Gene E. Bloch
You brought up an interesting question which also is a challenging one for
application developers (doesn't imply I am one).
Since I have no idea for if you or your beloved grandfather (or anyone else)
would use it, so I said:
Notice that I used "or" so one, as a user, doesn't have to remove it.
The question is, as a user, one may not know if he/she would use it. But
then again, an average user might not dig so deep to find out if those
components were still there.
In any case, here comes the developer's role. As a general rule, I would
say to remove all of the application's components upon performing an
uninstallation process. But this is one of the rare occasions when I would
say to leave those commonly shared 3rd party components intact when the
program is being removed.
The primary concern is exactly to prevent the scenario as you described and
there is no way for an average user to know where might be the problem, and
the publisher of program Y might be falsely blamed.
So if it was my call, I would say to leave those commonly shared 3rd party
components (as opposed to proprietary components developed by the publisher
and used solely for the program).
But not every one thinks the same, so there are programs that will remove
everything indiscriminately.
Hope I've answered your question.
No, you haven't.
ISTM that you said programs should remove the .Net stuff, and you seemed to
feel that only some uninstallers might give the user a chance to refuse.
It wasn't a question at all. It was a counter example to what I consider a
very bad idea.