My new Creative Zen Micro!

About £140 seems to be the going rate when i got mine last week.
The larger 20GB ZEN, is a little bigger than the MICRO, has a slightly different button layout on the front panel, and also does not have the FM radio function. The battery doesnt last anywhere near as long as the micro either as it is HDD based and not solid state memory (as the micro has). If your main interest in going for the 20GB version is purely for the size, I personally wouldnt recommend it as i don't really think anyone needs to carry about 20GB of music with them, 5GB should be enough for anyone - it is easy enough to swap tracks to and from the device as necesarry (I don't even have 20GB on my PC and I've been encoding music for about 7 years, I have 18.96GB). I prefer the longer battery life of the 5GB micro, compared to the capacity of it's big brother, and as for ipod's....forget them, they're for sheep who only follow the masses with the latest trend and they have limited compatability with diffewring music formats. ;)
crazylegs said:
That looks absoluteley wicked how much reef...:)

Mine was about £160 from here just after christmas, they seemed to have dropped it down to £140 now!
Cache-man said:
The larger 20GB ZEN, is a little bigger than the MICRO, has a slightly different button layout on the front panel, and also does not have the FM radio function. The battery doesnt last anywhere near as long as the micro either as it is HDD based and not solid state memory (as the micro has). If your main interest in going for the 20GB version is purely for the size, I personally wouldnt recommend it as i don't really think anyone needs to carry about 20GB of music with them, 5GB should be enough for anyone - it is easy enough to swap tracks to and from the device as necesarry (I don't even have 20GB on my PC and I've been encoding music for about 7 years, I have 18.96GB). I prefer the longer battery life of the 5GB micro, compared to the capacity of it's big brother, and as for ipod's....forget them, they're for sheep who only follow the masses with the latest trend and they have limited compatability with diffewring music formats. ;)

I spose ... but i listen to ALOT of songs believe you me !!! I need more then 5GB that's fo' sure ! Mini ipod didn't do enough for me (size wise) lol Don't need a Fm radio ... Battery has to be better then the Ipod anywayz ... trust i NEED alot ... :) BIG ZEN IT IS !!!
floppybootstomp said:
I've found all Ipod owners to be really defensive, almost agressive, when the integrity of their machine is questioned.

Brain-washed, the lot of 'em :p

Heh, if you think i-pod owners are crazy try arguing with a Mac owner!! Shes The most agressive gal ive ever met!!:eek:
i havent physically seen the bigger ZEN, I'm not even too sure of its actual name, so i cant really offer comment on it. But from my recent experience with the Zen Micro, I am really loving Creative's products.
At a guess, if you don't need the radio and are happy with the battery life it offers then i see no reason why the 20GB Zen shouldnt be a top choice. Please let us know how you decide, and if you do get one, let us know what it's like.
sorry about the bulkyness suggestion i made.... i thought u were tlking about the zen bigger zen which is bulky lol and i havn't actually been on a micro but what u guys are saying seems good although reading about it in T3 they didnt rate it brilliant (software issues i think mainly) but looks rather nice still the ipod mini beats it in my eyes lol :P
crazylegs said:
Just found this review and after reading this i'm definitley looking at buying one of these baby's and the price has gone down from when they reviewed the zen..

I just read that review, and it's a really good reflection of the Zen Mirco.
It does mention that the Zen Micro is based on a small HDD though....I have told you all a few times in this thread that it is solid state memory, please accept my appologies for the error on my part. :eek: anyway it's still a great player with a good battery life, on that i am not mistaken! :)
I have mine on the go all day at work and it lasts the day, no probs, with loads to spare! :p
Need some help on which to choose ... the Creative ... or the Creative Zen ?!

The difference that i can see is only the battery size ?!?! My friend has the Creativ Zen but that's pretty hefty i feel ?! lol Which one would you go for ?!

I might just go for da smaller Creativ one with 11 hour battery size instead of 24 hours ... coz i doubt i will use it for that long anywayz !!!

What y'all thinks ?!
Belloni said:
Need some help on which to choose ... the Creative ... or the Creative Zen ?!

The difference that i can see is only the battery size ?!?! My friend has the Creativ Zen but that's pretty hefty i feel ?! lol Which one would you go for ?!

I might just go for da smaller Creativ one with 11 hour battery size instead of 24 hours ... coz i doubt i will use it for that long anywayz !!!

What y'all thinks ?!

Being the proud owner of a Zen Micro, I highly recommend it!!!!!
Cache dude ! I already said i need more then 5 GB !!! lol

Out of the 2 ?! lol Deffo the 20GB version that's for sure lol btw whats the difference in the Nomad creative and the normal Creative ?! Coz i might get the 60GB !!! Nomad from Ebay for around 150 lol which is AMZING !!! Can someone tell da differnece in the Nomad and the normal Creativ please ?! Mite buy 2nite !!!

Thank u !
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the nomad has a 30 or 60 GB drive the touch is 20 or 40 GB the battery life on the touch is greater and the controls on the touch are on the front instead of being on the side
But the nomad i can't see says transfers into WMA ?!?!

What's the difference in WMA and MP3 ?!?! Becuase if there isn't then i may aswell get the Nomad with more space :) ?

Not a lots really, wma files are smaller if i remember right (But not by much). But that aint really a big issue. What format are your tunes in?