more blue screen misery

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Fair fee? Forget about it. You could buy a refurbed computer for
less than it will cost you to have the mobo fixed.

I agree that having the motherboard repaired would very likely make no
economic sense. But a much easier and less expensive choice than
buying "a refurbed computer" is probably just buying a new motherboard
and replacing it. No need to replace *all* the components just because
there is a problem with the motherboard.
What would you consider a fair fee? How can you say you can buy a
refurbished computer
for what it would cost to have the mobo fixed? I would replace the caps for
You fail to state that anyone with a little soldering experience can replace
the caps
for practically nothing.
Confused said:
thanks for the suggestion... have you done it before?
its really a pretty good idea --
at this point... i really have nothing to loose... the worst that
could happen would be an unworkable motherboard (ha ha !!)

I changed one cap on my roommates Abit AK7 or something like that.
There are some good articles in Google on how to do it properly.
If I come across a link, I will post it.

It seems like one of the no'nos is getting the mb too hot at the site and
also, not cleaning out the hole with a stainless steel needle or not using a
run malwarebytes while your computer still responds mine wont boot but i ran
my second option which i never got to try on mt roommates computer and 6
adware and malware were detected. search malwarebytes from microsoft page and
run the scan. my rm's problem was in the memory,kernel dump and was removed.
ccorona6 and live id like to know if i coulda saved mine