music decoding

Feb 5, 2008
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Have searched previous threads but no answer.
My car radio only accepts Wav discs
From Bit Torrent I download music, then I burn to disc using Nero 6.

I meet these file extensions:

mp3 okay to wav with Nero
flac I found the correct decoder on the net, no problem
ape here I am stumbled

Any suggestion?
Computer Sony VGNA, XP professional, service pack 2
Please keep in mind I am a beginner.

Hi Muckshift,

Music downloading is allowed in this part of the world where I live as long as it is limited to personal use.
You can not sell that music, not even give it away for free.

The above court's ruling was issued a couple of weeks ago and has been fully commented on the net.

You can get more information there if you so wish.

pam6203 said:
Hi Muckshift,

Music downloading is allowed in this part of the world where I live as long as it is limited to personal use.
You can not sell that music, not even give it away for free.

The above court's ruling was issued a couple of weeks ago and has been fully commented on the net.

You can get more information there if you so wish.


And which part of the World would that be then? :confused:
I'm not disputing that anyone can download music, legally, it is your particular source that has me concerned and I bring in to question.

There are many sources of legal download sites, such as Apple's iTunes, born again Napster and Peter Gabriel's OD2, offering legitimate services. Your choice, a P2P, is without question also a source of illegitimate software & music, illegally uploaded.

Here in the UK, we have a myth that we can copy our shop-bought music ... it is a myth ... though the authorities do turn a blind eye as long as people are not wholesale re-selling the copies. The UK does not allow "private right to copy", though there is talk of getting this changed. Intellectual property laws are currently being reviewed by the government.

I'm not going to get into the rights-n-wrongs here, if any Mod here feels this thread is in breach of forum rules, it will be deleted ... Enough said. ;)

Now, as to your 'problem' of not being able to play "copies" maybe simply the fact that your in-car CD player is incapable of playing any 'recorded' CDs. ;)

floppybootstomp said:
And which part of the World would that be then? :confused:
Well lets see it can't be the UK, USA, Europe or Australia/New Zealand so that leaves Asia or South America.
So it must be an un-named country only known to pam6203!
Wonder if she/he/it will tell us?:rolleyes:
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Thanks Muckshifter,

The domestic ruling that I have mentioned does definitely apply to P2P as well as to iTunes, new Napster. and the like.
No doubt about that.

I have heard rumors that eventually the UK is expected follow along the same lines.

My in-car CD player is not at fault as it will play all home-made discs in Wav format (plus commercials of course).

All the time I keep adding more store-bought discs to my collection.
Assuming I can listen to music one hour earch day, it will take about a full year to hear all my discs.

For the above reason "decoding downloads" is just a very unimportant question, but on the technical side I am curious to hear how you can decode from .ape to .wav.

Again thanks everyone.

Hy Feckit,

Because of my nasty character I shall not disclose my country's name.
If you can roam on the correct internet branch, then mystery will soon be solved.

Best wishes.
Pam, the files on commercially produced CD's are in cda format, not WAV.

Similarly when you burn to CD using Nero, your WAV or mp3 files will be changed to cda to suit the CD.

Do your home made CD's play ok on other CD players?

If so it's likely that your car CD Player just doesn't like CD-R's. This will especially be likely if it's quite an old player.

My car CD player is about five years old now and happily plays home made CD's and CD's full of mp3's.

As to what country you're from it really doesn't matter I suppose but I was just curious as to which place in the world has laws that allow downloading of copyrighted music without payment.

I'm guessing part of the Eastern European block or maybe the Middle East.

Or, wait, no, I got it - where's that place Borat's from? ;)
It doesn't matter where you are from, or what country you are residing in, I know the answer in this particular instance anyway.

The point is, however, this is a UK based forum and as such we have some rules that apply to us specifically, that we enforce.

My apologies for picking up on that one line in your original post, maybe on hindsight you should have just left out that bit of info. ;)

Folks, lets keep this on topic ... how to make recorded CDs play on an in-car CD. :thumb:

what make and model is your car stereo?

why dont you use WMP to burn the music so it makes a normal CD??
Yes Floppybootstomp,

You are correct and I acknowledge my mistake, cda not wav.

The car CD player is 3 years old.
All my home made discs play on the car player and on other players.

The problem with .ape files is that Nero is unable to read that format.
I had the same problem with .flac but I have found how to decode same so that Nero will burn.

All of your country guesses are a long way off.
I confirn however that by browsing the net you can quickly find out to which nation I belong.

I had to learn English and I do my best to write in such way as not to disclose that I am a foreigner.
I am not fishing for compliments but it would seem that at times I can achieve that result.
On the other hand if you could hear how I talk english, then you would locate my origin at once.

I will be grateful if you can point out mistakes such as the manner in which I express my thoughts
or my failure to follow the correct english way.

Thanks again.
Some CD players that are not set for WMA/MP3 will as in this instance sometimes not read certain discs.
If in doubt purchase a new cd/radio that does read the discs you want & the .file you need.

You could just stop the next car you see with your AK47 & get a better radio.:p
Thanks Feckit but the CD player is not the culprit.
Please see my last reply to Floppybootstomp.

Quote The problem with .ape files is that Nero is unable to read that format.
I had the same problem with .flac but I have found how to decode same so that Nero will burn. Unquote

Nero cannot read .ape files. The answer would be to decode .ape files into amother format that Nero can read.

Thanks again.
Ah, I see what the problem is now. Sorry, the reason I didn't grasp your requirement there is because I'd never heard of the .ape & .flac formats so didn't pick up on that from the first post.

Here's a Link explaining .ape files with a link to an explanation for .flac files.

It would seem there aren't many software applications that do support these files, as you've mentioned Nero doesn't and I've just looked at my Imtoo mpeg decoder software which I thought more or less covered everything, and no support there either.

If these software writers must compose software, open source or no, then you'd think they'd develop software to support it in other areas besides compression and playback.

Viewed at like that, seems like pretty naff software to me.

All I can suggest Pam is avoid those file formats or search for a decoder/burner that supports .flac & .ape, but I suspect you've already done that.
Thanks ME_____2001

The CD player is original BMW equipment (maybe by Becker??????).
In the same block there is a CD player, radio, navigator, TV screen and bluetooth phone connection.
All this is standard on recents BMW's.

Could you please explain "use WMP to burn the music" ?
WMP is mystery to me.
It is probably the answer

Hi Me_____2001 & Floppybootstomp

I have played a little with WMP.

Yes you can listen to .ape filies but (very big but) you can not burn those.
Where do we go from here?


Please do not apology, no need at all, we just had a polite exchange.
Incidentally I realize that living in the UK you may see things under a different light.

This in not important but I do not understand from your line if you know now where I live. Do you?

My final shot: India or Pakistan.

After that - I give up :D

Have you tried the software at the link ME__2001 gave in post #18?