I was aiming my comment specifically at Al who justifies stealing because
he was 'pissed off'. Sure, there were lots of reasons to be pissed off
back in 95/98 days because those were defective products IMO and quite
frankly I could care less if people bitch but it starts chapping my ass
when people just make shit up to bitch about.
Even so, you just gave them justification...
If the prior version is defective, they're entitled to money
back or a working replacement. User can't steal what they
paid for right? If they pay for an OS (like XP) that's
marketed as secure, and the email client can't even open an
email without risk of infection, unless
patched/safeguarded/virus-scanned, extra measures, it's not
secure. XP is defective too, IMO. I don't think anyone
should steal windows, rather that MS should be forced to
patch it. They should be fined so severely for every day
these issues go unaddressed that within a year, if all but
the obscure problems aren't fixed then they're bankrupt.
In a way this kinda parallels the whole situation with the
RIAA, people stealing MP3s. Some may just do it because
they can, but others aren't willing to pay $15+ for a CD
with only one or two songs they want. Same people might not
be willing to pay MS over $100 for defect pathes, USB2, or
48bit LBA support (and still not get defect resolution??),
they just want what they paid for already to be supported,
not in a half-assed fashion but appropriate to the profits
made, the price of it.
I don't think WInXP brings enough value-added featues
(beyond those things that should've be patched in past OS)
that most people would pay over $100 if they already have a
prior OS license. Well actually I think it's detrimental to
add the features to 2K that MS did then call it XP, but I
digress. Perhaps some had OEM license that is
non-transferrible, but others didn't. A complex issue with
so many variables, and it doesn't help that some people may
feel cheated. It is complex because it is legally stealing,
by a government that does not hold MS to the standards of
defect or monopoly seen elsewhere, many people ARE forced to
choose windows as Linux is not a viable alternative for
Then again I can't read minds, some might just do it because
they can. I'd heard that MS is checking licenses now for
some of (all but the most critical?) windows updates and
denying people, so at least those "stealing" windows aren't
able to continually update it, but that doesn't diminish
that I still think MS should have to patch their past
versions of windows for _paying_ customers. They did make
billion$ off of them, is that too much to expect even if it
weren't legally necessary (excepting that our goverment
seems to apply different standards to the software industry,
and MS in particular, compared to other industries). I
suppose my advice is to pay for windows but jump ship as
soon as linux meets one's needs. That is, if one doesn't
feel Windows is worth paying for.