more blue screen misery

  • Thread starter Thread starter Confused
  • Start date Start date


I have a compaq presario computer thats been old faithful ....until 2 days
ago that is. The model number is s4120wm, amd athlon xp 2600+ 2133
MHz/266MHz 256k cache ram & 1g (otherwise) of memory. I have a 60g hard drive
thats over 50% free space. My CPU fan has been running at 2000 RPM, the
System fan's been running at 1100 RPM (give & take for both) My CPU temp has
been a steady 55 - 57 degrees. I don't know but sounds cool to me.
My problem began when I was on the internet... I was reading news articles
from the NYTimes & like always I managed to clicked & openned ALOT of
subsequent links to other articles during the course of my "read" -- probably
10-15 or so tabs & other explorer windows. After one of my 'open to new tab"
moves, explorer froze. I was expecting the usual 'explorer has encountered a
problem & must shut down' notices to come up -- but it never did. Not only
did it not come up, but my computer froze. No start button, no ctrl alt
delete, to switching between windows, no nothing. I guessed that i had
balled up the cpu with requests so i let the computer sit there for 3 hours
before i decided that it was hopeless & turned off the machine for a reboot.
Then the problem grew & continues. I can't boot up from any mode. Initially,
a normal windows start had a stop 0x0000000a (0x00000002, 0x00000007,
0x00000001, 0x805573eo) blue screen error, IRQ_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL with all of
the other notices I've read in the threads saying to restart if this was the
first time you have seen this error -restart your computer. If it reoccurs,
disable bios memory caching & shadowing &/or check recently added hardware &
software..blah, blah.
I have not added any hardware or software to my system in months. Starting
windows normally now stops at the windows xp screen (before login). Starting
windows in safemode or safemode with command prompt stops after listing the
agp440.sys driver. Last known configuration stops at the windows xp screen
(before login) recover console gave me a stop 0x0000007e (0xc0000005,
0x516e735f, 0xf7b1e0d4, 0xf7b1ddd4) with the same otherwise messages that the
IRQ_NOT_E QUAL_OR_LESS did. System Recovery CD option R gives the stop
0x0000000a (0x106cfeee8, 0x000000ff, 0x00000001, 0x8040404f85)
IRQ_NOT_EQUAL_OR_LESS again with the sames otherwise messages that that irq
error seems to always give... HELP. PLEASE. Anybody? There has to be a way to
bring this back! I ran Maxtor Power Max... my hard drive passed a full 2 hour
extended test. I ran a memory check through the bios extended boot... so i
don't think memory is a problem either... any thoughts from anyone?
Make sure all your fans are working and the computer is free of dust.
Use an Air Duster to remove dust.

Disconnect all hardware peripherals except keyboard, mouse and monitor.

Have you tried Last Known Good Configuration?
A description of the Safe Mode Boot options in Windows XP

Do you have data files you need to recover? You need to do this first.

System Recovery Options [h10025_www1_hp_com]

The way the problem makes me wonder whether malware is involved. What
are your anti-virus and anti-spyware arrangements?

Background information on Stop Error message

Typically due to a bad driver, or faulty or incompatible hardware or
software. Use the General Troubleshooting of STOP Messages checklist
above. Technically, this error condition means that a kernel-mode
process or driver tried to access a memory location to which it did not
have permission, or at a kernel Interrupt ReQuest Level (IRQL) that was
too high. (A kernel-mode process can access only other processes that
have an IRQL lower than, or equal to, its own.)

You receive a "Stop 0x0000000A" error message in Windows XP

Background information on Stop Error message:

A system thread generated an exception which the error handler did not
catch. There are numerous individual causes for this problem, including
hardware incompatibility, a faulty device driver or system service, or
some software issues. Check Event Viewer (EventVwr.msc) for additional

How to Troubleshoot a Stop 0x0000007E Error in Windows XP


Hope this helps.

Stourport, England
Enquire, plan and execute
Thats for responding to my problem Gerry.

My fans are running. The computer does have a little dust but nothing
outlandish. I'll get some aire today though & try.

I've already disconnected all hardware peripherals as well as a "data" slave
I don't really have any data to recover -- because I've kept data strictly
to my slave drive & programs/system needs to my master (C) drive, so thats a
plus -- I just really can't afford a new tower at the moment....(sob, sob)

I did try Last Known Good Config. It stops at the Windows XP screen. It had
occurred to me that the system might have been running scandisk because of
the way I shut it down, but the message never came up & I let it set a good
couple of hours to be sure that it wasn't progressing.

Safemode stops loading as well, right after this driver is listed
--AGP440.sys --
It stops at the same spot regardless of whether I choose the Safemode, or
Safemode with command prompt option. I had thought that the driver problem is
the one right after agp440.sys -- but I dont know what driver would be next
or where to find out that info.

As for the HP recovery steps link -- in my sleepless travel, I found that
webpage myself. Unfortunately, when I stepped through the process, I got the

Gerry said:
Make sure all your fans are working and the computer is free of dust.
Use an Air Duster to remove dust.

Disconnect all hardware peripherals except keyboard, mouse and monitor.

Have you tried Last Known Good Configuration?
A description of the Safe Mode Boot options in Windows XP

Do you have data files you need to recover? You need to do this first.

System Recovery Options [h10025_www1_hp_com]

The way the problem makes me wonder whether malware is involved. What
are your anti-virus and anti-spyware arrangements?

Background information on Stop Error message

Typically due to a bad driver, or faulty or incompatible hardware or
software. Use the General Troubleshooting of STOP Messages checklist
above. Technically, this error condition means that a kernel-mode
process or driver tried to access a memory location to which it did not
have permission, or at a kernel Interrupt ReQuest Level (IRQL) that was
too high. (A kernel-mode process can access only other processes that
have an IRQL lower than, or equal to, its own.)

You receive a "Stop 0x0000000A" error message in Windows XP

Background information on Stop Error message:

A system thread generated an exception which the error handler did not
catch. There are numerous individual causes for this problem, including
hardware incompatibility, a faulty device driver or system service, or
some software issues. Check Event Viewer (EventVwr.msc) for additional

How to Troubleshoot a Stop 0x0000007E Error in Windows XP


Hope this helps.

