Mike Hall - MS MVP Windows Shell/User
All 6% of them? watching must take all of a few minutes.. 

I suggest that you look into what it takes to be nominated and
accepted/awarded before passing judgment.. one of the qualities that MS like
about MVP's is that we are blunt and honest, not being affiliated to MS in
the way that paid employees of the company are..
Your comment has been duly noted, and your name removed from my list of
possible nominees..![]()
All 6% of them? watching must take all of a few minutes..![]()
although it's the high end 6% of the market, not the middle or bottom
that Windows resides in. and actually, the iPod is only about 40% of
revenue, the Mac is still the bread winner for the company.
nah, you are misreading him. he's the intellect of the industry, he's
the driving force that created the pc market and what pushes it forward.
sure he's very demanding and has extremely high standards, but that's
hardly a fault if you want the very best in life.
sounds like you don't want the best, so you are sticking to clunky
windows. it's your choice of course, but the smart people have all moved
to Macs and will never go back to poorly built windows machines.
Mike said:Adam
I suggest that you look into what it takes to be nominated and
accepted/awarded before passing judgment.. one of the qualities that MS
like about MVP's is that we are blunt and honest, not being affiliated
to MS in the way that paid employees of the company are..
Your comment has been duly noted, and your name removed from my list of
possible nominees..![]()
Mike said:It has the top portion of it's own market.. the only country where Apple
have any real foothold is the US, and even that is fairly tenuous..
their biggest selling point was always graphics, but a PC is almost as
good, if not as good these days.. the PC has come a long way over the
years.. Macs have stood still other than appear in some arcane case
designs.. pricing kills Macs, that and the lack of good software..
The pricing issues are now gone for the most part.
A nice dual core Intel now runs around $1200. The nice thing is that
everything on an iMac is integrated and guaranteed to run out of the
box. When Leopard is on the market there will be bootcamp that will
allow dual booting of either OS X or Vista. Microsoft actually likes
that idea as they will be able to sell more copies of Vista. Microsoft
doesn't sell PCs, just operating systems and software. So the Apple
hardware in the near future may be the best way to go. I have doubts
that Apple will sell OS X for general PCs, but then that may change as
well. Good competition will spur innovation, and innovation is this
countrys last frontier where our true wealth now lays.
We don't kiss up.. we Endeavour to help users with problems..
a. Not applicable - no truth obvious
b. We get the award for voluntary community help..this is just one place..
c. not hardly - embarrassment is all yours
Your attitude would preclude your being an MVP I would hope, but it would be
interesting to see how you would react in reality, were you to be
nominated.. I don't think that you would turn it down.. of course, you will
disagree, if only to save face..
Once again, thank you for your response. Alas, since I'm trying to installAs far as SATA issues, for sure you're not alone. There is a simple
fix that works for most. Go to BIOS and typically under Intergrated
Peripherals you'll see several options. In my Award Bios there are
four seperate entries. You need to disable SATA if that's a option or
if you have a choice between IDE and SATA, switch to IDE. This in no
way will harm your drives or data. It likely will make them run
slower, which is fine for installing Vista.
As far as the chicken and egg issue, yep there is one. Best work
around is keep visitng your motherboard web site and just wait till
they release VISTA drives for SATA controllers for your PARTICULAR MB
version. Mine just did about a week ago.
For many the issue is really Intel dropping the ball. Many
motherboards use Intel's ICH8R controller or similar. Do a web search
for Intel Matrix Storage Manager, for many links and specifics about
issues concerning same and getting files directly from the Intel site
if you can't wait for your motherboard vendor.
Regardless, STILL best to switch to IDE mode until Vista is up and
running, then you can play around and change to SATA mode since many
people have reported stop pages during install with inabled SATA
drives. I have yet to do that myself.
One caution. If you find SATA drivers suitable for your MB, best to
use those that support your current OS and Vista. If you can only find
Vista only drivers, DO NOT try to install until Vista is up and
running and just do what I said above, switch to IDE mode to install
Adam said:What is a Mac freak doing in a Windows support group?
1. you're a fool
2. you're a troll
3. both
Zim Babwe said:Nobody would buy a PC for Productivity? Well, I work with a group of
programmers who use the PC to earn a living writing code. From what I've
heard, there are others who do the same![]()
I get paid pretty well to be productive on a PC, so I must be in my RIGHT
You are just another MAC pud pounder!
Adam Albright said:LOL! Yep no kidding. People have long been lead to believe that Mac's
are the best at anything graphic. Well, no, that isn't true. Once upon
a time like 20 years ago yes, not any more. Take video editing for
example. About your only serious choice on the Mac platform is Final
Cut Pro and you'll pay a grossly bloated price.
On the Windows platform Sony offers Vegas along with dozens of other
offerings from other vendors, some also very good. Vegas runs rings
around Final Cut Pro in nearly every category and costs a third as
much and is vastly superior on the audio side which is half of
multimedia creation. Then there is GIMP and Virtual Dub, both totally
free and also both well up to the task depending on your needs.
Mac's fill a nitche market. Mostly uptight hippy type diehard losers
that subscribe to any kind of cult culture which explains why Apple
hasn't and never will be able to capture more than a tiny fraction of
the overall personal computer market.
Now if you want to compare operating systems, one of the best is
neither Windows or Mac. Its BeOs, its 64 bit and runs great. Too bad
it has next to zero support.
TonyT said:Thank you for your reply. I came to this page thru
Microsoft.com/commutities not my newsreader. I see the blue MicroSoft
header and the 'Search Microsoft.com for:' at the top of every thread
with Quick Links, Home and Worldwide. And I had to sign in to post. I
I mistakenly assumed this forum was monitored by Microsoft. I suppose
means there is no official support. Oh Well. I truly do appreciate
everyones time here.
And I did Try John Barnett's MVP site regarding installing Vista SATA
drivers. Unfortunatly (for me) it is impossible to install drivers at the
prompt he describes in the upgrade scenario (FAQ #26, upgrade step 10), as
the 'install drivers' button does not exist in the release version of
Not that I even know that's what prevents my installation. There is no
explanation of stop 0x018 'reference by pointer' anywhere.
So, if, at some future time, there IS a hotfix for my install failure, I
wonder how I will install it? Need to be running Vista to install, Can't
install. Catch 22 and I'm not alone.
Actually, about 70% of what you watch on Television / Video on the Web
and about 30% of movies was all done on a Mac. (90% of music you listen
to is done on a Mac)
Final Cut Pro is the standard of course and cost around 1/10th the price
of what used to be "standard". Apple has a long history of being the
LOWEST price provider in all things creative and this is just another
Oh goodie -- food fight. <smile>.possible nominees..![]()