My opinion

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To whom may it concern

I bought a new laptop and I couldn`t choose my operation system. I have
Vista which is the worst operation system I have ever seen. You never know
when it is going to crash but when does, you can`t find solution or any help.
- I have 15000 emails I can`t delete from Windows Mail
- Media Player is only working when it wants. And when it works...
- Other programs stop to work without error messages (iTunes, Quicktime,
- IE7 crash whenever thinks it is a good time
How dare you let Vista in the shops and people can`t choose XP or other
operation systems. People deserve the choice, esp. when you are not helping
at all.
I am going back to XP but I am thinking to get a MAC because I will never
support a company which is so selfish and don`t care their customers.

Shame on you all!

A customer who is very disapponted.



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Eniko said:
To whom may it concern

I bought a new laptop and I couldn`t choose my operation system. I have
Vista which is the worst operation system I have ever seen. You never know
when it is going to crash but when does, you can`t find solution or any
- I have 15000 emails I can`t delete from Windows Mail
- Media Player is only working when it wants. And when it works...
- Other programs stop to work without error messages (iTunes, Quicktime,
- IE7 crash whenever thinks it is a good time
How dare you let Vista in the shops and people can`t choose XP or other
operation systems. People deserve the choice, esp. when you are not
at all.
I am going back to XP but I am thinking to get a MAC because I will never
support a company which is so selfish and don`t care their customers.

Shame on you all!

A customer who is very disapponted.

Do you have Norton or McAfee anti virus software installed?

There are laptops on sale that have XP installed on them, and you don't have
to look too far. They may not be the make or model that you picked, but they
are around.

Did you ask the vendor if they could install XP for you?

Support for any system that comes pre-installed with Windows is with the
vendor, not directly with Microsoft, and the vendor should make you aware of
this. It is part of the arrangement with Microsoft and the companies which
sell computers with Windows already installed..

When installing 3rd party software onto an operating system, one should
always check that the software is compatible. Did you do this?

IE7 reacts with some toolbars because the toolbars are not entirely
compatible or are clashing with others that are installed. The best way to
overcome this is to remove them one at a time until you find which are ok
and which aren't.

In the event that the vendor will not install an OS other than Vista, you
are at liberty to install whatever you want, subject to hardware drivers
being available for your laptop.

If you have not had the laptop too long, you may want to return it to the
vendor for repair or exchange. It will be the vendor who decides how they
will handle your problems.

Eniko said:
To whom may it concern

I bought a new laptop and I couldn`t choose my operation system. I have
Vista which is the worst operation system I have ever seen. You never know
when it is going to crash but when does, you can`t find solution or any
- I have 15000 emails I can`t delete from Windows Mail
- Media Player is only working when it wants. And when it works...
- Other programs stop to work without error messages (iTunes, Quicktime,
- IE7 crash whenever thinks it is a good time
How dare you let Vista in the shops and people can`t choose XP or other
operation systems. People deserve the choice, esp. when you are not
at all.
I am going back to XP but I am thinking to get a MAC because I will never
support a company which is so selfish and don`t care their customers.

Shame on you all!

A customer who is very disapponted.



This post is a suggestion for Microsoft, and Microsoft responds to the
suggestions with the most votes. To vote for this suggestion, click the "I
Agree" button in the message pane. If you do not see the button, follow
link to open the suggestion in the Microsoft Web-based Newsreader and then
click "I Agree" in the message pane.


Mike Hall
MS MVP Windows Shell/User
To whom may it concern

I bought a new laptop and I couldn`t choose my operation system. I have
Vista which is the worst operation system I have ever seen.

Au contraire. I like Vista just fine.

You never know
when it is going to crash

I've been running Vista since November. It has *never* crashed here.

but when does, you can`t find solution or any help.

You're in a great place to get help, if you would explain your
problems in detail here.

- I have 15000 emails I can`t delete from Windows Mail

I don't use Windows Mail, and can't address that other than to say
that I know many other people who use Windows Mail without a problem.

- Media Player is only working when it wants. And when it works...

It *always* works here. No problems at all.

- Other programs stop to work without error messages (iTunes, Quicktime,

No such experiences here.

- IE7 crash whenever thinks it is a good time

It *never* crashes here.

How dare you let Vista in the shops and people can`t choose XP or other
operation systems. People deserve the choice, esp. when you are not helping
at all.

Whom do you think you are addressing? Just in case you're confused,
let me make it very clear: this isn't Microsoft you're addressing.

This is a peer support newsgroup. We are all just Windows Vista users
here, helping each other if and when we can. We are not Microsoft
employees (not even those of us with "Microsoft MVP" behind our names;
that's an honorary title for having provided consistently helpful
advice) except for an occasional employee who posts here unofficially
on his own time.

I am going back to XP but I am thinking to get a MAC because I will never
support a company which is so selfish and don`t care their customers.

