc)
4 - MAPS.... 2-3 good maps... vs 100 huge maps... or at least
detailed and playable.
I like Halo MP, specifically I love Blood Gulch in multiplayer. I don't
play the campaign at all, the (to me) sheer arcadiness of the fights is
As you said it yourself... Blood Gulch... the only map really worth
playing in HALO... hence, the DEMO is enough, the full game has a few
more toys... but BLAH. But a single map is weak and boring... The
included map with the UT2004 demo for onslaught is about 4-5 times
bigger than BLOOD-G - and its not even the BIGGEST.
a bore. Multiplayer of course carries the Human element. Add to that
smooth gameplay, great sound and graphics, vehicles and a nice variety
of firepower, it made for a year of good multiplayer fun. I rarely
Smooth & Graphics? Play on a TI4200 or ATI 9600Pro card and higher...
Halo is bland... studders a lot... and can't handle the load of a real
MP game engine... try playing 32 people on HALO? FInding 16players
in UT2004 is easy... but in HALO, going past 4 players gets harder and
harder as the lag tends to get worse. UT2004 has more VECs and
weapons... The wheeled VECS in UT2004 have STUPID controls (HALO's
is much better) which I have addressed with the developer and on their
message boards... hopefully they will PATCH those up to be more fun.
But hey, unlike HALO - the HUMAN element is that you can blow off body
parts... with weapons or VECs...
Also the JET and hover bike in UT2004 totally SMOKE's HALO's gay
purple thingies. They move alot faster and more manuverable...
espeically the bike... The "GHOST" is pure crap! COmpared to the
Manta's abilities (besides that 2 more TEAM players can JUMP on and
fire while hangine on). The Jet is UT 2004 totall rocks... Also... I
put bombs on the VECS (mine) - so if I lose them or an enemy STEALS
them, I push the little red button! LOL!! That shock on those
people's faces when they take off in a jet and them POW!!! (I even
put the gernade bombs on their OWN vecs)... hilaous!!
NOthing like that in HALO... (but its a different game, thank god)
dropped into another server, I ran my own 99% of the time and it still
gets full quick

They simply make it very difficult to mod the game,
create new maps or modify old ones. Most folks get tired of even my
Blood Gulch server after a few hours. I never do
Its one map... it gets borning... but yes, I spend over a hunderd
hours playing that map online... When UT2004 came out, HALO was
quickly retired. But being the SERVER/HOST - you are also getting
the good end of the stick... try from the other side. Being the HOST,
your kill abilities are a LOT better... the developer stupidly screwed
this up and so your'er cheating in a sense. This is a known design
bug in HALO.
UT2004 is a lot of fun too. It provides me some fun with botmatches as
well as multiplayer LAN and internet games. I like the Team
Deathmatch, and Onslaught. Yet there is something not quite so 'right'
about it, the FOV is a little off, character speed is too quick. It's
HALO is too slow for me... Even with UT2004, I pump up the action a
bit more. With UT2004, you can easily ADJUST the game speed and the
FOV... so your excuse is? Just check the user settings... Its VAST
and easy to use, unlike HALOs.
something about its scaling, and Unreal, Unreal Tournament were affected
the same way. I'm speaking of the way speed is scaled to size/distance.
Other than that, it's great too! And UT2K4 has a huge variety of maps
and even models now.
And its still just a NEW game... Do you have the full version?
I like HALO in its own way... I am a FAIR person... HALO doesn't
suck... it has issues, as does UT2004. Compare the slightly earlier
released game, Unreal2 - which has FAR better graphics than HALO...
Both are very much the same type of game even, but HALO has better
music and voice actors and the story and "world" is done a lot better
than Unreal 2.
Graphics do NOT always make a game.
- - - - -
Remember: In the USA - it is dangeroud to draw or write about Heir Bush in a negative way. The police or SS are called, people threaten to kill you. (What country is this again?)
- 15yr old boy in Washington was disciplined for drawing such images.
- White House blows cover of an undercover agent because her husband said there were no WMD (before the USA started the war) - her job was finding terrorist. (This makes sense?)
God bless the land of the free. Where you can burn the Constitution... Ashcroft does it every day.