my 400th POST!

christopherpostill said:
So..err.. Define rabbit?

I work there :)
Define rabbit? Ah yes, you are but a pipsqueak as yet in life's great circle, I keep forgetting...

Rabbit = cockerney rhyming slang for 'talks a lot'. What the hell 'rabbit' rhymes with I have yet to determine, one of life's great mysteries, that one :confused:

However, in sarf east london common parlance, one who rabbits frequently can be judged as one who don't know when to button it and takes great pleasure from sending great cold drafts of words down defenseless people's lugholes (Wordsworth).

For further reference, seek out that popular Chas and Dave tune 'Rabbit' a cheery and sparky little ditty, guaranteed to bring a smile in these cold winter climes :)
christopherpostill said:
Well Sainsburys dont have much rabbit at the moment!
Ah, so... literal.

Out here, on the perimeter, we speak in secret alphabets.

I think it's time for me cocoa and bed...
KGB-911 said:
Flops, what are you on? - Why have you started speeking like that all os a sudden?
My dear young friend,

I do believe that Master Flops was being ironic ;)
psd99 said:
The one thing id like to see, someone who will break the 10,000 post mark that will be fun
my money is on the Admin, but just imagine beating them to it!!:)

so challenge for all of us regulars: to get to the 10,000 mark be4 the 'staff!':)

who is leadin the chase?

admin u let me down!!!
Ian Cunningham said:
I think Mucks is in the lead so far :D


* another quality post by mucks *
Ian Cunningham said:
I think Mucks is in the lead so far :D

oh yes!

u should do this page where you get all the members going from 1 to 100
and SM should be at the top he will get 10,000 posts first!
and then go downwards ie 2nd person with the next highest posts!

just somthing to look at for a laugh!
Hmmmm, the trouble with those sort of things is that it may encourage frivilous posting for the sake of it? -I wouldn't like to see it end up as some sort of competition.

Personally I think folks should just enjoy themselves around here, have fun and not think about it :)

*Edit: Yippee, over 2050 posts for me now :lol: