
Great news Muckshifter.:D
Hopefully this news will calm down TC who has been watching The Great Escape too many time's!:rolleyes:
Good to hear that you are getting on well Mucks,now take all the advice given and you will be as right as rain.
Keep Well. :wave:
Good morning Mucks, if you're about... oops, just noticed, that should be "afternoon" :rolleyes: The time just seems to creep by sometimes. Anyway, how are you feeling today? I hope you are closer to your release - or, better still, are already back on home turf.

Take care :D
I'm still here .....

Laugh, cry, I dunno but this "one-more-scan" is now scheduled for 3pm tomorrow ... they had breakdowns yesterday. :(

Already called me brother to be here for exactly 3pm, scan or not, I'm off ... I don't need this bed, I need my sanity back.

Time & relativity TC, I been studying it ...

The clock's second hand moves, but not the others, however, after 2hours, an estimation based on the time-scale continume, you can see the long hand has move one digit on the scale, the little dinky hand never moves when being watched, you have to sneek a peek at it from the corner of your eye.

26 hours to scan time ... I think

Aww, that's a shame, one of the most stressful things about hospitals, can be the waiting you have to do. Waiting for scans, then waiting for results, and yes, I quite appreciate how busy they are, but from the patient's perspective, it can seem endless.

Here's hoping they will get on with it at the appointed time tomorrow, tell 'em if they don't, to expect a raiding party from PC Review.... now that should scare 'em!
Er, TC where have you put the spoil from the tunnel?:rolleyes:

Great to hear you getting out Muckshifter.:thumb:
feckit said:
Er, TC where have you put the spoil from the tunnel?:rolleyes:

It was sheer luck that it was snowing hard when I was piling it up outside (it's very uncomfortable stuff to keep about one's person for very long.... anyway, I just formed it into a snowman-shape and the weather did the rest! We'd just better hope that there isn't a thaw, or my cunning plan will be undone.
feckit said:
TC what happened to digging a 2nd tunnel to put all the soil from the 1st one?

That would have been plain wrong
Look at the time... I wonder whether our esteemed Crunch Meister has made his escape yet? Hope he hasn't got lost in the tunnel... it was pretty dark down there
I spoke to Mucks this evening - he has managed to escape and is now safely at home

Glad to have you back Mucks
just one more scan ...

Mornin all ... innit such a wonderful day, a crisp & sun-filled mornin, and I was out @ 8.30 this morning for a stroll.


I'm listening to some music, loud, err, very loud, got 3 cups of coffee lined up and Intend to drift back to some sort of normality over the next few days. Shouldn't take too long. ;)

You lot have been a great help, all of you, not just them that listened to my ranting when they called ... you helped me to hang on to my sanity ... they continued their mind-game right up until the last possible moment ... no, I ain't writing a book, no one would believe it ... the fecking annoying thing was, I wasn't "sick" and should never have been in the bed so long.

I can assure you all, If I ever, ever, see that place again, the persons taking me better be well insured and able to defend themselves from me walking stick. I never want to see Walton Neural Center as long as I live. They want me, I'll give 'em me email address. :nod:

I'll stick to my personal statement, however, I have to say, if you do need "real" help, then there would be no better place I could think of, all will be done to get you back on your feet ... they just ain't gonna see me again. :thumb:

TC, Ady Ian, Tony, my public thanks and a great big thanks to yous lot for your thoughts & good wishes here at PCR ...

I hereby copyright the phrase "just one more scan ..."

now, where did I put that coffee cup

Yay! Good to see you back where you belong Mucks. I'll bet those coffees tasted really great. Should think that the music sounded good too - it's nice to be able to "let go" and do your own thing again, isn't it. But just promise us all that you will look after yourself :nod: We don't want you to go disappearing again ;)

Now then... have you switched your crunchers on again? Cause I is fast catching-up on you, and I'd hate to take advantage of your recent incapacity :lol:
Yep TC, they back on and you can pass me anytime you like ...
