My thoughts on Vista Whiners

  • Thread starter Thread starter BillG
  • Start date Start date
I have no reason to bad mouth Microsoft. Over the years, I have made a
good living because of Microsoft. I thank Bill Gates for his software and
operating systems. I have been an MCSE, MCT, SQL Server Administrator,
developer etc. all thanks to Microsoft products. I have no complaints.

I'm well aware you seem incapable of being objective or totally honest
and whatever you say about Microsoft is biased probably because of
what you just said. Not to worry, that's typical of fanboys.

I'm retired now, but I too made a good living using Windows software.
The flip side is I'd hate to calculate all the downtime, all the
wasted effort, or the times I had to stop working and deal with
another Microsoft blunder, crash, freeze or something that cost money
and delays for my employer, later my clients when I was in business
for myself to say nothing of the skipped lunches, all night shifts,
lost sleep, annoyances and the need to redo something or find a
workaround because some piece of Microsoft software you seem to love
didn't deliver or just flat out didn't work or lost work, or had to be
massaged, reinstalled or fiddled with or the OS itself reinstalled or

You know what the difference is between us? I can told both sides of
the story. You only see what's earned you money. So you've got blinder
on. Ask any business owner how much money they LOST due to buggy
Microsoft software. You'll get an ear full, but of course you would
just come back with your favorite excuse... all software is buggy.
That too is a typical fanboy position. No matter how much Microsoft
screws up, you have a ready excuse for them which is why you've earned
NO respect from me. I tell it like it is. Try it sometime.
This is not a Microsoft thing. When was the last time your doctor or lawyer
called you at night on their own dime. I go see my doctor to ask a question
and he bills my insurance company for a visit.

Time to fess up. Are you a paid apologist for Microsoft? If not,
consider it.
Do you work for free?

Have many times. It's called pro bono publico (for the public good)
Do you give away your time?

See above.
Would you feel put out
if your employer said that he wanted you to answer calls at night but you
don't get paid for it.

On call days, nights, weekends, holidays, was part of my job. I was
one of those 'go to' guys. A fixer. I was paid a flat salary
regardless how many hours I worked. <wink>
I deal with middle size businesses all over the country who are running my
software and what they buy is Microsft (severs, SQL Server and my .Net
software). The real world for my clients is Windows. I have often thought

With all due respect, that's the fallacy of the biased generalization.
You write windows programs, so all your clients are windows shops. You
therefore conclude that the "real world" - by which you presumably mean
THE world - is a windows world. That's an error.

There are dozens if not hundreds of absolutely huge linux
projects going on. Everyone knows about google. People here have mentioned
various national govenments implementing on linux. Our own federal government
makes heavy use of linux, as does the state of Texas. These are projects
on very very large scales, hundreds of millions of dollars and years of
work. The kind of thing that's almost impossible to do with windows because
windows doesn't scale that way.
dependable and Microsoft will be around for a long time. As one of the
other posters has stated if Linux is so great and wonderful and it is free
then why hasn't the business community jumped on it and bought in mass
purchases as they have with Windows?

I hope you see the inconsistency in that statement... :-)
BillG said:
You eat with that mouth. You have no respect. I just questioned why
you were in this group. It was an honest question. So you make money
off of Microsoft. You profit when Microsoft profits. I have been in
the computer business for a long time in fact over 20 years. My
software has bugs in it and so does everyone elses. I am not condoning
it but saying it is a fact of life. Considering how big an operating
system is, and how much it can do and how each part of it is so
interrelated no wonder bugs occur. Show me a piece of software on the
market today that does not have to deploy fixes or patches. They all do
it. From Microsoft to Adobe to Blizzard to the little mom and pop
consulting company. You wouldn't want to pay for a perfect software
package that was completely free of bugs or wait for the time needed to
completely test it. That car you drive has bugs in it, have you ever
heard of recalls. Those applicances in your home break down and need
fixing. Our society is not prepared to pay for computers or operating
systems or other pieces of software that is completely bug free. And as
a stockholder, who profits from Microsoft, you wouldn't want them to
spend your dividends on bug free software. Whether we like it or not,
software is not now or ever going to be completely bug free or never in
need of patches. BTW this can be considered a forum. There are other
sites that interchange the wording. And if that is what you are going
to debate me on instead of the real topic then it shows how ignorant you
are and unable to intelligently discuss matters.


Hey BG, you've found our resident drunken pig...LOL!
I wouldn't waste my time with that known lying loser. He's a know-it-all
who knows nothing about anything but claims to everything about everything.
He's really a sad excuse for a human being...a pathetic example of what
booze can do to someone.
Pity the poor first...then get rid of him!
Clear said:
The way you format your post reveals your level of thought.

Hahahahahaha...oh now that's hilarious!
You are confused.

