1nteger, 1x 512MB RAM no change in differant slot.
Gabriella, I think i will be ok thanks
everyone, No luck at all, will run programs soon. I am really thinking about selling. the computer is very big and noisy, and i think it would be for the best.
I would like to get the problem sorted before i sell, but i there is nothing wrong with any of my hardware...
Here is what there is definutally nothing wrong with (due to testing in other machines, and replcing with others, and trying without:
Hard Drive
Power Supply
Floppy Drive
DVD Drive
That only leaves:
As Ian says, it isnt the CPU and i dont think it could be the GFx, and i also doubt that it is the MoBo
Maybe there is an incombpatability between 2 specific pieces of hardware (like, the motherboard will not run with a MSI GFx card)
Is that possible?