MSN-Messenger Virus Alert!

wow this post is massive now
its on 100 posts


well if ur reading this and u did this, please feel free to look around the site dont just post here and leave
i can assure u this is a great community so enjoy your extended stay!!!!!
psd99 said:
wow this post is massive now
its on 100 posts


well if ur reading this and u did this, please feel free to look around the site dont just post here and leave
i can assure u this is a great community so enjoy your extended stay!!!!!
Well said psd, It is such a shame when members register make a post then dissappear forever!

For any new members reading this, please do have a look around. There are lots of different and interesting articles and posts to view, and the forum is full of friendly peeps. :)
Tada said:
Thank god I use Mozilla Firefox. I think if I were to use my IE it would be horribly messed up.

Edit: No Swearing Please!
Firefox will not prevent YOU from opening a program and running it ... Firefox has its own 'problems' don't get sucked into a false sense of security.

Once installed on your system, FF has no way to stop it ... FF is NOT and AV program. ;)
ok my mcaffe updated nd it caught 2 worms, 1 was cleaned (fgr.exe) the other coudnt b found ...

detected files:

virus names:

but now its completely gone
Last edited:
I had that virus a couple of months ago but it didnt effect my machine as i was using Fedora 3 when it happened
tgrigg said:
I had that virus a couple of months ago but it didnt effect my machine as i was using Fedora 3 when it happened
Fedora is an Anti-Virus Program is it :confused:

I find it strange that a fedora bistro enables un-secure IMAP logins by default ... ;)

oh, and yes, I know Fedora is a Linux Distro ...

The basic consensus is that you really don't need a virus scanner on your Linux box. I believe there have only been about one or two viruses specifically targeted for Linux platforms. (feel free to correct me) :cool:

That being said however, if you run a mailserver and/or samba server with Windows clients on the network, then installing a scanner would be appropriate. F-Prot and Clam-AV are popular.


muckshifter said:
Firefox will not prevent YOU from opening a program and running it ... Firefox has its own 'problems' don't get sucked into a false sense of security.

Once installed on your system, FF has no way to stop it ... FF is NOT and AV program. ;)

I think of Firefox as a new landfill. My old browser, IE, is so cluttered with garbage that I found a new broswer that is free of junk. The old landfill (IE) has been used, is now messy, and my new landfill (Firefox), is new and free of crap. I'm not using it as a means of security or anything.
gabriella said:
Well guys - just to update - all my daughter's friends appear to have this thing - so we can say it's rife in Doncaster, South Yorkshire!!

My daughter's passing the message round to her mates - i.e. not to open. Thanks for alerting us all to this one - nice work!!! I could not bear another nite trying to sort out my little beauty!!

Sweet dreams all!!

Gabriella x

Dear all...I believe this is NOT a computer virus in the real sense of the word. There's a sub-message being circulated that the only program that can rid your system of it is say... 'SpyDoctor'. However - Spy Doctor is listed on many American and UK spyware sites as being potentially bogus, creating what are known as 'false positives'.

Basically - they send out software that's supposed to detect spyware that alerts you to spyware that isn't really there and then they con you into believing that the only package that can delete the thing is their own software. the average user, pays for the download and - lo and behold - it actiually removes the bug that anti-virus checkers like Norton and McAfee can't.. Why? because it's a special bogus ''spyware' that isn't actually recorded as a virus so it doesn't get picked up on the Norton or other anti-virus definition updates.

It's like going and letting someone's tyres down and then kiocking on their door and selling puncture repair kits...the main method of spreading these bugs is via hotmail and similar web-based software. I know at least four people who got the same message and all downloaded a program (at £10 a time) called SpyDoctor...because they heard that it was the only thing that could clean their system.

I understand that there's a more reputable anti-spyware program called Spyware Doctor that the baddies basically rip off so that they sound more kosher.

I know loads of people with vast amounts of computing experience who have fallen for this kind of thing. It don't make you any kind of idiot - it makes you human. Humans learn by their mistakes...

This is a cool forum and we should all be here to help people learn by our own mistakes and if they make a bad decision we should help them get over it as fast as possible. God knows, i've made loads of totally stupid errors - that's why i keep my C drive almost empty - so I can reformat next time I get hold of a virus i didn't want to!!

Anyway, this turned into a bit of a rant - sorry all!:D:thumb::o
Cache-man said:
Hi all, I just thought I'd bring this to your attention.

A friend of mine on msn messenger just sent me a message saying
"Hey", and then
"I look so cool in this pic".

First I thought it looked a little suspicious sending a pic as an exe so i messaged back asking what it was and he confirmed my suspitions that it was in fact a virus that was sending itself by msn-messenging everyone on his contact list. He is currently trying to delete the offending virus.

Luckily i was aware the file was a virus as it said .exe instead of something like .jpg. Others might not be so aware of things like this, so I thought I'd just let you all know about it - beware of opening files from MSN messenger, even though it is from someone you know on your cantact list.
Yeh and if you donwoad it,it sends automaticaly to everyone online in youraddrs book,But it is obvious it isnt a picture with a .exe end of it.
Dear all

With respect, I am not sre that everyone knows about pictures not having .exe file extensions. A lot of people affected are kids who jus want to chat on MSN.

Just a thought....

Gabriella x
ey guys...
yeh just got a virus or trojan or wateva basically i dentical to the one your talking about
help me... ive tryed heaps of **** to get rid of it no luck

u need a decent virus scan to get it. i have mcafee and that sorted it out perfect for me