Stourport, England
Enquire, plan and execute

I have a compaq presario computer thats been old faithful ....until 2
days ago that is. The model number is s4120wm, amd athlon xp 2600+
2133 MHz/266MHz 256k cache ram & 1g (otherwise) of memory. I have a
60g hard drive thats over 50% free space. My CPU fan has been running
at 2000 RPM, the System fan's been running at 1100 RPM (give & take
for both) My CPU temp has been a steady 55 - 57 degrees. I don't know
but sounds cool to me.
My problem began when I was on the internet... I was reading news
articles from the NYTimes & like always I managed to clicked &
openned ALOT of subsequent links to other articles during the course
of my "read" -- probably 10-15 or so tabs & other explorer windows.
After one of my 'open to new tab" moves, explorer froze. I was
expecting the usual 'explorer has encountered a problem & must shut
down' notices to come up -- but it never did. Not only did it not
come up, but my computer froze. No start button, no ctrl alt delete,
to switching between windows, no nothing. I guessed that i had
balled up the cpu with requests so i let the computer sit there for 3
hours before i decided that it was hopeless & turned off the machine
for a reboot. Then the problem grew & continues. I can't boot up from
any mode. Initially, a normal windows start had a stop 0x0000000a
(0x00000002, 0x00000007, 0x00000001, 0x805573eo) blue screen error,
IRQ_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL with all of the other notices I've read in the
threads saying to restart if this was the first time you have seen
this error -restart your computer. If it reoccurs, disable bios
memory caching & shadowing &/or check recently added hardware &
software..blah, blah.
I have not added any hardware or software to my system in months.
Starting windows normally now stops at the windows xp screen (before
login). Starting windows in safemode or safemode with command prompt
stops after listing the agp440.sys driver. Last known configuration
stops at the windows xp screen (before login) recover console gave me
a stop 0x0000007e (0xc0000005, 0x516e735f, 0xf7b1e0d4, 0xf7b1ddd4)
with the same otherwise messages that the IRQ_NOT_E QUAL_OR_LESS did.
give... HELP. PLEASE. Anybody? There has to be a way to bring this
back! I ran Maxtor Power Max... my hard drive passed a full 2 hour
extended test. I ran a memory check through the bios extended boot...
so i don't think memory is a problem either... any thoughts from
Thanks for responding to my problem Gerry. I've tried responding to your help
once, but my finger & this laptop I'm using now are touchy so if you've
gotten a partial reply -- please forgive me.

My fans are running. The computer does have a little dust but nothing
outlandish. I'll get some aire today though & try that.

I've already disconnected all hardware peripherals as well as a "data" slave
I don't really have any data to recover -- because I've kept data strictly
to my slave drive & programs/system needs to my master (C) drive, so thats a
plus -- I just really can't afford a new tower at the moment....(sob, sob)

I did try Last Known Good Config. It stops at the Windows XP screen. It had
occurred to me that the system might have been running scandisk because of
the way I shut it down, but the message never came up & I let it set a good
couple of hours to be sure that it wasn't progressing.

Safemode stops after this driver is shown on the screen -- AGP440.sys -- I
had thought that the problem might lie with the driver/process directly after
that driver is listed but I don't know what that would be or where to get
that info. It stops in the same place regardless or whether I choose the
safemode or safemode with command prompt options.

Thanks for the link to the Hp recovery info ...unfortunately I had already
found the website during my "sleepless" travels. I ran through the steps
given. Thats where I came up with this stop error that I gave in my original
post --

The antivirus program I'm running is Norton Internet Security 2009. As for
spyware, I run the one thats within norton & occassionally run Adware-SE as
I haven't ran the adware in a couple of weeks though.

When it comes to all the various links about the stop error -- I've
travelled to all of those you listed except -- i'll go there next.
My REAL dilemna involves checking & changing ANYTHING when I can't access the
information to check or change anything. (whatever happenned to the win98
msdos startup option)

I do have an XP startup disk -- but looking at it -- is a mystery to me...
it only has EGA2.cpi, EGA3.cpi, EGA.cpi,, keyboard.sys, keybrd2.sys,
keybrd4.sys,,, display.sys, autoexec.bat (which is
blank), config.sys (which is blank). I've had the disk since 2005 when I got
my pc. I don't recall how I made it --I'm assuming that I made it in the same
manner as a win98 would have been made. Like I said its a mystery to me & it
doesnt seem to work. Could that be where the stop of safemode is coming into

I havent gone to the troubleshooting site for 0x07e at microsoft yet.
I'll do that next.
I cant help but feel that if I could just get into safemode -- I could begin
the process
of getting my pc back to me.

Thanks for all of your help -- please dont give up on helping me more if you
think of anything !!

Gerry said:
Make sure all your fans are working and the computer is free of dust.
Use an Air Duster to remove dust.

Disconnect all hardware peripherals except keyboard, mouse and monitor.

Have you tried Last Known Good Configuration?
A description of the Safe Mode Boot options in Windows XP

Do you have data files you need to recover? You need to do this first.

System Recovery Options [h10025_www1_hp_com]

The way the problem makes me wonder whether malware is involved. What
are your anti-virus and anti-spyware arrangements?

Background information on Stop Error message

Typically due to a bad driver, or faulty or incompatible hardware or
software. Use the General Troubleshooting of STOP Messages checklist
above. Technically, this error condition means that a kernel-mode
process or driver tried to access a memory location to which it did not
have permission, or at a kernel Interrupt ReQuest Level (IRQL) that was
too high. (A kernel-mode process can access only other processes that
have an IRQL lower than, or equal to, its own.)

You receive a "Stop 0x0000000A" error message in Windows XP

Background information on Stop Error message:

A system thread generated an exception which the error handler did not
catch. There are numerous individual causes for this problem, including
hardware incompatibility, a faulty device driver or system service, or
some software issues. Check Event Viewer (EventVwr.msc) for additional

How to Troubleshoot a Stop 0x0000007E Error in Windows XP


Hope this helps.