You clearly are having problems that you are blaming on Vista, but
since your experiences are in the great minority, you should
understand that it is not Vista that is causing your problems. You
either have Vista configured poorly, are doing multiple things wrong,
or are infected with malware. Malware is so very prevalent these days
that my guess would be that it is the major source of most of your

My advice is to stop whining about your problems, to recognize that
your experience is unusual and far from everyone's experience, and
look for help here in this newsgroup. If you would explain your
problems in detail without the diatribe, there are lots of folks here
who can probably help you.

But if you want to go back to Windows XP, 98, 3.1, 2.0 or any other
version, that's OK with me. It's entirely your choice. Or get a
Macintosh and throw away your Vista machine. That's OK with me too.
everything he has stated about vista is true though. because i experience
the same troubles. i do think there are alot of people unhappy with the
direction microsoft is taking. they seen so concerned with security that
they've eliminated ease of use and stability. i'm currently on windows 98
which i know is outdated but i even like it better than xp. microsoft needs
to make their operating systems less demanding on hardware and smoother
running. just my thoughts i'm sure they're gathering input and working on
big improvements.

Eniko said:
To whom may it concern

I bought a new laptop and I couldn`t choose my operation system. I have
Vista which is the worst operation system I have ever seen. You never know
when it is going to crash but when does, you can`t find solution or any help.
- I have 15000 emails I can`t delete from Windows Mail
- Media Player is only working when it wants. And when it works...
- Other programs stop to work without error messages (iTunes, Quicktime,
- IE7 crash whenever thinks it is a good time
How dare you let Vista in the shops and people can`t choose XP or other
operation systems. People deserve the choice, esp. when you are not helping
at all.
I am going back to XP but I am thinking to get a MAC because I will never
support a company which is so selfish and don`t care their customers.

Shame on you all!

A customer who is very disapponted.



This post is a suggestion for Microsoft, and Microsoft responds to the
suggestions with the most votes. To vote for this suggestion, click the "I
Agree" button in the message pane. If you do not see the button, follow this
link to open the suggestion in the Microsoft Web-based Newsreader and then
click "I Agree" in the message pane.
Jeff said:
everything he has stated about vista is true though. because i experience
the same troubles. i do think there are alot of people unhappy with the
direction microsoft is taking. they seen so concerned with security that
they've eliminated ease of use and stability. i'm currently on windows 98
which i know is outdated but i even like it better than xp. microsoft
to make their operating systems less demanding on hardware and smoother
running. just my thoughts i'm sure they're gathering input and working on
big improvements.

Are you certain that the problem is Vista and not some incompatible
software like Norton or McAfee anti-virus?
That's not been my experience. I upgraded to Vista on Feb 2, and have had
very few problems.
The occasional BSOD is usually due to the nVidia drivers, which seem to be
I run Windows Mail, Live Mail & Thunderbird with no problems.
Media Player, itunes, etc. all work just fine.
I use Media Center to record tv, while watching another channel, with no
I use IE7 infrequently, as I prefer Firefox, but it works ok.
I do think they overdid the security, but once you've installed your
programs, UAC is not a big bother.
Once you get used to Vista, I don't know how you can go back to XP or 98.
i have onecare on my vista computer. i still like it it's just i think what
alot of the trouble is that everybody else needs to catch up to the new
technology. alot of programs aren't written for vista yet and barely usable
on it. also hardware will be more advanced as new things get made to work
well with vista. it will be awhile before everyone loves vista. maybe at
least 2 years.

That's not been my experience. I upgraded to Vista on Feb 2, and have had
very few problems.

Perhaps because your experience is so limited. To run Windows Mail,
Media Player and itunes is hardly "using" your computer. It is just
loafing along. ANY OS would be able to do these or similar trivial
tasks. The biggest group of people reporting problems with Vista are
those that actually use it in more challenging situations.

A fairly good analogy would be saying your car hums along and never
gives you a bit of trouble. Well maybe if you just drive it to the
grocery store on weekends and keep it in the garage the rest of the
week. Go to a professional race track, floor the gas and see if you
can stay on the track and avoid running into other driver or crashing
into the walls. THEN we'll talk how well your car runs and how well
you drive it. Ditto for using Vista. It all depends WHAT you ask it to
do. For simple things Vista runs ok. Push it, even a little and then
you may discover how prone it is to failure.
Mike said:
IE7 reacts with some toolbars because the toolbars are not entirely
compatible or are clashing with others that are installed. The best
way to overcome this is to remove them one at a time until you find
which are ok and which aren't.

The problem with that is, iirc, one has to open IE to get to the options
dialog that controls that. But if IE is crashing on start, as I've seen
happen out of nowhere on customers PCs, when NOTHING was changed,
installed, or removed. On many occasions, it would just stop working for
about, say, 20 minutes or so then magically start working again with
changing a single thing.

Its these sort of things I find absolutely inexcusable for an OS that
was in development so long and promised so much.

