Thanks, I'll proceed with step-by-step validation.
use a combo box on a form with a recordsource of the employee table, or makerpw said:----- Lynn Trapp wrote: -----
BoardTaskAssignmentID PK
BoardTaskID FK (to tblBoardTasks)
AssigneeID (do a lookup of EmployeeID from tblEmployees)
...other BoardTaskAssignment related fields
Hi Lynn,
Just for clarification - In the above table description did you mean to
use a combo box on a form with a recordsource of the employee table, or makrpw said:----- Lynn Trapp wrote: ----
<snip>> BoardTaskAssignmentID P
BoardTaskID FK (to tblBoardTasks
AssigneeID (do a lookup of EmployeeID from tblEmployees
...other BoardTaskAssignment related field