Stourport, England
Enquire, plan and execute

I have a compaq presario computer thats been old faithful ....until 2
days ago that is. The model number is s4120wm, amd athlon xp 2600+
2133 MHz/266MHz 256k cache ram & 1g (otherwise) of memory. I have a
60g hard drive thats over 50% free space. My CPU fan has been running
at 2000 RPM, the System fan's been running at 1100 RPM (give & take
for both) My CPU temp has been a steady 55 - 57 degrees. I don't know
but sounds cool to me.
My problem began when I was on the internet... I was reading news
articles from the NYTimes & like always I managed to clicked &
openned ALOT of subsequent links to other articles during the course
of my "read" -- probably 10-15 or so tabs & other explorer windows.
After one of my 'open to new tab" moves, explorer froze. I was
expecting the usual 'explorer has encountered a problem & must shut
down' notices to come up -- but it never did. Not only did it not
come up, but my computer froze. No start button, no ctrl alt delete,
to switching between windows, no nothing. I guessed that i had
balled up the cpu with requests so i let the computer sit there for 3
hours before i decided that it was hopeless & turned off the machine
for a reboot. Then the problem grew & continues. I can't boot up from
any mode. Initially, a normal windows start had a stop 0x0000000a
(0x00000002, 0x00000007, 0x00000001, 0x805573eo) blue screen error,
IRQ_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL with all of the other notices I've read in the
threads saying to restart if this was the first time you have seen
this error -restart your computer. If it reoccurs, disable bios
memory caching & shadowing &/or check recently added hardware &
software..blah, blah.
I have not added any hardware or software to my system in months.
Starting windows normally now stops at the windows xp screen (before
login). Starting windows in safemode or safemode with command prompt
stops after listing the agp440.sys driver. Last known configuration
stops at the windows xp screen (before login) recover console gave me
a stop 0x0000007e (0xc0000005, 0x516e735f, 0xf7b1e0d4, 0xf7b1ddd4)
with the same otherwise messages that the IRQ_NOT_E QUAL_OR_LESS did.
System Recovery CD option R gives the stop 0x0000000a (0x106cfeee8,
0x000000ff, 0x00000001, 0x8040404f85) IRQ_NOT_EQUAL_OR_LESS again
with the sames otherwise messages that that irq error seems to always
give... HELP. PLEASE. Anybody? There has to be a way to bring this
back! I ran Maxtor Power Max... my hard drive passed a full 2 hour
extended test. I ran a memory check through the bios extended boot...
so i don't think memory is a problem either... any thoughts from
Confused said:
I have a compaq presario computer thats been old faithful ....until 2
days ago that is. The model number is s4120wm, amd athlon xp 2600+
2133 MHz/266MHz 256k cache ram & 1g (otherwise) of memory. I have a
60g hard drive thats over 50% free space. My CPU fan has been running
at 2000 RPM, the System fan's been running at 1100 RPM (give & take
for both) My CPU temp has been a steady 55 - 57 degrees. I don't know
but sounds cool to me.
My problem began when I was on the internet... I was reading news
articles from the NYTimes & like always I managed to clicked &
openned ALOT of subsequent links to other articles during the course
of my "read" -- probably 10-15 or so tabs & other explorer windows.
After one of my 'open to new tab" moves, explorer froze. I was
expecting the usual 'explorer has encountered a problem & must shut
down' notices to come up -- but it never did. Not only did it not
come up, but my computer froze. No start button, no ctrl alt delete,
to switching between windows, no nothing. I guessed that i had
balled up the cpu with requests so i let the computer sit there for 3
hours before i decided that it was hopeless & turned off the machine
for a reboot. Then the problem grew & continues. I can't boot up from
any mode. Initially, a normal windows start had a stop 0x0000000a
(0x00000002, 0x00000007, 0x00000001, 0x805573eo) blue screen error,
IRQ_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL with all of the other notices I've read in the
threads saying to restart if this was the first time you have seen
this error -restart your computer. If it reoccurs, disable bios
memory caching & shadowing &/or check recently added hardware &
software..blah, blah.
I have not added any hardware or software to my system in months.
Starting windows normally now stops at the windows xp screen (before
login). Starting windows in safemode or safemode with command prompt
stops after listing the agp440.sys driver. Last known configuration
stops at the windows xp screen (before login) recover console gave me
a stop 0x0000007e (0xc0000005, 0x516e735f, 0xf7b1e0d4, 0xf7b1ddd4)
with the same otherwise messages that the IRQ_NOT_E QUAL_OR_LESS did.
System Recovery CD option R gives the stop 0x0000000a (0x106cfeee8,
0x000000ff, 0x00000001, 0x8040404f85) IRQ_NOT_EQUAL_OR_LESS again
with the sames otherwise messages that that irq error seems to always
give... HELP. PLEASE. Anybody? There has to be a way to bring this
back! I ran Maxtor Power Max... my hard drive passed a full 2 hour
extended test. I ran a memory check through the bios extended boot...
so i don't think memory is a problem either... any thoughts from

Check here:

I know the above link is regarding a laptop, but perhaps it will help.

Put IRQ_NOT_EQUAL_OR_LESS in the search box in Google.
Thanks for responding to my problem Gerry. I've tried responding to your
help once, but my finger & this laptop I'm using now are touchy so if you've
gotten a partial reply -- please forgive me.

My fans are running. The computer does have a little dust but nothing
outlandish. I'll get some aire today though & try that.

I've already disconnected all hardware peripherals as well as a "data" slave
I don't really have any data to recover -- because I've kept data strictly
to my slave drive & programs/system needs to my master (C) drive, so thats a
plus -- I just really can't afford a new tower at the moment....(sob, sob)

I did try Last Known Good Config. It stops at the Windows XP screen. It had
occurred to me that the system might have been running scandisk because of
the way I shut it down, but the message never came up & I let it set a good
couple of hours to be sure that it wasn't progressing.

Safemode stops after this driver is shown on the screen -- AGP440.sys -- I
had thought that the problem might lie with the driver/process directly after
that driver is listed but I don't know what that would be or where to get

that info. It stops in the same place regardless or whether I choose the
safemode or safemode with command prompt options.

Thanks for the link to the Hp recovery info ...unfortunately I had already
found the website during my "sleepless"

travels. I ran through the steps given. Thats where I came up with this stop
error that I gave in my original post --

The antivirus program I'm running is Norton Internet Security 2009. As for
spyware, I run the one thats within

norton & occassionally run Adware-SE as well.
I haven't ran the adware in a couple of weeks though.

