MSFT Drinking Same Cool Aid as West Wing

  • Thread starter Thread starter Chad Harris
  • Start date Start date
LOL --

Jupiter wrong again. I see all the Beta stuff. I've seen all the groups,
the chats, the Live Meetings and the material I think the public should see.

Were you that off target in the Canadian Air Force (I guess they have one
but it never gets deployed in any real battle) as well?

I hardly think any country is saying "Man lookout--we don't want to piss off


Jupiter Jones said:
Is this the same that ranted a while back that Microsoft should open the
private chats and newsgroups because he felt they were under utilized by
the Beta testers?
If so, this is the same that came across to me as jealous was not a beta
If so, your comment about agenda is right on.
That individual clearly had no understanding of the Beta process.

Now he seems to be fixating on comparing the help he does with others
almost as if it is a competition.
I doubt he understands at all.
Who ever said anything about the Canadian Air Force?
Certainly not me.
Your assumption here is as WRONG as other assumptions you have made.
You know what they say about applies to you.

Me--lol the link's url says it all. I'm looking for the assistance beyond
the pedantic lectures for people who will completely ignore warnings not to
use a Beta OS because yadayada--ya really think someone will read that crap
and stop loading a Beta?

You've cascaded post after post with delusion upon delusion about what I do
or what I've had or that I'm not a TBT or whatever--all wrong. Why don't you
focus on what the MVP is supposed to be about or is this the flaming what
you really think you have the aptitude for?

It may "says it all", but perhaps you should read the page again...for the
first time.
Surely you are not connecting the unrelated items in the first and third
That page is more of a chronology and certainly does not all happen at the
same time.
Most readers easily recognize that...except you that is.
Nothing is said about the Canadian Air Force, largely because I was never in
the Canadian Air Force.

I have no intention of stopping anyone from installing Beta anything.
That may be yet another assumption of yours.
Instead, I would rather people inform themselves and make an educated choice
what is right for them.

As I said before, be careful of your assumptions.

Jupiter Jones [MVP]
And you should be careful of yours and lo the so-called Rock. They're all

Again I have crusaded for the public having more information on Vista for 15
months and with MSFT--it has nothing to do with what I can or can't get
access to. I want them to have access. Wanting that hasn't got a thing to
do with what I can't see or use--you really blew that.

If you think about it, the same instinct to help fix is in in the same vein
to get information for these people.

I continue to believe MSFT has been disingenuous with all their facade that
they want the public's input. They have ignored a ton of TBT bug reports
and feature reports and work arounds and we caught them at it on this chat a
couple weeks ago.

1) It has absolutely nothing to do with my access to the stuff I want
everyone to have access to. I've consistently campaigned that the public
should have had access to every Beta Live Meeting--they aren't archived and
you can't show me one substantive reason it improves the quality of the

Additionally, while there are a number of partner webcasts, and Technet
webcasts on Vista, Office and a lot of other software or policies, the
public doesn't find them as easily as you and I might. But the cache of
Vista as the next new thing--compromise as it is with the Live Meeting or
chat would get them to read some of them and become better users and
understand the OS better.

2) It has nothing to do with my not understanding anything about Beta
testing Vista or anything else. I've got way more Beta testing
oportuninties than I could possibly have time for. You can spread yourself
to thin trying to do a decent job of even a few.

3) I don't expect many of the 1400-1500 bugs to be fixed with 5743 Friday,
or when it RTMS or escrows that the 500 or so left won't be very
significant. When this baby goes on sale, call centers will be flooded.
That didn't have to happen.

Those call centers provided by MSFT are Convergys of Ohio in India and the
level of help is simply horrendous. The English is simply unintelligible
from most of those minimum waged butts in seats.

That's something none of the MVPS or MSFT ever wants to discuss. I don't
need them and you don't need them, but the public relies on them and we
clean up their messes. They are billed as support episodes and they're
worthless. The level of PSS is a direct reflection of MSFT's disregard for
their customers. Supposedly Dell thought they would help themselves if they
spent $100,000,000 on PSS a few months ago. To me that's more than parking
valet tips, but Dell isn't the only company who needed PSS makeovers--MSFT
has needed a huge one for years.

If they cared, they would have cleaned up their incompetent PSS long ago.
It's just the cheapest buffer solution so they don't have to deal with it or
they have the newsgroup help to reach a limited amount of customers.


"Your intermittent use of quotes makes it difficult to know what you wrote
and what are quotes from others."--from Jupiter Jones

Only if you're consummately stupid. And you're not.

Also snipping makes posts difficult to read, not easier. It's much easier
to read the previous post at the bottom of the new post.

If I use quotes that are ascribed to anyone they are meticulously labled,
the source is linked, and unless you're reading in brail you couldn't
mistake the source.

