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  • Thread starter Thread starter John Corliss
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Trying to get a word in edge-wise "KeithS" wrote in
You, me, and many others I suspect. It's not just the 'can't afford',
I don't see why I can't own/use something whenever I want, rather than
have to pay (probably increasing) rental to the likes of M$ for using
their sw. The 'Big Brother' worries hardly bear thinking about. I
think it will scare many, many people off home computers, and/or
encourage them *not* to buy new computers, and the rented sw to go
with them. As an earlier poster said, this could ruin the present
computer industry.

And what about "pay to play" at libraries, schools & law enforcement
agencies? Will they get an exemption? You know the governments will pay
for anything and in this case it's to their advantage to be able to spy
on anyone around the globe like they are able to do in a small way now
Mr. Bill thinks he owns the internet. I'm glad people like us open
source programmers and various other groups without an agenda will make
sure it doesn't happen.
Read Newsweek's article a couple of weeks ago on Bill Gate's "visions
of the future". What a geek! His profit margin is down so he has to
come up with a way to bring it back up and keep his 55,000 sq.ft. (over
an acre!) house off the market.
It makes my blood boil also.
KeithS said:
All right, you smooth talking ****** :) , you maybe have convinced
me to give it a try. But, and it's a big but, there are many more
people out there who simply don't want to go this route, and just want
to use their pc's as a tool.


I've tried linux distros many times, only recently have I got one to
work, and been deeply underwhelmed with start up and close down, far
slower than W98SE, and the software that appears available.

Everything appears extremely difficult even if you try only teh easiest

I know I may be stupid, but not terminally, and linux beats me.

I've stayed with w98 as Iwouldn't go to XP on my new box, I dislike
bill's works as much as anyone, and I do get some instability, and an
occasional BSOD.

For all that W98 is as far as I'm concerned a working enviroment.

I know this will pull in all sorts of flames, so I'll duck now

mike (too thick for linux) r
Rob said:
Oh yes, by the way, more an more PC manufacturers are offering PC's with
Linux preinstalled. A good deal with consumers since it avoids the
Microsoft tax. IMHO, consumers get a more robust and secure PC at a lower

I can't say that I agree with this statement since I haven't seen any
NEW PCs with Linux installed at any store I have ever been to.
Hopefully, I will in the near future. I like MS, but I don't trust them.
I also don't like their newer OSs. I want to buy a linux machine; I tried
to build one but I had too many hardware compatibility issues to perform
most common tasks.