When it comes to all the various links about the stop error -- I've
travelled to all of those you listed except -- i'll go there next. My REAL dilemna involves checking &
changing ANYTHING when I can't access the information to check or change
anything. (whatever happenned to the win98 msdos startup option)

I do have an XP startup disk -- but looking at it -- is a mystery to me...
it only has EGA2.cpi, EGA3.cpi, EGA.cpi,, keyboard.sys, keybrd2.sys, keybrd3.sys,
keybrd4.sys,,, display.sys, autoexec.bat (which is
blank), config.sys (which is blank). I've had the disk since 2005 when I got
my pc. I don't recall how I made it --I'm assuming that I made it in the same
manner as a win98 would have been made. Like I said its a mystery to me & it
doesnt seem to work. Could that be where the stop of safemode is coming into

I havent gone to the troubleshooting site for 0x07e at microsoft yet.
I'll do that next.
I cant help but feel that if I could just get into safemode -- I could begin
the process
of getting my pc back to me.

Thanks for all of your help -- please dont give up on helping me more if you
think of anything !!

Gerry said:
Make sure all your fans are working and the computer is free of dust.
Use an Air Duster to remove dust.

Disconnect all hardware peripherals except keyboard, mouse and monitor.

Have you tried Last Known Good Configuration?
A description of the Safe Mode Boot options in Windows XP

Do you have data files you need to recover? You need to do this first.

System Recovery Options [h10025_www1_hp_com]

The way the problem makes me wonder whether malware is involved. What
are your anti-virus and anti-spyware arrangements?

Background information on Stop Error message

Typically due to a bad driver, or faulty or incompatible hardware or
software. Use the General Troubleshooting of STOP Messages checklist
above. Technically, this error condition means that a kernel-mode
process or driver tried to access a memory location to which it did not
have permission, or at a kernel Interrupt ReQuest Level (IRQL) that was
too high. (A kernel-mode process can access only other processes that
have an IRQL lower than, or equal to, its own.)

You receive a "Stop 0x0000000A" error message in Windows XP

Background information on Stop Error message:

A system thread generated an exception which the error handler did not
catch. There are numerous individual causes for this problem, including
hardware incompatibility, a faulty device driver or system service, or
some software issues. Check Event Viewer (EventVwr.msc) for additional

How to Troubleshoot a Stop 0x0000007E Error in Windows XP


Hope this helps.

Stourport, England
Enquire, plan and execute

I have a compaq presario computer thats been old faithful ....until 2
days ago that is. The model number is s4120wm, amd athlon xp 2600+
2133 MHz/266MHz 256k cache ram & 1g (otherwise) of memory. I have a
60g hard drive thats over 50% free space. My CPU fan has been running
at 2000 RPM, the System fan's been running at 1100 RPM (give & take
for both) My CPU temp has been a steady 55 - 57 degrees. I don't know
but sounds cool to me.
My problem began when I was on the internet... I was reading news
articles from the NYTimes & like always I managed to clicked &
openned ALOT of subsequent links to other articles during the course
of my "read" -- probably 10-15 or so tabs & other explorer windows.
After one of my 'open to new tab" moves, explorer froze. I was
expecting the usual 'explorer has encountered a problem & must shut
down' notices to come up -- but it never did. Not only did it not
come up, but my computer froze. No start button, no ctrl alt delete,
to switching between windows, no nothing. I guessed that i had
balled up the cpu with requests so i let the computer sit there for 3
hours before i decided that it was hopeless & turned off the machine
for a reboot. Then the problem grew & continues. I can't boot up from
any mode. Initially, a normal windows start had a stop 0x0000000a
(0x00000002, 0x00000007, 0x00000001, 0x805573eo) blue screen error,
IRQ_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL with all of the other notices I've read in the
threads saying to restart if this was the first time you have seen
this error -restart your computer. If it reoccurs, disable bios
memory caching & shadowing &/or check recently added hardware &
software..blah, blah.
I have not added any hardware or software to my system in months.
Starting windows normally now stops at the windows xp screen (before
login). Starting windows in safemode or safemode with command prompt
stops after listing the agp440.sys driver. Last known configuration
stops at the windows xp screen (before login) recover console gave me
a stop 0x0000007e (0xc0000005, 0x516e735f, 0xf7b1e0d4, 0xf7b1ddd4)
with the same otherwise messages that the IRQ_NOT_E QUAL_OR_LESS did.
System Recovery CD option R gives the stop 0x0000000a (0x106cfeee8,
0x000000ff, 0x00000001, 0x8040404f85) IRQ_NOT_EQUAL_OR_LESS again
with the sames otherwise messages that that irq error seems to always
give... HELP. PLEASE. Anybody? There has to be a way to bring this
back! I ran Maxtor Power Max... my hard drive passed a full 2 hour
extended test. I ran a memory check through the bios extended boot...
so i don't think memory is a problem either... any thoughts from
i'll look for this problem right after i get some air for a clean-up
thanks for the possible lead... i'm kind of hoping that this will not take
a new tower -- though it would be nice to known that the problem is
hopeless -- so i'll quit torturing myself
i'll let you know what i see a bit later today.
thanks for your reply --
Confused said:
thanks for the reply -- but i cant seem to get to any dump file to
read it....

Have you tried opening your tower, (power off, of course) and removing and
reseating your memory stick(s) and vid card and checking all your
Confused said:
i'll look for this problem right after i get some air for a clean-up
thanks for the possible lead... i'm kind of hoping that this will not take
a new tower -- though it would be nice to known that the problem is
hopeless -- so i'll quit torturing myself
i'll let you know what i see a bit later today.
thanks for your reply --

Excuse my omitting the previous posts in this thread, but just a quick
comment for your consideration...

Presumably your Compaq Presario came with Compaq-HP "Recovery" CDs (I
believe there may be more than one disk).

One of the options re using the CD(s) is to effect what Compaq-HP terms a
"Standard Recovery", a so-called "non-destructive" recovery which
(hopefully!) will restore your PC to its factory-shipped state, but that any
programs/data you've installed/created since that time will be retained. The
basic objective of this type of "recovery" is to return a corrupted
operating system (OS) to a bootable, functional state. Obviously this will
"work" only if there's no hardware problem, i.e., a defective component, and
the OS is not beyond "redemption". The process to effect this "standard
recovery" is not at all complex nor difficult and should be explained in
your user manual or the info obtained from the HP website.

Another option would be to use the CD recovery disk(s) to effect a "full
system recovery". This involves a fresh-install of the OS + a fresh-install
of whatever programs were included at the factory. Naturally any
programs/data you installed/created since then would be "gone with the

So you may want to look into these options. Obviously one or the other will
not resolve your problem(s) should the cause of the problem be

Try Enable VGA Mode

Have you looked in the BIOS? Are there any indication of problems?