To whom may it concern

I bought a new laptop and I couldn`t choose my operation system. I have
Vista which is the worst operation system I have ever seen. You never know
when it is going to crash but when does, you can`t find solution or any help.
- I have 15000 emails I can`t delete from Windows Mail
- Media Player is only working when it wants. And when it works...
- Other programs stop to work without error messages (iTunes, Quicktime,
- IE7 crash whenever thinks it is a good time
How dare you let Vista in the shops and people can`t choose XP or other
operation systems. People deserve the choice, esp. when you are not helping
at all.
I am going back to XP but I am thinking to get a MAC because I will never
support a company which is so selfish and don`t care their customers.

FWIW - DELL also sells systems with xp and with Ubuntu Linux preinstalled.
Au contraire. I like Vista just fine.

I don't think you'd be an "MVP" in this group very long if you didn't
say that. Vista really is a let down, considering how long it was in
development, and how much it promised. There are so many problems that
weren't in previous versions. What the hell were the developers doing
the past 8 or 7 years or so? Concentrating on the best ways to implement
DRM and Content-Protection schemes to restrict what we can do on our own

Yeah I'm sure you really do like Vista, and any shiny worthless object
that crosses your path.

Jeff said:
alot of programs aren't written for vista yet and barely usable on it.
also hardware will be more advanced as new things get made to work
well with vista. it will be awhile before everyone loves vista.
maybe at least 2 years.

I still say theres just no excuse for Vista not being able to run
anything XP can. XP cna run anything 2000, NT, and 9x could run, with
very few exceptions. Vista's list of "imcompatible" software is a big
effing joke. Vista (then known as Longhorn) has been in development for
the better part of this decade and theres just NO EXCUSE for it being so
far behind previous recent OSes.

Adam said:
Perhaps because your experience is so limited. To run Windows Mail,
Media Player and itunes is hardly "using" your computer. It is just
loafing along. ANY OS would be able to do these or similar trivial

Yes, but most OSes can do that with out crashing or acting in some
bizarre way. In Vista, in my experience, you just don't know how it may
act in a given situation.
The biggest group of people reporting problems with Vista are
those that actually use it in more challenging situations.

It's a broken OS. It can't properly run half the programs XP or other
recent Windows OSes can. Given how long Vista was in dev theres no
excuse for it.

From: Eniko [mailto:[email protected]]

To whom may it concern

I bought a new laptop and I couldn`t choose my operation system. I have
Vista which is the worst operation system I have ever seen. You never
when it is going to crash but when does, you can`t find solution or any
- I have 15000 emails I can`t delete from Windows Mail
- Media Player is only working when it wants. And when it works...
- Other programs stop to work without error messages (iTunes,
- IE7 crash whenever thinks it is a good time
How dare you let Vista in the shops and people can`t choose XP or other
operation systems. People deserve the choice, esp. when you are not
at all.
I am going back to XP but I am thinking to get a MAC because I will
support a company which is so selfish and don`t care their customers.

Shame on you all!

A customer who is very disapponted.



Is this the way the computer came from the shop or have you been adding
(maybe incompatible) programs to it ?

If the former, then take it back.

If the latter, just what have you installed?

What happens in Windows Mail when you try to delete a message ?

It's a bit hard for anyone to help you if you don't state what the problem
They can be removed by using the uninstall process in Control Panel, which
does not require opening IE7..

Saran said:
The problem with that is, iirc, one has to open IE to get to the options
dialog that controls that. But if IE is crashing on start, as I've seen
happen out of nowhere on customers PCs, when NOTHING was changed,
installed, or removed. On many occasions, it would just stop working for
about, say, 20 minutes or so then magically start working again with
changing a single thing.

Its these sort of things I find absolutely inexcusable for an OS that was
in development so long and promised so much.



Mike Hall
MS MVP Windows Shell/User
Some programs are written with an OS identifier which prevents use in any
other OS.. it is a ploy used to ensure new sales of the 'compatible'

Saran said:
I still say theres just no excuse for Vista not being able to run anything
XP can. XP cna run anything 2000, NT, and 9x could run, with very few
exceptions. Vista's list of "imcompatible" software is a big effing joke.
Vista (then known as Longhorn) has been in development for the better part
of this decade and theres just NO EXCUSE for it being so far behind
previous recent OSes.



Mike Hall
MS MVP Windows Shell/User
I agree,

I've had Windows Vista Home Premium since May 23rd. 2007, I have never had
any problems with vista.

It seems to me that all of the people bitching about vista are the one's who
has switched from Windows XP to vista without checking the compatibility of
the programs they had on there XP system.

I am a former XP Pro. user.

There is always a learning curve you have to take for new products, but
certain people just can't understand this.

I just can't understand all the bitching going on these forums.

They should be a way to mark some of these poster's as junk mail.

These forums are to help each other, not listen to all of the stuff from
frank,alias, and a few others.

I am running vista on new Compaq Presario, Intel Pentium D, processor 925,
memory 1024MB, with Intel graphics media accelerator 950.

Ronald Jones
(e-mail address removed)
"Ronnie Jones" wrote in message
They should be a way to mark some of these poster's as junk mail.

You're using Windows Mail, use the Block Sender function under Messages/Junk

Haven't seen any of that crap in weeks.