These pieces of Junk are for one off use only...and thats if you are lucky.
As soon as the ink needs replacement, they fail...The heads clog..... as
standards regardless of what ink you use.... this should be in the
manufacturer specification. Not everyone uses up the cartridges within the
warranty period...and so just as the warranty is finishing...so is the ink
and so is the printer life. I routinely and religiously followed the power
down ...print weekly...etc etc recommended by epson... what a load of
crap...and their support department treat you as crap as soon as they hear
the printer is over 1 year old. When the planet is dead and gone any future
civilisation who opens up landfills will inherit nothing but a load of epson
I've had my Epson Salts 880 now for several years, have not had any
trouble with it, and am very happy with it.