I'm far too lazy to type that much code into a newsgroup window... LOL Trust
me when I say that I've made prodigious use of the Ctrl-C/Ctrl-V option.
Now on with the show...
When I commented out the i_Compress.CompressFolder line and used your
Console.Writeline command line, I got a string of text showing the path of
the compressed file, as follows
strSourceDir "C:\Program Files\Corel\Corel Paint Shop Pro X" String
strDeepestNode "C:\Program Files\Corel\Corel Paint Shop Pro X\Brushes"
But I went just a little bit further and changed the Console.Writeline
portion of the command line to i_Compress.CompressFolder. As soon as I left
that line, three errors popped up in the IDE. Here they are...
Error 1 Argument not specified for parameter 's_CabFile' of 'Public Sub
CompressFolder(s_Folder As String, s_CabFile As String, s_Filter As String,
s32_SplitSize As Integer)'. D:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual
Studio\Projects\Folder Archive\Folder Archive\Folder Archive\Form1.vb 129 13
Folder Archive
Error 2 Argument not specified for parameter 's_Filter' of 'Public Sub
CompressFolder(s_Folder As String, s_CabFile As String, s_Filter As String,
s32_SplitSize As Integer)'. D:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual
Studio\Projects\Folder Archive\Folder Archive\Folder Archive\Form1.vb 129 13
Folder Archive
Error 3 Argument not specified for parameter 's32_SplitSize' of 'Public Sub
CompressFolder(s_Folder As String, s_CabFile As String, s_Filter As String,
s32_SplitSize As Integer)'. D:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual
Studio\Projects\Folder Archive\Folder Archive\Folder Archive\Form1.vb 129 13
Folder Archive
These are the same errors I was receiving when I tried what you suggested,
which is why I believe that there may be a bug in the .dll because it's
(possibly) parsing the command strings only for commas and when it sees one,
it goes looking for the next piece of the puzzle instead of trying to make
sure the piece I've provided it really fits. When I present it with just a
variable it behaves as it should.
P.S. In the last message I posted with the leading params, I did make a
typo, but I was trying to illustrate how I thought the .dll was parsing it's
commands and got in a rush and just typed stuff in. The actual code doesn't
have that colon at the end of "cab". Sorry.