What exactly is the BIOS?

What Beeps occur when you try to boot? I have looked for the Beep Codes
for a Presario but had no joy so far. More information regarding the
BIOS may help.

Check that you have removed devices like a flash drive from the USB

I have wondered about testing the motherboard. Do you have a motherboard
manufacturer and model number, perhaps on the board itself.


Hope this helps.

Stourport, England
Enquire, plan and execute
Confused said:
Thanks for responding to my problem Gerry. I've tried responding to
your help once, but my finger & this laptop I'm using now are touchy
so if you've gotten a partial reply -- please forgive me.

My fans are running. The computer does have a little dust but nothing
outlandish. I'll get some aire today though & try that.

I've already disconnected all hardware peripherals as well as a
"data" slave drive.
I don't really have any data to recover -- because I've kept data
strictly to my slave drive & programs/system needs to my master (C)
drive, so thats a plus -- I just really can't afford a new tower at
the moment....(sob, sob)

I did try Last Known Good Config. It stops at the Windows XP screen.
It had occurred to me that the system might have been running
scandisk because of the way I shut it down, but the message never
came up & I let it set a good couple of hours to be sure that it
wasn't progressing.

Safemode stops after this driver is shown on the screen -- AGP440.sys
-- I had thought that the problem might lie with the driver/process
directly after that driver is listed but I don't know what that would
be or where to get

that info. It stops in the same place regardless or whether I choose
the safemode or safemode with command prompt options.

Thanks for the link to the Hp recovery info ...unfortunately I had
already found the website during my "sleepless"

travels. I ran through the steps given. Thats where I came up with
this stop error that I gave in my original post --

The antivirus program I'm running is Norton Internet Security 2009.
As for spyware, I run the one thats within

norton & occassionally run Adware-SE as well.
I haven't ran the adware in a couple of weeks though.

When it comes to all the various links about the stop error -- I've
travelled to all of those you listed except -- i'll go there next. My REAL dilemna involves checking &
changing ANYTHING when I can't access the information to check or
change anything. (whatever happenned to the win98 msdos startup

I do have an XP startup disk -- but looking at it -- is a mystery to
me... it only has EGA2.cpi, EGA3.cpi, EGA.cpi,, keyboard.sys, keybrd2.sys, keybrd3.sys,
keybrd4.sys,,, display.sys, autoexec.bat (which
is blank), config.sys (which is blank). I've had the disk since 2005
when I got my pc. I don't recall how I made it --I'm assuming that I
made it in the same manner as a win98 would have been made. Like I
said its a mystery to me & it doesnt seem to work. Could that be
where the stop of safemode is coming into play?

I havent gone to the troubleshooting site for 0x07e at microsoft yet.
I'll do that next.
I cant help but feel that if I could just get into safemode -- I
could begin the process
of getting my pc back to me.

Thanks for all of your help -- please dont give up on helping me more
if you can
think of anything !!

Gerry said:
Make sure all your fans are working and the computer is free of dust.
Use an Air Duster to remove dust.

Disconnect all hardware peripherals except keyboard, mouse and

Have you tried Last Known Good Configuration?
A description of the Safe Mode Boot options in Windows XP

Do you have data files you need to recover? You need to do this

System Recovery Options [h10025_www1_hp_com]

The way the problem makes me wonder whether malware is involved. What
are your anti-virus and anti-spyware arrangements?

Background information on Stop Error message

Typically due to a bad driver, or faulty or incompatible hardware or
software. Use the General Troubleshooting of STOP Messages checklist
above. Technically, this error condition means that a kernel-mode
process or driver tried to access a memory location to which it did
not have permission, or at a kernel Interrupt ReQuest Level (IRQL)
that was too high. (A kernel-mode process can access only other
processes that have an IRQL lower than, or equal to, its own.)

You receive a "Stop 0x0000000A" error message in Windows XP

Background information on Stop Error message:

A system thread generated an exception which the error handler did
not catch. There are numerous individual causes for this problem,
including hardware incompatibility, a faulty device driver or system
service, or some software issues. Check Event Viewer (EventVwr.msc)
for additional information.

How to Troubleshoot a Stop 0x0000007E Error in Windows XP


Hope this helps.

Stourport, England
Enquire, plan and execute

I have a compaq presario computer thats been old faithful ....until
2 days ago that is. The model number is s4120wm, amd athlon xp
2600+ 2133 MHz/266MHz 256k cache ram & 1g (otherwise) of memory. I
have a 60g hard drive thats over 50% free space. My CPU fan has
been running at 2000 RPM, the System fan's been running at 1100 RPM
(give & take for both) My CPU temp has been a steady 55 - 57
degrees. I don't know but sounds cool to me.
My problem began when I was on the internet... I was reading news
articles from the NYTimes & like always I managed to clicked &
openned ALOT of subsequent links to other articles during the course
of my "read" -- probably 10-15 or so tabs & other explorer windows.
After one of my 'open to new tab" moves, explorer froze. I was
expecting the usual 'explorer has encountered a problem & must shut
down' notices to come up -- but it never did. Not only did it not
come up, but my computer froze. No start button, no ctrl alt delete,
to switching between windows, no nothing. I guessed that i had
balled up the cpu with requests so i let the computer sit there for
3 hours before i decided that it was hopeless & turned off the
machine for a reboot. Then the problem grew & continues. I can't
boot up from any mode. Initially, a normal windows start had a stop
0x0000000a (0x00000002, 0x00000007, 0x00000001, 0x805573eo) blue
screen error, IRQ_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL with all of the other notices
I've read in the threads saying to restart if this was the first
time you have seen this error -restart your computer. If it
reoccurs, disable bios memory caching & shadowing &/or check
recently added hardware & software..blah, blah.
I have not added any hardware or software to my system in months.
Starting windows normally now stops at the windows xp screen (before
login). Starting windows in safemode or safemode with command prompt
stops after listing the agp440.sys driver. Last known configuration
stops at the windows xp screen (before login) recover console gave
me a stop 0x0000007e (0xc0000005, 0x516e735f, 0xf7b1e0d4,
0xf7b1ddd4) with the same otherwise messages that the IRQ_NOT_E
QUAL_OR_LESS did. System Recovery CD option R gives the stop
0x0000000a (0x106cfeee8, 0x000000ff, 0x00000001, 0x8040404f85)
IRQ_NOT_EQUAL_OR_LESS again with the sames otherwise messages that
that irq error seems to always give... HELP. PLEASE. Anybody? There
has to be a way to bring this back! I ran Maxtor Power Max... my
hard drive passed a full 2 hour extended test. I ran a memory check
through the bios extended boot... so i don't think memory is a
problem either... any thoughts from anyone?
Hi Gerry.

