AFAIK then MS is not replacing ASP.NET web forms witH ASP.NET MVC - they
are supplementing it.
Yes, that's true. Of the technologies I mentioned, though, MVC is the
one that has not, as yet, caught on. I'm actually excited that
webforms are being supplanted by web service technologies. I always
thought it was a wasteful and kind of arrogant way for server side
code to communicate with a client.
microsoft.com and myspace.com are both pretty big !
They sure are, though which part of myspace is written in .NET? Since
it is a RESTful site, it is difficult to tell and page source shows a
lot of cold fusion files. They are advertising for C# programmers at
myspace so obviously there is a lot of .NET work going on. I wonder
if it is MONO or are they using IIS to serve it up?
Microsoft.com is not one of the sites I had in mind when I said