History Fan
Anyone have a good guess as to when NAV 2005 will be released? I've
heard as early as August.
heard as early as August.
History said:Anyone have a good guess as to when NAV 2005 will be released? I've
heard as early as August.
History Fan said:I got an email from Symantec this morning in response to a
question I asked them. They told me that NAV 2003 is NOT compatible
with the upcoming SP2 with Windows XP. I was advised to upgrade to
version 2004. Ugh. I think I'll try something else, unless NAV 2005
is released soon.
Like what behavior would be exhibited or if it was something obvious so
the user really knew that NAV 2003 wasn't working or causing problems?
History Fan said:No, it was just a simple letter that stated NAV 2003 was not
compatible with SP2 and encouraging me to upgrade to the 2004
version. I'm not going to upgrade to NAV 2004 again, so I'll try a
different AV program.
*Vanguard* said:Did they mention what would happen with NAV 2003 when used under SP-2?
Like what behavior would be exhibited or if it was something obvious so
the user really knew that NAV 2003 wasn't working or causing problems?
FWIW......Nav 2004 is NOT compatible with WindowsME......causes all sorts ofHistory Fan said:I got an email from Symantec this morning in response to a question I
asked them. They told me that NAV 2003 is NOT compatible with the upcoming
SP2 with Windows XP. I was advised to upgrade to version 2004. Ugh. I
think I'll try something else, unless NAV 2005 is released soon.
Heather said:FWIW......Nav 2004 is NOT compatible with WindowsME......causes all sorts of
problems [...]
Frederic Bonroy said:Heather said:FWIW......Nav 2004 is NOT compatible with WindowsME......causes all sorts of
problems [...]
You call that "not compatible"? Isn't that NAV's standard behavior? ;-)
Heather said:2004 will not install at all.
Frederic Bonroy said:That's great! So what exactly is the problem? ;-)
Heather said:*tech support* is an oxymoron......
Heather said:Frederic Bonroy said:Heather said:FWIW......Nav 2004 is NOT compatible with WindowsME......causes all
sorts of problems [...]
You call that "not compatible"? Isn't that NAV's standard behavior?
LOL....that it is!! You have no idea how many people buy the damned
thing and then come to the WinME ng's for help. 2004 will not
install at all. I consider that a *good thing*.....grin. But Norton
won't acknowledge the problem or give them their money back......
Cheers......and nice to see you, young lad!!
will display information on whether an anti-virus program or a firewall
is installed and enabled. Since this requires some cooperation from the
anti-virus programs, it is possible that this is one reason why NAV 2003
isn't fully compatible with SP2.
Heather said:question
FWIW......Nav 2004 is NOT compatible with WindowsME......causes all sorts of
problems and Symantec continues to ignore this and refuses to refund the
purchase price.....not that I would use it anyway, grin.
Heather said:Now I will have to go back and check the posts......I haven't paid that much
attention....but many are having big problems with it. So much so that the
MVP's are advising they take it back to the store for a refund as it won't
work on WinME.
Here is one naive soul's problems with Symantec......note that it was
installed with a *tech's* help.....lol.....
I have downloaded and activated Norton 2004 anti virus,
but it will not open to the main page so i can scan or
schedule a scan. i installed it as a walk through with
Symantec/Norton on line support but they told me that is
as far as they go. I never had this trouble with 2002,
she walked me completely deleting the old 2002 information
but I am still having major problems/. can someone help