Sorry it took me so long to get back...

I haven't tried VGA mode... dont know why i havent but i will next.

My motherboard ia a FIC AM37 (salsa) -- thats about all I know of the
I'll look closer as soon as I open the case. I've got some "air" now, so
that will be
my second task after I read up & try the VGA mode.
My bios is Phoenix Award KM266 - 42302e31
My chipset is x86 Family 6 Model 8 Stepping 1 Authenic AMD

Bios doesnt seem to indicate any problems. It queries the hard drives
It lists a varying but consistent fan speeds for both the CPU & System. Its
measuring CPU temperature at 55-57 degrees -- even lower at first turn on.
Setting the bios to extended startup checks the memory (2 runs for each bank)
& its been reading the correct 1G for each of the 4 total runs.

When I open the case, I'm going to look for the capacitor bulge & leak that
person hinted to.... Have you every experienced that type of situation? I
was curious if a capacitor bulge is always "the kiss of death" or if its
possibly a common benign
occurance?? What is your view?

Thanks again for you sticking with me on this problem.
I'll shout back shortly.
I have NEVER heard any kind of beep come from out of my machine. I dont really
think that it has that feature.

Gerry said:

Try Enable VGA Mode

Have you looked in the BIOS? Are there any indication of problems?

What exactly is the BIOS?

What Beeps occur when you try to boot? I have looked for the Beep Codes
for a Presario but had no joy so far. More information regarding the
BIOS may help.

Check that you have removed devices like a flash drive from the USB

I have wondered about testing the motherboard. Do you have a motherboard
manufacturer and model number, perhaps on the board itself.


Hope this helps.

Stourport, England
Enquire, plan and execute
Confused said:
Thanks for responding to my problem Gerry. I've tried responding to
your help once, but my finger & this laptop I'm using now are touchy
so if you've gotten a partial reply -- please forgive me.

My fans are running. The computer does have a little dust but nothing
outlandish. I'll get some aire today though & try that.

I've already disconnected all hardware peripherals as well as a
"data" slave drive.
I don't really have any data to recover -- because I've kept data
strictly to my slave drive & programs/system needs to my master (C)
drive, so thats a plus -- I just really can't afford a new tower at
the moment....(sob, sob)

I did try Last Known Good Config. It stops at the Windows XP screen.
It had occurred to me that the system might have been running
scandisk because of the way I shut it down, but the message never
came up & I let it set a good couple of hours to be sure that it
wasn't progressing.

Safemode stops after this driver is shown on the screen -- AGP440.sys
-- I had thought that the problem might lie with the driver/process
directly after that driver is listed but I don't know what that would
be or where to get

that info. It stops in the same place regardless or whether I choose
the safemode or safemode with command prompt options.

Thanks for the link to the Hp recovery info ...unfortunately I had
already found the website during my "sleepless"

travels. I ran through the steps given. Thats where I came up with
this stop error that I gave in my original post --
System Recovery CD option R gives the stop 0x0000000a (0x106cfeee8,
0x000000ff, 0x00000001, 0x8040404f85) IRQ_NOT_EQUAL_OR_LESS again
with the sames otherwise messages that that irq error seems to
always give...

The antivirus program I'm running is Norton Internet Security 2009.
As for spyware, I run the one thats within

norton & occassionally run Adware-SE as well.
I haven't ran the adware in a couple of weeks though.

When it comes to all the various links about the stop error -- I've
travelled to all of those you listed except -- i'll go there next. My REAL dilemna involves checking &
changing ANYTHING when I can't access the information to check or
change anything. (whatever happenned to the win98 msdos startup

I do have an XP startup disk -- but looking at it -- is a mystery to
me... it only has EGA2.cpi, EGA3.cpi, EGA.cpi,, keyboard.sys, keybrd2.sys, keybrd3.sys,
keybrd4.sys,,, display.sys, autoexec.bat (which
is blank), config.sys (which is blank). I've had the disk since 2005
when I got my pc. I don't recall how I made it --I'm assuming that I
made it in the same manner as a win98 would have been made. Like I
said its a mystery to me & it doesnt seem to work. Could that be
where the stop of safemode is coming into play?

I havent gone to the troubleshooting site for 0x07e at microsoft yet.
I'll do that next.
I cant help but feel that if I could just get into safemode -- I
could begin the process
of getting my pc back to me.

Thanks for all of your help -- please dont give up on helping me more
if you can
think of anything !!

Gerry said:
Make sure all your fans are working and the computer is free of dust.
Use an Air Duster to remove dust.

Disconnect all hardware peripherals except keyboard, mouse and

Have you tried Last Known Good Configuration?
A description of the Safe Mode Boot options in Windows XP

Do you have data files you need to recover? You need to do this

System Recovery Options [h10025_www1_hp_com]

The way the problem makes me wonder whether malware is involved. What
are your anti-virus and anti-spyware arrangements?

Background information on Stop Error message

Typically due to a bad driver, or faulty or incompatible hardware or
software. Use the General Troubleshooting of STOP Messages checklist
above. Technically, this error condition means that a kernel-mode
process or driver tried to access a memory location to which it did
not have permission, or at a kernel Interrupt ReQuest Level (IRQL)
that was too high. (A kernel-mode process can access only other
processes that have an IRQL lower than, or equal to, its own.)

You receive a "Stop 0x0000000A" error message in Windows XP

Background information on Stop Error message:

A system thread generated an exception which the error handler did
not catch. There are numerous individual causes for this problem,
including hardware incompatibility, a faulty device driver or system
service, or some software issues. Check Event Viewer (EventVwr.msc)
for additional information.

How to Troubleshoot a Stop 0x0000007E Error in Windows XP


Hope this helps.