I don't need on topic lessons from you but you'd save a lot of real estate
here if you'd refrain from these sententious moralistic warnings with your
perceived qualifications for people to use software.

If they can turn on a computer, and read, and they don't read the clear
release notes then they're responsible for the consequences. They aren't
going to pay any attention to supurfluous warnings about production
machines, etc.

If you don't like political refrences, start with every post on every MSFT
newsgroup because all kinds of messages are delivered in signatures.

Get off your high horse and focus on the issues that are problems.

It is amusing but harmful to MSFT customers to see MVP syncophants ready to
ignore that Device Manager does not ID corrupt drivers and says they are
working and has since it's release in 1995, that Win RE's Startup Repair
works a fraction of the times it's deployed compared with a repair install
in XP, and that Vista setup every build after 5472 gives false information
on setup from the XP desktop as to hdw requirements that are allegedly
blocking a Vista install only to have it install perfectly from a restart.

The so-called Vista Upgrade Advisor gives patently false information a high
percentage of the time claiming that a box needs a panoply of new hardware
or sound or video cards to run Vista when it doesn't. I can only attribute
their refusal to respond to numerous bug reports and to correct this to a
philosophy that if they can intimidate the public who are unaware of the
worthless advise of the Upgrade advisor, they can continue to goose sales of
OEM preinstalled Vista where MSFT and OEM named partners shirk their
obligation to provide XP or Vista genuine media to do repair installs in the
case of XP or access the diluted Win RE in the case of Vista.

This is understandable since in the last quarter MSFT had nearly a 20%
increase in OEM profits and a 20% decrease in retail sales of Windows XP.

Rock said:
I was wondering how long it would take you to drop to that argument -
you always do - it seems - your protective blanket. My big brother
can beat up your big brother grade school kind of thing.

Why do you think that answering questions confers upon you some aura of
greatness? That it thus provides justification for your rants? Why
jump on Dan's post? You're beef isn't with him, yet you feel compelled
to do so.

Sometimes I wonder if there isn't some underlying element of manic
depressive illness.

Whatever is being projected comes from your looking in the mirror.

Thanks for the support, Rock and I greatly appreciate it. You are
really nice. I just have a way of annoying some people -- guess it may
have to do with my beliefs and auro that offends others sometimes. <grin>
Jupiter said:
Is this the same that ranted a while back that Microsoft should open the
private chats and newsgroups because he felt they were under utilized by the
Beta testers?
If so, this is the same that came across to me as jealous was not a beta
If so, your comment about agenda is right on.
That individual clearly had no understanding of the Beta process.

Now he seems to be fixating on comparing the help he does with others almost
as if it is a competition.
I doubt he understands at all.

Exactly, Jupiter and we are here to help provide a good and secure
operating system that will replace Windows 2000 and XP hopefully in the
Chad said:
LOL --

Jupiter wrong again. I see all the Beta stuff. I've seen all the groups,
the chats, the Live Meetings and the material I think the public should see.

Were you that off target in the Canadian Air Force (I guess they have one
but it never gets deployed in any real battle) as well?

I hardly think any country is saying "Man lookout--we don't want to piss off


Jupiter Jones said:
Is this the same that ranted a while back that Microsoft should open the
private chats and newsgroups because he felt they were under utilized by
the Beta testers?
If so, this is the same that came across to me as jealous was not a beta
If so, your comment about agenda is right on.
That individual clearly had no understanding of the Beta process.

Now he seems to be fixating on comparing the help he does with others
almost as if it is a competition.
I doubt he understands at all.

What the f___!!! My brother-in-law is Canadian and you should just
leave this group now if you want to be such an a_____le
Jupiter said:
Who ever said anything about the Canadian Air Force?
Certainly not me.
Your assumption here is as WRONG as other assumptions you have made.
You know what they say about applies to you.

This poster is certainly rude and does not meet the Microsoft standards
at all. I hope Microsoft will drop him as a tester quickly. I
certainly can do without his feedback and negativity.
Chad said:

Me--lol the link's url says it all. I'm looking for the assistance beyond
the pedantic lectures for people who will completely ignore warnings not to
use a Beta OS because yadayada--ya really think someone will read that crap
and stop loading a Beta?

You've cascaded post after post with delusion upon delusion about what I do
or what I've had or that I'm not a TBT or whatever--all wrong. Why don't you
focus on what the MVP is supposed to be about or is this the flaming what
you really think you have the aptitude for?


Boy, man you need to repent and quickly.
Jupiter said:
It may "says it all", but perhaps you should read the page again...for the
first time.
Surely you are not connecting the unrelated items in the first and third
That page is more of a chronology and certainly does not all happen at the
same time.
Most readers easily recognize that...except you that is.
Nothing is said about the Canadian Air Force, largely because I was never in
the Canadian Air Force.

