Safcfan4eva just looked at your Avatar and it made me laugh....Nice one...
Back on subject i have used the lot over the years and there all a bunch of sh**e with trojans and viruses aplenty.
Probably half of all computer problems are due to people downloading and then finding out that something has unleashed its payload on there machine..
Then come crying on these very forums for a solution to fix there machine..
How many times have i repaired broken pc's to find Kazaa, Grokster, edonkey, Winmx, Overture, and many others on someones desktop, then they tell me they just downloaded xxx on there machine and next time they rebooted, it all went tits-up...
Only for me to find nice juicy viruses and nasties...... 20 minutes later there machine is purring along again, and they feel much happier and lighter, normally to the tune of £40....
Damn expensive that Album....