Stourport, England
Enquire, plan and execute

Confused wrote:
I have a compaq presario computer thats been old faithful ....until
2 days ago that is. The model number is s4120wm, amd athlon xp
2600+ 2133 MHz/266MHz 256k cache ram & 1g (otherwise) of memory. I
have a 60g hard drive thats over 50% free space. My CPU fan has
been running at 2000 RPM, the System fan's been running at 1100 RPM
(give & take for both) My CPU temp has been a steady 55 - 57
degrees. I don't know but sounds cool to me.
My problem began when I was on the internet... I was reading news
articles from the NYTimes & like always I managed to clicked &
openned ALOT of subsequent links to other articles during the course
of my "read" -- probably 10-15 or so tabs & other explorer windows.
After one of my 'open to new tab" moves, explorer froze. I was
expecting the usual 'explorer has encountered a problem & must shut
down' notices to come up -- but it never did. Not only did it not
come up, but my computer froze. No start button, no ctrl alt delete,
to switching between windows, no nothing. I guessed that i had
balled up the cpu with requests so i let the computer sit there for
3 hours before i decided that it was hopeless & turned off the
machine for a reboot. Then the problem grew & continues. I can't
boot up from any mode. Initially, a normal windows start had a stop
0x0000000a (0x00000002, 0x00000007, 0x00000001, 0x805573eo) blue
screen error, IRQ_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL with all of the other notices
I've read in the threads saying to restart if this was the first
time you have seen this error -restart your computer. If it
reoccurs, disable bios memory caching & shadowing &/or check
recently added hardware & software..blah, blah.
I have not added any hardware or software to my system in months.
Starting windows normally now stops at the windows xp screen (before
login). Starting windows in safemode or safemode with command prompt
stops after listing the agp440.sys driver. Last known configuration
stops at the windows xp screen (before login) recover console gave
me a stop 0x0000007e (0xc0000005, 0x516e735f, 0xf7b1e0d4,
0xf7b1ddd4) with the same otherwise messages that the IRQ_NOT_E
QUAL_OR_LESS did. System Recovery CD option R gives the stop
0x0000000a (0x106cfeee8, 0x000000ff, 0x00000001, 0x8040404f85)
IRQ_NOT_EQUAL_OR_LESS again with the sames otherwise messages that
that irq error seems to always give... HELP. PLEASE. Anybody? There
has to be a way to bring this back! I ran Maxtor Power Max... my
hard drive passed a full 2 hour extended test. I ran a memory check
through the bios extended boot... so i don't think memory is a
problem either... any thoughts from anyone?
hello there.

just wanted to touch bases to let you know what i found when i openned up
(sob, sob) leaking capacitors... the big ones beside the cpu. 8 or the 9 had
some type of swelling or slight acidy leakage. the leakage on 2 of them
actually looked kind of burnt.

so i guess i've found my problem. (more sob, sob)
thanks so much for the attention & help you've given to me.

Gerry said:

Try Enable VGA Mode

Have you looked in the BIOS? Are there any indication of problems?

What exactly is the BIOS?

What Beeps occur when you try to boot? I have looked for the Beep Codes
for a Presario but had no joy so far. More information regarding the
BIOS may help.

Check that you have removed devices like a flash drive from the USB

I have wondered about testing the motherboard. Do you have a motherboard
manufacturer and model number, perhaps on the board itself.


Hope this helps.

Stourport, England
Enquire, plan and execute
Confused said:
Thanks for responding to my problem Gerry. I've tried responding to
your help once, but my finger & this laptop I'm using now are touchy
so if you've gotten a partial reply -- please forgive me.

My fans are running. The computer does have a little dust but nothing
outlandish. I'll get some aire today though & try that.

I've already disconnected all hardware peripherals as well as a
"data" slave drive.
I don't really have any data to recover -- because I've kept data
strictly to my slave drive & programs/system needs to my master (C)
drive, so thats a plus -- I just really can't afford a new tower at
the moment....(sob, sob)

I did try Last Known Good Config. It stops at the Windows XP screen.
It had occurred to me that the system might have been running
scandisk because of the way I shut it down, but the message never
came up & I let it set a good couple of hours to be sure that it
wasn't progressing.

Safemode stops after this driver is shown on the screen -- AGP440.sys
-- I had thought that the problem might lie with the driver/process
directly after that driver is listed but I don't know what that would
be or where to get

that info. It stops in the same place regardless or whether I choose
the safemode or safemode with command prompt options.

Thanks for the link to the Hp recovery info ...unfortunately I had
already found the website during my "sleepless"

travels. I ran through the steps given. Thats where I came up with
this stop error that I gave in my original post --
System Recovery CD option R gives the stop 0x0000000a (0x106cfeee8,
0x000000ff, 0x00000001, 0x8040404f85) IRQ_NOT_EQUAL_OR_LESS again
with the sames otherwise messages that that irq error seems to
always give...

The antivirus program I'm running is Norton Internet Security 2009.
As for spyware, I run the one thats within

norton & occassionally run Adware-SE as well.
I haven't ran the adware in a couple of weeks though.

When it comes to all the various links about the stop error -- I've
travelled to all of those you listed except -- i'll go there next. My REAL dilemna involves checking &
changing ANYTHING when I can't access the information to check or
change anything. (whatever happenned to the win98 msdos startup

I do have an XP startup disk -- but looking at it -- is a mystery to
me... it only has EGA2.cpi, EGA3.cpi, EGA.cpi,, keyboard.sys, keybrd2.sys, keybrd3.sys,
keybrd4.sys,,, display.sys, autoexec.bat (which
is blank), config.sys (which is blank). I've had the disk since 2005
when I got my pc. I don't recall how I made it --I'm assuming that I
made it in the same manner as a win98 would have been made. Like I
said its a mystery to me & it doesnt seem to work. Could that be
where the stop of safemode is coming into play?

I havent gone to the troubleshooting site for 0x07e at microsoft yet.
I'll do that next.
I cant help but feel that if I could just get into safemode -- I
could begin the process
of getting my pc back to me.

Thanks for all of your help -- please dont give up on helping me more
if you can
think of anything !!

Gerry said:
Make sure all your fans are working and the computer is free of dust.
Use an Air Duster to remove dust.

Disconnect all hardware peripherals except keyboard, mouse and

Have you tried Last Known Good Configuration?
A description of the Safe Mode Boot options in Windows XP

Do you have data files you need to recover? You need to do this

System Recovery Options [h10025_www1_hp_com]

The way the problem makes me wonder whether malware is involved. What
are your anti-virus and anti-spyware arrangements?