OMG!!! That's even more hilarious!!!
And by the way, vista is total crap... it's a disgrace for you to be
admitting openly that you are an experienced user
and even a programmer, and say its "a great OS"

There we go...the inane, insane Vista rant from an incompetent funny is that, huh?
Its only great for Triumph the insult comic dog to poop on.

The people who deploy OS on a massive scale for companies wont get close
to vista with a 10 yard stick, and will skip it.

Wanna bet? Ever hear of software contracts...LOL!
You're stupid and not at all informed. In fact you're a delusion idiot.
These people are hardly linux geeks in dark basements. They know whats
good or not.

Who are you talking about? A idiot like you?
I for example saw that vista would be a fiasco 3 minutes after using an
early beta...

Vista has owned your little pea sized brain from the get-go huh?

I was terrified to see that they still
didn't change it by the time it was RC and RTM'ed.

Vista still owns you doesn't it? You're have foolish pride and can't
admit that you're just too stupid and incompetent to get your one little
install of Vista to run properly. Do us and yourself a big favor...go
back to XP and never again touch Vista, ok? It is not for you!

Oh, and forget W7, it'll be far, far beyond your comprehension...LOL!
You are confused.

Hold that thought

You sound like the overpaid "star" of a team that is 0-7 seven games into
the season.
Ranting at the radio, both arms waving while driving the wrong way up a
one-way street.

99% of the juvenile nonsense in this Flea Market is due to EGO.
It is harmless to everyone but the unfortunate soul who is trapped by it.
It's easily spotted. :) He's the guy having the life choked out of him by
its white-knuckled death grip around his throat.

Just look for that dedicated believer who just KNOWS he's right, that's
right the wrongheaded guy :)

MOST people, business or otherwise, believe the FUD about Linux, that
it's only for geeks, etc. This is changing and more rapidly than you
could ever imagine.

The Earth is round.

If you accept this you'll be better off in the long run.

You miss my point. I am not denying that Linuz is used for software
projects all over this country. What I am saying is that if tomorrow,
Monday morning, you and I were to pick 100 random mid size to large
companies in this country at random and walk into their premises over 80% of
the staff would be running Windows apps on their computers. My customers
are running 100% Windows apps so I program for Windows apps.

If tomorrow all my customers wanted to run linux, I would grab a compiler
and develop my software for Linux because I want to make money and to do
that I have to program in what the client wants. I am not saying that no
businesses will run Linux. I am using my particular vertical market which
is heavily tied to Windows and will remain so. There are jobs out there for
Linux developers but right now and for the forseeable future there are more
jobs out there for Windows developers.

I am not a purist who says I will program in what I want because I like it
and if no one wants to use my software too bad, I won't sell out to MS. I
am a realist who sees the majority market as being a MS Windows so I program
for that market. Maybe you work for a company or know companies who use
Linux and so Linux is your development platform but if those same companies
suddenly stopped using Linux, I would bet that you would too and move to
whatever platfrom they move to.

I challenge you to pick any newspaper today and look at the jobs section and
see which has more job offerings Linux programmers or Windows programmers.
In my 20 years of programming, being a DBA, networking all my clients that I
have had were Windows users so I have had no reason to look elsewhere. I am
happy in the windows world. If tomorrow everyone stopped using Windows and
moved to Linux or Ubuntu or whatever the next operating system would be, I
would be the first in line at the store buying the new OS and a new set of
compiler tools and shopping on Amazon for new books but as long as my
clients and all the businesses in my vertical industry are windows clients,
I will remain a Windows developer.

C.B. said:

Adults respect the wishes and choices of others. Children whine and
fail to understand the choices of others. One can choose between adult
behavior and childish behavior. Their comments define whom they are.
For those of you who wish to sling negative comments concerning my
please feel free to do so. Childish criticisms roll off me like water on
a duck's back.

Well, your post was a bunch platitudinous BS.

What is "childish behavior" is trying to characterize others as childish
just because they express their dissatisfaction with a consumer product.

Why do YOU even care what other people think about some soul-less
corporation's product?

Why not let the criticism's of Vista here "roll off [you] like water on a
duck's back?"

Aren't you adult enough to do that?

Who is more childish, the people here complaining about a product that
they paid their hard earned money for, and feel they didn't get what they
paid for, or those who defend the maker's of this product trying to tell
people that they are wrong about the way they feel about this product?

Former Self-anointed Moderator
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei!"
I didn't bother reading your post, because you didn't care enough about
it to do cut it up into readable paragraphs.

Former Self-anointed Moderator
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei!"
Frank said:
We've got desktop OS's called Windows? So who gives a sh*t what your
refrigerator is running, huh?...LOL!
You're a stupid fool!

I think I'm starting to hate Frank. He makes Lameboy seem reasonable.

Former Self-anointed Moderator
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei!"
You miss my point.