I have no intention of stopping anyone from installing Beta anything.
That may be yet another assumption of yours.
Instead, I would rather people inform themselves and make an educated choice
what is right for them.

As I said before, be careful of your assumptions.

Exactly, Jupiter and the poster is making an ass of himself with the
Chad said:
And you should be careful of yours and lo the so-called Rock. They're all

Again I have crusaded for the public having more information on Vista for 15
months and with MSFT--it has nothing to do with what I can or can't get
access to. I want them to have access. Wanting that hasn't got a thing to
do with what I can't see or use--you really blew that.

If you think about it, the same instinct to help fix is in in the same vein
to get information for these people.

I continue to believe MSFT has been disingenuous with all their facade that
they want the public's input. They have ignored a ton of TBT bug reports
and feature reports and work arounds and we caught them at it on this chat a
couple weeks ago.

1) It has absolutely nothing to do with my access to the stuff I want
everyone to have access to. I've consistently campaigned that the public
should have had access to every Beta Live Meeting--they aren't archived and
you can't show me one substantive reason it improves the quality of the

Additionally, while there are a number of partner webcasts, and Technet
webcasts on Vista, Office and a lot of other software or policies, the
public doesn't find them as easily as you and I might. But the cache of
Vista as the next new thing--compromise as it is with the Live Meeting or
chat would get them to read some of them and become better users and
understand the OS better.

2) It has nothing to do with my not understanding anything about Beta
testing Vista or anything else. I've got way more Beta testing
oportuninties than I could possibly have time for. You can spread yourself
to thin trying to do a decent job of even a few.

3) I don't expect many of the 1400-1500 bugs to be fixed with 5743 Friday,
or when it RTMS or escrows that the 500 or so left won't be very
significant. When this baby goes on sale, call centers will be flooded.
That didn't have to happen.

Those call centers provided by MSFT are Convergys of Ohio in India and the
level of help is simply horrendous. The English is simply unintelligible
from most of those minimum waged butts in seats.

That's something none of the MVPS or MSFT ever wants to discuss. I don't
need them and you don't need them, but the public relies on them and we
clean up their messes. They are billed as support episodes and they're
worthless. The level of PSS is a direct reflection of MSFT's disregard for
their customers. Supposedly Dell thought they would help themselves if they
spent $100,000,000 on PSS a few months ago. To me that's more than parking
valet tips, but Dell isn't the only company who needed PSS makeovers--MSFT
has needed a huge one for years.

If they cared, they would have cleaned up their incompetent PSS long ago.
It's just the cheapest buffer solution so they don't have to deal with it or
they have the newsgroup help to reach a limited amount of customers.


Jupiter Jones said:
It may "says it all", but perhaps you should read the page again...for the
first time.
Surely you are not connecting the unrelated items in the first and third
That page is more of a chronology and certainly does not all happen at the
same time.
Most readers easily recognize that...except you that is.
Nothing is said about the Canadian Air Force, largely because I was never
in the Canadian Air Force.

I have no intention of stopping anyone from installing Beta anything.
That may be yet another assumption of yours.
Instead, I would rather people inform themselves and make an educated
choice what is right for them.

As I said before, be careful of your assumptions.

PSS works great for me. However, your comments and this post will be
sent by me to Microsoft for feedback showing that I care despite your
negative attitude displayed previously. In addition, I am currently
working with Microsoft on a Windows Classic Edition that will be able to
fully replace 98 Second Edition and it should be awesome.
Dan you're hallucinating as to my posts or fixating. All the fixating,
delusion, hallucination is your obsesssion. The posts and the help speak
for themselves. Only an idiot would think this is a competition and there
seems to be no shortage of those.

What is humerous is your presumption that "we are here to provide a secure
operating system", your presumption as to who is a TBT (lol what a delusion)
and your naivety that I haven't contributed to getting a number of people up
and running with XP and Vista before you found these groups. The posts
speak for themselves. I'd adjust that presumptious we. I don't see
anything contributing toward "a secure operating system" or anyone's ability
to use it on a search of Dan W.

You might start reading Help and Support to move your learning curve instead
of making banal, vaccuous comments. If you think you can help make a secure
operating system, bug what you think you see although they are going to be
ignored. If you think you can help--start taking a swing and help someone.
To date, none of that exists from you here.

1) PSS works horribly for almost everyone and MSFT is well aware that it
does. Their focus is on keeping enterprises and significant volume license
holders happy. It's long been a sore point and it's well known by MSFT,
and it won't change. That PSS works marvelously for you is an index of your
superficial grasp of Windows, Office and other software MSFT makes.

Your multiple "me too" posts are a reflection of your limitations.

I think all has been said that can or needs to be.
Ignore him is my suggestion.
As you see he now seems to be fixating on some sort of imaginary competition
or matching of help given etc, only he is the only participant in the
competition since most just try to help and do not worry or care about