Background information on Stop Error message

Typically due to a bad driver, or faulty or incompatible hardware or
software. Use the General Troubleshooting of STOP Messages checklist
above. Technically, this error condition means that a kernel-mode
process or driver tried to access a memory location to which it did
not have permission, or at a kernel Interrupt ReQuest Level (IRQL)
that was too high. (A kernel-mode process can access only other
processes that have an IRQL lower than, or equal to, its own.)

You receive a "Stop 0x0000000A" error message in Windows XP

Background information on Stop Error message:

A system thread generated an exception which the error handler did
not catch. There are numerous individual causes for this problem,
including hardware incompatibility, a faulty device driver or system
service, or some software issues. Check Event Viewer (EventVwr.msc)
for additional information.

How to Troubleshoot a Stop 0x0000007E Error in Windows XP


Hope this helps.

Stourport, England
Enquire, plan and execute

Confused wrote:
I have a compaq presario computer thats been old faithful ....until
2 days ago that is. The model number is s4120wm, amd athlon xp
2600+ 2133 MHz/266MHz 256k cache ram & 1g (otherwise) of memory. I
have a 60g hard drive thats over 50% free space. My CPU fan has
been running at 2000 RPM, the System fan's been running at 1100 RPM
(give & take for both) My CPU temp has been a steady 55 - 57
degrees. I don't know but sounds cool to me.
My problem began when I was on the internet... I was reading news
articles from the NYTimes & like always I managed to clicked &
openned ALOT of subsequent links to other articles during the course
of my "read" -- probably 10-15 or so tabs & other explorer windows.
After one of my 'open to new tab" moves, explorer froze. I was
expecting the usual 'explorer has encountered a problem & must shut
down' notices to come up -- but it never did. Not only did it not
come up, but my computer froze. No start button, no ctrl alt delete,
to switching between windows, no nothing. I guessed that i had
balled up the cpu with requests so i let the computer sit there for
3 hours before i decided that it was hopeless & turned off the
machine for a reboot. Then the problem grew & continues. I can't
boot up from any mode. Initially, a normal windows start had a stop
0x0000000a (0x00000002, 0x00000007, 0x00000001, 0x805573eo) blue
screen error, IRQ_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL with all of the other notices
I've read in the threads saying to restart if this was the first
time you have seen this error -restart your computer. If it
reoccurs, disable bios memory caching & shadowing &/or check
recently added hardware & software..blah, blah.
I have not added any hardware or software to my system in months.
Starting windows normally now stops at the windows xp screen (before
login). Starting windows in safemode or safemode with command prompt
stops after listing the agp440.sys driver. Last known configuration
stops at the windows xp screen (before login) recover console gave
me a stop 0x0000007e (0xc0000005, 0x516e735f, 0xf7b1e0d4,
0xf7b1ddd4) with the same otherwise messages that the IRQ_NOT_E
QUAL_OR_LESS did. System Recovery CD option R gives the stop
0x0000000a (0x106cfeee8, 0x000000ff, 0x00000001, 0x8040404f85)
IRQ_NOT_EQUAL_OR_LESS again with the sames otherwise messages that
that irq error seems to always give... HELP. PLEASE. Anybody? There
has to be a way to bring this back! I ran Maxtor Power Max... my
hard drive passed a full 2 hour extended test. I ran a memory check
through the bios extended boot... so i don't think memory is a
problem either... any thoughts from anyone?

you were DEAD ON about the capacitors. 8 of the 9 big ones beside the cpu were
swollen, discolored on top or leaking. the leakage on 2 of them actually
looked kind of burnt.... i'm surprised i never smelled an odor...

do you repair motherboards by chance? just curious. after reading so much
with the all nighter, its amazing that i didn't run across the capacitor
plague possibility (within the forum) without your answer to my post.

i'm saddened but grateful that i can let the machine die.... unless, i can
find a reasonable shop to replace the capacitors for me... the board looks
otherwise -- pretty good. have any experience with fixit shops?? it'd be nice
to know whether my neighborhood tech shop would be charging a fair fee for
the job.......

again, i do appreciate your help. thanks.
Confused said:
hello there.

just wanted to touch bases to let you know what i found when i
openned up case.
(sob, sob) leaking capacitors... the big ones beside the cpu. 8 or
the 9 had some type of swelling or slight acidy leakage. the leakage
on 2 of them actually looked kind of burnt.

so i guess i've found my problem. (more sob, sob)
thanks so much for the attention & help you've given to me.

Google for how to change those caps. Some times the mb mfg will send you
replacement caps for free.
They are not real hard to change, but get some good instructions.
Usually the proper soldering iron, a stainless steel pick, low temp solder,
good eyes and a stiff shot are what you need.
There are a lot of these types of reports in Google where there are no
reported solutions. Your first post left me wondering. Having searched
through lots of threads with no solution I found another where a
motherboard was replaced. It seems to me that a number of those with no
reported solution could be failed motherboards. Now that this thread has
highlighted the problem for me with computers of this era I think the
problem can be picked up from the messages on screen. At least to know
to look at the motherboard for the tell tale signs. I am not sure how
many will decide to get the motherboard repaired but there you are.


Stourport, England
Enquire, plan and execute
thanks for the suggestion... have you done it before?
its really a pretty good idea --
at this point... i really have nothing to loose... the worst that could
happen would be an unworkable motherboard (ha ha !!)
i do truly appreciate your experience and advise..

finding the right tech is where my uncertainty begins.
i'm going to search for a small shop somewhere close by,
i'd really like to be able to talk to a tech who actually does
the work -- maybe i'll get an honest feedback regarding
his experience with the problem.

thanks again --this was my first forum experience... i feel
lucky that you found my question.
I agree with you whole heartedly, Gerry.
Even those threads with intermittent problems could have the capacitor
My pc just happened to stop loading so completely all at once -- but since
I've read up on capacitor plague I know that it can present itself in a
variety of ways. I had openned up my case before last night... to physically
give things a 'look-see' on whether the cpu fan was running & that all cables
were firmly attached. The bulging caps & slight leakage wasn't severe enough
to catch my eye without someone pointing me in that direction. I had to
really look closely to see it. My capacitors werent leadking at the bottom.
They had no lean to them. You had to look closely around the tops to see the
leak & even the 'burnt' ones weren't obvious other than the color of the tops
& a bit of crustiness....

Live. Learn. Be Happy
A tip. Use a small soldering iron and get some solder wick. The solder wick
will do exactly that. When you heat
a solder point, the wick will suck in the solder. Removal of the component
becomes very easy.
Pay attention to polarities.