The point YOU miss is you AND your customers are slaves to Windows. It
isn't necessarily what you or they want, rather how it is. Many
present Windows users are so only because they have to be due to the
limited alternative choices and the investment they have in Windows
based software. Things change. Once upon a time buggy whips were a hot
seller. Once upon a time Wells Fargo was known for running a stage
coach line, not a major bank. Once the telegraph was the state of the
art communications method, once color television was just a fad. Not
long ago cell phones were just a pipe dream.

Microsoft's success is largely based on a captive audience. Their
customers aren't that happy and many are fed up with the same cycle of
big promises followed by buggy releases with many detesting
Microsoft's strangle hold on an entire industry. That is a shaky
business model to build on because anytime with little or no warning
somebody else can build a better mouse trap.

Not that long ago General Motors was sitting atop a vast empire nobody
would seriously think would ever crumble. Once the mighty AT&T was the
only choice you had in a phone company in most parts of the country.
Once only Xerox made photocopy machines. How many even remember Compaq
computer? Once that was THE brand to buy.

For now Microsoft is lumbering along but there are growing storm
clouds on the horizon. People are fed up with Microsoft trying to
shove it's idea of what you need verses what customers are asking for.
Most customers don't want cute or pretty, they just want something
that works and doesn't crash, sputter or grind to a halt from a
multitude of problems. People don't want nor will they long tolerate
intrusive software that acts like it decides what you can do with YOUR
computer. That lesson Microsoft has yet to learn. Their day of
reckoning is coming. Probably sooner than anybody thinks.
I challenge you to pick any newspaper today and look at the jobs section and
see which has more job offerings Linux programmers or Windows programmers.

The last time I got a job from a newspaper was probably 1972. But
if you search with the string "programing linux unix" you get
5000 hits. If you use "programming windows" you get exactly one.

(I know that's not a fair test, it's just funny. If you use
programming .net you also get 5000, the most monster will return for a search)
I am saying is that if tomorrow,
Monday morning, you and I were to pick 100 random mid size to large
companies in this country at random and walk into their premises over 80% of
the staff would be running Windows apps on their computers.

You're still making the same mistake. Which premises do you walk
into? The front office or the data center?
Who is more childish, the people here complaining about a product that
they paid their hard earned money for, and feel they didn't get what they
paid for, or those who defend the maker's of this product trying to tell
people that they are wrong about the way they feel about this product?

That is exactly the problem. I love some of the Vista features but others
just annoy me. I wish there were more programs and games available for other
operating systems. MS would not go so easy if they had more compatition.
To all you Vista whiners and haters.

I have 5 instances of Vista Business running, and all run perfectly.
One install is on a MacBook (Leopard) with VMWare Fusion (and I would not
switch to OS X over Vista).
I'm well aware you seem incapable of being objective or totally honest
and whatever you say about Microsoft is biased probably because of what
you just said. Not to worry, that's typical of fanboys.

I'm retired now, but I too made a good living using Windows software.
The flip side is I'd hate to calculate all the downtime, all the wasted
effort, or the times I had to stop working and deal with another
Microsoft blunder, crash, freeze or something that cost money and delays
for my employer, later my clients when I was in business for myself to
say nothing of the skipped lunches, all night shifts, lost sleep,
annoyances and the need to redo something or find a workaround because
some piece of Microsoft software you seem to love didn't deliver or just
flat out didn't work or lost work, or had to be massaged, reinstalled or
fiddled with or the OS itself reinstalled or something.

You know what the difference is between us? I can told both sides of the
story. You only see what's earned you money. So you've got blinder on.
Ask any business owner how much money they LOST due to buggy Microsoft
software. You'll get an ear full, but of course you would just come back
with your favorite excuse... all software is buggy. That too is a
typical fanboy position. No matter how much Microsoft screws up, you
have a ready excuse for them which is why you've earned NO respect from
me. I tell it like it is. Try it sometime.

One thing about us old timers, is we have been doing it long enough to
know BS. Today's I/T standards sure are not what they used to be.
One thing about us old timers, is we have been doing it long enough to
know BS. Today's I/T standards sure are not what they used to be.

The culture has really changed and not for the better. In the past
programmers took pride is writing well documented, tight bullet proof
code to the extent humanly possible. Microsoft seems to have set the
standard for bigger is better resulting is very bloated, sluggish
often bug riddled code that not even the guy that wrote it remembers
what the heck it's suppose to do six months later and the guy sitting
next to him has no idea at all what the tangled web leads or interacts
with what the guy in the next building is working on.
I have 5 instances of Vista Business running, and all run perfectly.
One install is on a MacBook (Leopard) with VMWare Fusion (and I would not
switch to OS X over Vista).

That's like a drunk stumbling across a six lane Interstate on foot and
not getting smacked then suggesting you try it. Thanks, but no thanks.

I'm sure there are many, many people that have no trouble from Vista.
That does not excuse all the suffering others endure daily. There are
simply way too many detailed accounts of all the things that are broke
to not take them seriously. If you don't run into any, good for you.
Pity those that do.