Jesco Lincke said:
All of them complete duds.
1. The oven example is not valid,
since you are comparing a relatively small hot environment effecting a large one with a large hot
environment effecting a small one.
The size is completely irrelevant. You can try the alleged pinhole 'lens'
effect with the sun if you like, you wont burn down a house with that either.
Basic physics again. You can only set fire to something in that
situation when significant IR energy gets thru the pinhole 'lens'
and that cant happen, as you can prove by trying it with the sun.
The door open will in fact allow MUCH more IR to fall on what is
outside it and you can feel that IR by standing near that open door.
You dont however ever get even remotely close to catching fire.
Also, dont expect lensing effects through an oven DOOR...
Covered that by rubbing his and now your nose in the
fact that even if you replace the door with high temperature
insulation in it, you STILL wont set fire to the room.
You wont with the sun either.
2. You do not give references.
Dont need to on something as basic as that. You are welcome
to try the pinhole 'lens' effect with the sun any time you like.
It should be obvious that furnaces wouldnt have doors that can
be opened if opening them would set fire to the room they are in.
And you may well be able to find some operation that runs furnaces
let you stand near one with the door open, or watch video of where
that happens when the furnace is used, without anyone catching fire.
Your knowledge might be as you claim - it might not.
Wrong again.
Since several of the other posters here seem to think different,
No they dont on that alleged pinhole 'lens' effect.
please enlighten us by giving references.
How many of you are there between those ears ?
It would help keep the discusion short and objective.
You get no say what so ever on what might or might not help.
3. Yor way of arguing is offensive.
You get to like that or lump it.
Sorry, there's no other way of putting it.
Ditto in spades to you.
I've seen it on other posts, I've seen it here. Which is a
pity, because I still have no clue whether you're actually right or wrong. But I won't be
listening for long...
You have always been, and always will be completley and utterly irrelavant.
How long you may or may not listen in spades.
You clearly dont have a clue about the most basic physics either.
Even you should have noticed by now that fire resistant hard drives are buyable.
And even if you dont like the detail of a working furnace, even
you should be able to grasp that if you dont turn the furnace on,
and put a hard drive inside one, it will survive a fire fine.
And I wont be providing 'references' on something as basic as that either.
I wont on the claim that the sun will rise again tomorrow either.